[AUDITORY] Paper request (Dr Nizami )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Paper request
From:    Dr Nizami  <lancenizamiphd@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 17 Jun 2024 18:05:10 -0400

------=_Part_1554277_963401983.1718661910621 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear Listers - =20 As I do not have access to this particular journal, and as I cannot afford = the 40$ demanded for a simple pdf, do any of you happen to have access to t= he following? I looked extensively, but I couldn't find a free copy anywhe= re on the Net. =20 Osborne, D.K. On dimensional invariance. Quality & Quantity 12, 75=E2=80=93= 89 (1978). =20 Yes, it does relate to psychoacoustics, but by way of psychophysics general= ly. =20 My generous thanks to anyone who happens to have a copy of this, with thank= s for your time. =20 - Lance Nizami PhD Bedford, MA 01730 ------=_Part_1554277_963401983.1718661910621 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!doctype html> <html> <head>=20 <meta charset=3D"UTF-8">=20 </head> <body> <div class=3D"default-style"> Dear Listers - </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> &nbsp; </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> As I do not have access to this particular journal, and as I cannot affo= rd the 40$ demanded for a simple pdf, do any of you happen to have access t= o the following?&nbsp; I looked extensively, but I couldn't find a free cop= y anywhere on the Net. </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> &nbsp; </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> Osborne, D.K. On dimensional invariance. Quality &amp; Quantity 12, 75= =E2=80=9389 (1978). </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> &nbsp; </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> Yes, it does relate to psychoacoustics, but by way of psychophysics gene= rally. </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> &nbsp; </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> My generous thanks to anyone who happens to have a copy of this, with th= anks for your time. </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> &nbsp; </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> - Lance Nizami PhD </div>=20 <div class=3D"default-style"> Bedford, MA 01730 </div> </body> </html> ------=_Part_1554277_963401983.1718661910621--

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