Index for 1pPP
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
1pPP1. Holographic interpretation of binaural hearing.
1pPP2. Dichotic perception of modulation depth of AM signals.
1pPP3. Studies of sound localization in a hybrid acoustical environment.
1pPP4. Effects of interaural cross-correlation function on subjective attributes.
1pPP5. A comparative review of binaural synthesis for free-field simulation.
1pPP6. Evaluation of artificial head recording systems.
1pPP7. Auditory localization of a nearby point source.
1pPP8. A computational model of the precedence effect based on echo avoidance.
1pPP9. Anomalous lateralization in the precedence effect with novel two-echo stimuli.
1pPP10. Detection thresholds of random amplitude modulation.
1pPP11. Combinations of forward and simultaneous masking, revisited.
1pPP12. Perception of two-tone mixtures by the goldfish.
1pPP13. Discrimination of noise modulators.
1pPP14. Effects of deviations from temporal expectations on tempo discrimination.