For the estimation of A-weighted occupational noise level in several countries (Russia, Ukraine, and so on) use of dose of noise yields a single number and allows one to demonstrate the excess above the sanitary standard. Onedose is equal to the value of the standard level at work: -80, at rest: -40, and at sleep: -30 dBA. Increasing the level of noise by 3 dBA will increase one dose by a factor of 2 (two doses), at 6 dBA the increase is by four times (four doses), and so on. The principle of the dose approach spread to community noise. This allows one to estimate community noise after work in another two periods of 24 h of rest (8 h) and sleep (8 h). It was proposed to estimate a consistent occupational and community noise by a ``medium-weighted dose'' (MWD) of noise during one day (24 h) [A. Menshov, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96, 3274(A) (1994)]. This method may be used for estimating long protracted noise during a week, month, or year. The sum for a MWD of noise is computed according to each day (24 h) of the week, each week of the month, and each month of the year divided by the total time. The quantity of MWD of noise for each week, month, or year takes into account the absence of the occupational noise on holidays and on vacations. The calculation of MWD of noise over a complete year is very important for agriculture.