[AUDITORY] International Hearing Research Priorities (Phase 2) - Teething Issues Resolved! (Robert M )

Subject: [AUDITORY] International Hearing Research Priorities (Phase 2) - Teething Issues Resolved!
From:    Robert M  <arm@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:48:25 +0000

--=_d5657046d6a4af01e738749cb39b426b Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed Dear All, We wanted to say thank you to those who have already filled in the survey, and to those providing constructive feedback on a couple of technical issues they encountered before the weekend. We have made some tweaks and these should now all be resolved. If you've submitted, thank you, we have your answers through safely. If you are yet to complete it, you should now have an even smoother experience if you would like to! More information, and the survey itself, can be found here: Please Click Here [1] or https://tinyurl.com/hearingranking If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us using the contact details below. Thank you for your support thus far! Kind regards, Rob MacKinnon (robert.mackinnon@xxxxxxxx) Antje Heinrich (antje.heinrich@xxxxxxxx) Chris Sumner (christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx) Erick Gallun (gallunf@xxxxxxxx) Members of the UKAN Hearing SIG Committee https://acoustics.ac.uk/sigs/hearing-acoustics/ Links: ------ [1] https://tinyurl.com/hearingranking --=_d5657046d6a4af01e738749cb39b426b Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 <html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset= =3DUTF-8" /></head><body style=3D'font-size: 10pt; font-family: Verdana,Gen= eva,sans-serif'> <p>Dear All,</p> <p><br /></p> <p>We wanted to say thank you to those who have already filled in the surve= y, and to those providing constructive feedback on a couple of technical is= sues they encountered before the weekend. We have made some tweaks and thes= e should now all be resolved.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>If you've submitted, thank you, we have your answers through safely. If = you are yet to complete it, you should now have an even smoother experience= if you would like to!</p> <p><br /></p> <p>More information, and the survey itself, can be found here:</p> <p><br /></p> <p><a href=3D"https://tinyurl.com/hearingranking">Please Click Here</a></p> <p>or</p> <p><strong><a href=3D"https://tinyurl.com/hearingranking">https://tinyurl.c= om/hearingranking</a></strong></p> <p><br /></p> <p>If you have any questions, don&rsquo;t hesitate to reach out to us using= the contact details below.</p> <p><br /></p> <p>Thank you for your support thus far!</p> <p><br /></p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>Rob MacKinnon (robert.mackinnon@xxxxxxxx)</p> <p>Antje Heinrich (antje.heinrich@xxxxxxxx)</p> <p>Chris Sumner (christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx)</p> <p>Erick Gallun (gallunf@xxxxxxxx)</p> <p>Members of the UKAN Hearing SIG Committee</p> <p>https://acoustics.ac.uk/sigs/hearing-acoustics/</p> </body></html> --=_d5657046d6a4af01e738749cb39b426b--

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University