[AUDITORY] PhD position in music psychoacoustics at TU Graz ("Siedenburg, Kai" )

Subject: [AUDITORY] PhD position in music psychoacoustics at TU Graz
From:    "Siedenburg, Kai"  <000002b0a045b492-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 9 Feb 2024 11:18:47 +0000

--_000_34EB2574F5D84DDCB2A0AC91D2F8EDA1tugrazat_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear list, I have an opening for a PhD student (university assistant) at TU Graz in mu= sic psychoacoustics. Research projects can be steered towards modelling of = pitch and timbre perception, musical scene analysis, or music and hearing h= ealth. The position also involves teaching of introductory courses on sound record= ing. The envisioned starting date is May 2024: https://jobs.tugraz.at/en/jo= bs/87c68824-b114-2bed-aa90-65b8d489ef0f Please distribute widely and contact me if you have any questions about the= position. Thanks and best wishes, Kai --_000_34EB2574F5D84DDCB2A0AC91D2F8EDA1tugrazat_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-ID: <24B83A64357FF24D9BF94A549486E087@xxxxxxxx> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"= > </head> <body style=3D"overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; line-br= eak: after-white-space;"> <div>Dear list,</div> <div><br> </div> <div>I have an opening for a PhD student (university assistant) at TU Graz = in music psychoacoustics. Research projects can be steered towards modellin= g of pitch and timbre perception, musical scene analysis, or music and hear= ing health.&nbsp;</div> <div><br> </div> <div>The position also involves teaching of introductory courses on sound r= ecording. The envisioned starting date is May 2024:&nbsp;<a href=3D"https:/= /jobs.tugraz.at/en/jobs/87c68824-b114-2bed-aa90-65b8d489ef0f">https://jobs.= tugraz.at/en/jobs/87c68824-b114-2bed-aa90-65b8d489ef0f</a></div> <div><br> </div> <div>Please distribute widely and contact me if you have any questions abou= t the position.&nbsp;</div> <div><br> </div> <div>Thanks and best wishes,&nbsp;</div> <div>Kai</div> </body> </html> --_000_34EB2574F5D84DDCB2A0AC91D2F8EDA1tugrazat_--

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