Index for 3aNS
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
3aNS1. Conservation and compensation for noise-induced hearing loss in Japan.
3aNS2. The modified power law and hearing conservation.
3aNS3. Hearing damage risk assessment by a personal noise dosimeter using a portable digital audio tape recorder.
3aNS4. Evaluation of hazard from intense sound with a mathematical model of the human ear.
3aNS5. New biological monitoring for organic solvent affect.
3aNS6. The validity of predicting the field attenuation of hearing protectors from laboratory subject-fit data.
3aNS7. Evaluation of hearing handicaps and quality of life in subjects with noise-related hearing loss.
3aNS8. Using audiometric database analysis to evaluate hearing conservation programs: Current status.
3aNS9. Issues in longitudinal analysis of hearing conservation data bases.
3aNS10. Occupational tinnitus.
3aNS11. Performance of a digital active noise reduction hearing protector in a reverberant chamber.
3aNS12. Low-frequency improvement for hearing protection devices.
3aNS13. ``Medium-weighted dose'' (MWD) of noise as method of estimation of long protracted noise.