[AUDITORY] Online study on musical performance (Nicola Di Stefano )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Online study on musical performance
From:    Nicola Di Stefano  <nicola.distefano@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 17 May 2024 16:03:36 +0200

--Apple-Mail=_3BB1E347-E72B-4FD9-BFAE-44093006EC15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Dear list,=20 together with Alessandro Ansani from the Centre of Excellence in Music, = Mind, Body and Brain (University of Jyv=C3=A4skyl=C3=A4, Finland), we're = running an online study in which participants are asked to rate some = human and ..."non-human" piano solo performances! The study takes about 15 minutes and can be run using smartphones, = tablets, and laptops. No musical background is required, everyone's = participation is welcome! Here is the link to the study, we hope you can join in and spread the = word among your contacts: https://r.jyu.fi/FrO Thanks in advance for the help you could give us! Best regards,=20 Nicola Di Stefano Links: Alessandro Ansani RG page: = https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro-Ansani Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain: = https://www.jyu.fi/en/research/centres-of-excellence/mmbb= --Apple-Mail=_3BB1E347-E72B-4FD9-BFAE-44093006EC15 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 <html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Dutf-8"></head><body style=3D"overflow-wrap: break-word; = -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; line-break: after-white-space;">Dear = list,&nbsp;<br><br>together with Alessandro Ansani from the Centre of = Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain (University of Jyv=C3=A4skyl=C3=A4= , Finland), we're running an online study in which participants are = asked to rate some human and ..."non-human" piano solo = performances!<br>The study takes about 15 minutes and can be run using = smartphones, tablets, and laptops. No musical background is required, = everyone's participation is welcome!<br><br>Here&nbsp;is the link to the = study, we hope you can join in and spread the word among your = contacts:&nbsp;<a = href=3D"https://r.jyu.fi/FrO">https://r.jyu.fi/FrO</a><br><br>Thanks in = advance for the help you could give us!<br><br>Best = regards,&nbsp;<br>Nicola Di Stefano<div><br></div><div>Links: Alessandro = Ansani RG page: <a = href=3D"https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro-Ansani">https://ww= w.researchgate.net/profile/Alessandro-Ansani</a></div><div>Centre of = Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain:&nbsp;<a = href=3D"https://www.jyu.fi/en/research/centres-of-excellence/mmbb">https:/= /www.jyu.fi/en/research/centres-of-excellence/mmbb</a></div></body></html>= --Apple-Mail=_3BB1E347-E72B-4FD9-BFAE-44093006EC15--

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