[AUDITORY] PhD openings in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Univeristy of Udine - research topics concerning voice modeling and acoustic scene analysis (Carlo Drioli )

Subject: [AUDITORY] PhD openings in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Univeristy of Udine - research topics concerning voice modeling and acoustic scene analysis
From:    Carlo Drioli  <carlo.drioli@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 5 Jun 2024 18:14:52 +0200

Dear list, We would like to announce that the call for admission to the next PhD=20 programme in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the=20 University of Udine is now open, and that this year it is possible to=20 compete for a=C2=A0 thematic grant with a research program entitled "Diagnosis of dysphonia and laryngeal pathologies using advanced=20 numerical models of phonation and AI techniques". In brief, the research program has as its objective the study of=20 numerical models of the phonatory system, and in particular of the vocal cords, for the design of medical devices=20 aimed at the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of laryngeal pathologies and vocal cord=20 dysfunctions. The study aims to address the development of new integrated solutions by=20 resorting to knowledge in the field of digital imaging diagnostics and acoustic analysis of the=20 voice using numerical models of phonation organs. As part of the study of investigation methods,=20 Artificial Intelligence will be integrated with vocal folds models and analysis algorithms in order to=20 improve the adaptation of models to clinical observations and to produce diagnoses based on=20 analysis results and interpretation of the data that the models can in turn provide. From a methodological point of view, the project will benefit from=20 access to Big Medical Data databases and repositories and from the=20 possibility of exploiting the computing resources of the Cloud High=20 Performance Computing (HPC) Data Center for the development of complex numerical models public and=20 private, mainly regional. The project will also analyze the possibilities of integrating such a=20 diagnostic system within regional healthcare and research structures. The call for applications can be found at the following address (please=20 refer to "Table 2" on p.18 of the document "PhD call for applications"): https://www.uniud.it/en/research/do-research/doctorate-res/associazione/a= ctive-notice/call-for-application-for-admission-to-the-phd-programmes-a-a= -2024-=20 2025-40th-cycle Moreover, applicants can also apply to the call with a research proposal=20 concerning other topics of potential interest, including Acoustic scene=20 analysis and Machine listening or Autonomous systems based on acoustic=20 sensing. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. Best regards, Carlo Drioli --=20 ---------------------------------------------- Carlo Drioli, PhD Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics University of Udine Via delle Scienze, 206 33100 Udine phone: +39-0432-558448 email: carlo.drioli@xxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------------

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