[AUDITORY] McGill: Post-doctoral and graduate student positions available (Suresh Krishna )

Subject: [AUDITORY] McGill: Post-doctoral and graduate student positions available
From:    Suresh Krishna  <suresh.krishna@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:20:14 +0000

(Apologies for cross-posting) Multiple postdoctoral and graduate student (Masters/PhD) positions are avai= lable in the m2b3 lab (https://m2b3.lab.mcgill.ca), directed by Suresh Kris= hna, at McGill University in downtown Montreal, Canada. Candidates for post= doctoral positions require a PhD or equivalent, earned within the last five= years (exceptions possible in certain circumstances). Considerable indepen= dence and project flexibility is possible for the right candidates, and act= ive support for career development (including supervisory opportunities) wi= ll be available. Projects will be designed based at least partly on the the= backgrounds, skills and interests of the new lab members. If interested, p= lease send a brief email to mailto:m2b3.lab@xxxxxxxx with your CV. Additio= nal details below: The lab has interests and expertise in hearing, vision, eye-movements and a= ttention/decision-making. Within this broad area, the specific topics we ar= e interested in can vary quite a bit. The environment for neuroscience and = AI collaboration is exceptionally good at McGill and in the Montreal area, = and we make full use of that (for example, to access unique 3D sound displa= y systems and to access well-equipped fMRI, MEG, EEG and fNIRS centers, amo= ng others). We practice open science and are actively interested in transla= tion. The lab is well-equipped with all necessary experimental and computat= ional resources, either within the lab itself, or via shared facilities, in= cluding dedicated computational resources obtained from Alliance Canada. We are particularly interested in recruiting new lab members with two profi= les. First, we are looking for experimentally-oriented lab members who can lead = studies using large-scale extracellular neurophysiological recordings from = awake animals (rodents/non-human primates) with a focus on neural signal pr= ocessing and brain-behavior relationships. Prior experience with neurophysi= ological recordings is ideal but not necessary, but technical experimentati= on skills or the aptitude to learn is required. There will be opportunities= to also do additional imaging experiments in a collaborative environment, = and to collaborate extensively with modelers/theorists. There are also oppo= rtunities to record intracranially during human neurosurgery. Second, we are looking for new lab members who can lead psychophysical/neur= oimaging studies in the lab's areas of interest, and/or lead data-analysis = and modeling projects with large open datasets. The lab member may either t= hemselves, or in collaboration with others, combine this with computational= /AI modeling of human perceptual and cognitive processes. MEG/EEG experienc= e would be a plus, and there are also possibilities for invasive recordings= during human neurosurgery. Candidates with quantitative/modeling backgroun= ds are very welcome, as well as those with a more traditional imaging/psych= ophysics background. Aptitude for/skills in quantitative data analysis, and= level-appropriate computer programming fluency is highly desirable for thi= s role. Applications will be considered until the positions are filled - start date= s can be as late as Fall 2024. The positions are initially for two years, w= ith a review after one year. French language proficiency is not necessary; = McGill is an Anglophone university. Stipends and benefits will be according= to the standard McGill scales and union agreements, with generous top-ups = if the candidates obtain external fellowships (for which there are many pos= sibilities). Student/temporary work permit sponsorship for foreign national= s is available. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are of course wel= come.=20 We are located in the Department of Physiology at McGill, and also work at = CIRMMT (the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music and Media Techno= logy), BRAMS (International laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research)= , the Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute) and the CHUM (Centre hospital= ier de l'Universit=E9 de Montr=E9al). We are also a part of UNIQUE (the Mon= treal Neuro-AI grouping), the CRM (Center for Research in Mathematics), the= QBIN (Quebec Bio-Imaging network), the VHRN (Vision Health Research Networ= k), and the CRBLM (Center for Research in Brain, Language and Music) as wel= l as the QLS (Quantitative Life Sciences) and IPN (Integrated Program in Ne= uroscience) graduate programs.=20 We are friendly, kind, collaborative, personalized, accommodative, inclusiv= e, supportive and dedicated to both scientific and individual progress. And= fun. We aim for a healthy work-life balance and to live an inspired life. = The lab has good coffee. Montreal is a thriving global city, with a rich bi= lingual and bi-continental atmosphere and a lot of life and work opportunit= ies. The cost of living is much lower than comparable cities (Toronto and V= ancouver) and life here is culturally very rich with a lot of young people = and no shortage of restaurants, cultural events, music, festivals, sports e= vents etc. The city is green, and is surrounded by wonderful all-season out= doors opportunities as well.=20 All are actively welcome, and especially anyone who may not have felt welco= me in the past. We value diversity and look forward to hearing from you. m2b3 =3D Mind, Machines, Brain, Body, Behavior. -------------------------------------------- Suresh Krishna, Associate Professor, Physiology, McGill University https://m2b3.lab.mcgill.ca=20

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