[AUDITORY] Tenure-track professor position at Tampere University ("Tuomas Virtanen (TAU)" )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Tenure-track professor position at Tampere University
From:    "Tuomas Virtanen (TAU)"  <tuomas.virtanen@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 2 Jul 2024 06:37:47 +0000

Dear Auditory List, Tampere University, Signal Processing Research Centre, is seeking an assist= ant, associate, or full professor in the field of Signal Processing and Mac= hine Learning. The Research Center hosts 11 professors and about 90 staff m= embers, which includes many world-class scientists, ERC grantees, Academy R= esearch Fellows, and editors of top international journals. The core areas = of the Center include imaging, audio and speech processing, computer vision= , and applied machine learning. An ideal candidate is a world-leading exper= t in their own research topic, who will renew the current expertise of the = research centre. The application deadline is August 31st. For more information and the submi= ssion form, please see https://tuni.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=3DA_A&jid=3D2= 366 Best regards, Tuomas Virtanen --=20 Tuomas Virtanen Tampere University tuomas.virtanen@xxxxxxxx +358401981308 http://homepages.tuni.fi/tuomas.virtanen

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