[AUDITORY] obtaining Etymotic ER2 foam tips, electrode cream EC2+ in Canada or from USA? (David Purcell )

Subject: [AUDITORY] obtaining Etymotic ER2 foam tips, electrode cream EC2+ in Canada or from USA?
From:    David Purcell  <purcelld@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:38:59 -0500

Hello, I use Etymotic ER2 transducers in my auditory research. I am now having=20 trouble finding eartips for these. They have the clear tubes as in the=20 photo at the link below, instead of the black tubes for the Etymotic=20 ER3A. The Etymotic=C2=A0 REF code for the yellow foam tips was ER1-14A an= d=20 for the beige foam tips was ER1-14B. The website etymotic.com no longer=20 seems to list them. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xx36nasa7p1obttlyozk9/ER2_FoamEarTips_with= ClearTubes_forResearch.jpg?rlkey=3D4no78i1wwjb8gz4n0yetm39an&dl=3D0 Secondly, I am looking for a Canadian source of Natus GRASS EC2+=20 electrode cream, or recommended USA supplier. Would anyone be able to suggest where I could find these in Canada or=20 for delivery to Canada from the USA? Unfortunately the Audiology Market=20 Inc. (www.audiologymarket.ca) doesn't seem to list them. Thank you for considering my request. Best wishes, David --=20 David Purcell, PhD Professor School of Communication Sciences and Disorders National Centre for Audiology Faculty of Health Sciences Western University purcelld@xxxxxxxx http://nca.uwo.ca/purcell/index.html Although I may send emails at odd times including evenings and weekends, = I respect your work-life balance and do not expect you to reply outside o= f your working hours.

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