[AUDITORY] PhD studentships in Hearing at Nottingham Trent University, UK ("Sumner, Christian" )

Subject: [AUDITORY] PhD studentships in Hearing at Nottingham Trent University, UK
From:    "Sumner, Christian"  <christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 7 Nov 2023 09:28:12 +0000

--_000_LO4P265MB4212B904A515C0F5380D641CC4A9ALO4P265MB4212GBRP_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable There are a number of PhD projects available in hearing (or are hearing rel= ated), currently advertised at Nottingham Trent University (apologies for c= ross-posting): The "music" in musical training: Studying its effects on sound learning and= cognitive function | Nottingham Trent University<https://www.ntu.ac.uk/stu= dy-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-so= cial-sciences-studentships/the-music-in-musical-training-studying-its-effec= ts-on-sound-learning-and-cognitive-function> Noisy world, noisy brain? How integrating sights and sounds is different fo= r people with autism | Nottingham Trent University<https://www.ntu.ac.uk/st= udy-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-s= ocial-sciences-studentships/noisy-world,-noisy-brain-how-integrating-sights= -and-sounds-is-different-for-people-with-autism> Lip reading as an aid to speech perception: Who benefits most? | Nottingham= Trent University<https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/= phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-studentships/lip-r= eading-as-an-aid-to-speech-perception-who-benefits-most> Do people sound like they look? | Nottingham Trent University<https://www.n= tu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/= school-of-social-sciences-studentships/do-people-sound-like-they-look> Funding is flexible and open to international applicants. It is also possib= le to apply for funding other topics of mutual interest to staff, so candid= ates are encouraged to get in touch. The application deadline is 12th Jan 2= 024. NTU Psychology is the largest psychology department in the UK, with >150 st= aff from all disciplines of psychology, a thriving community of cognitive, = perceptual and neuroscience research, and a growing group of hearing resear= chers. NTU was Guardian UK University of Year 2019, Times and Sunday Times UK Mode= rn University of Year 2022/2023. Nottingham is one of those "just the right= size" places; centrally located within the UK, with plenty of city life ye= t within easy reach of the countryside, including the beautiful Peak Distri= ct. More General information about our funded PhD opportunities: Fully funded P= hD studentships | Nottingham Trent University<https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-a= nd-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships> And other Projects in Psychology and the Social Sciences: School of Social = Sciences Studentships | Nottingham Trent University<https://www.ntu.ac.uk/s= tudy-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-= social-sciences-studentships#psychology> Questions can be directed to the supervisors involved (or me). Best, Chris ---------------------- Dr Chris Sumner Associate Professor in Auditory Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, Not= tingham Trent University. Director, Centre for Research in Applied and Cognitive Neuroscience (CRACN) email: christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx<mailto:christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx> Web: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/staff-profiles/social-sciences/christian-sumner Hearing at NTU: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/groups/h= earing-research-at-ntu CRACN: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/centres/centre-for= -research-in-applied-cognition-and-neuroscience UK Acoustics Network/ Hearing: https://acoustics.ac.uk/sigs/hearing-acoust= ics/ Frontiers for Young Minds - A world of Sound: https://kids.frontiersin.org/= collection/17985/a-world-of-sound DISCLAIMER: This email is intended solely for the addressee. It may contain= private and confidential information. If you are not the intended addresse= e, please take no action based on it nor show a copy to anyone. In this cas= e, please reply to this email to highlight the error. Opinions and informat= ion in this email that do not relate to the official business of Nottingham= Trent University shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by the = University. Nottingham Trent University has taken steps to ensure that this= email and any attachments are virus-free, but we do advise that the recipi= ent should check that the email and its attachments are actually virus free= . This is in keeping with good computing practice. --_000_LO4P265MB4212B904A515C0F5380D641CC4A9ALO4P265MB4212GBRP_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html xmlns:v=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-micr= osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" = xmlns:m=3D"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns=3D"http:= //www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <head> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"= > <meta name=3D"Generator" content=3D"Microsoft Word 15 (filtered medium)"> <style><!-- /* Font Definitions */ @xxxxxxxx {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} @xxxxxxxx {font-family:DengXian; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1;} @xxxxxxxx {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} @xxxxxxxx {font-family:"\@xxxxxxxx"; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0cm; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {mso-style-priority:99; color:#0563C1; text-decoration:underline;} span.EmailStyle19 {mso-style-type:personal-reply; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; color:windowtext;} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; font-size:10.0pt;} @xxxxxxxx WordSection1 {size:612.0pt 792.0pt; margin:72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt;} div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;} --></style><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapedefaults v:ext=3D"edit" spidmax=3D"1026" /> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapelayout v:ext=3D"edit"> <o:idmap v:ext=3D"edit" data=3D"1" /> </o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--> </head> <body lang=3D"EN-GB" link=3D"#0563C1" vlink=3D"#954F72" style=3D"word-wrap:= break-word"> <div class=3D"WordSection1"> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">There are a number of PhD projects available in hear= ing (or are hearing related), currently advertised at Nottingham Trent Univ= ersity (apologies for cross-posting):<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/p= ostgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-st= udentships/the-music-in-musical-training-studying-its-effects-on-sound-lear= ning-and-cognitive-function">The &quot;music&quot; in musical training: Studying its effects on sound learning and cognitive = function | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/p= ostgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-st= udentships/noisy-world,-noisy-brain-how-integrating-sights-and-sounds-is-di= fferent-for-people-with-autism">Noisy world, noisy brain? How integrating sights and sounds is different for peo= ple with autism | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/p= ostgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-st= udentships/lip-reading-as-an-aid-to-speech-perception-who-benefits-most">Li= p reading as an aid to speech perception: Who benefits most? | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/p= ostgraduate/phd/phd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-st= udentships/do-people-sound-like-they-look">Do people sound like they look? = | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Funding is flexible and open to international applic= ants. It is also possible to apply for funding other topics of mutual inter= est to staff, so candidates are encouraged to get in touch. The application= deadline is 12<sup>th</sup> Jan 2024.<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">NTU Psychology is the largest psychology department = in the UK, with &gt;150 staff from all disciplines of psychology, a thrivin= g community of cognitive, perceptual and neuroscience research, and a growi= ng group of hearing researchers. <o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">NTU was Guardian UK University of Year 2019, Times a= nd Sunday Times UK Modern University of Year 2022/2023. Nottingham is one o= f those &#8220;just the right size&#8221; places; centrally located within = the UK, with plenty of city life yet within easy reach of the countryside, including the beautiful Peak District. <o:p></o:= p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">More General information about our funded PhD opport= unities: <a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/phd-opp= ortunities/studentships"> Fully funded PhD studentships | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:p></o:p><= /p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">And other Projects in Psychology and the Social Scie= nces: <a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/study-and-courses/postgraduate/phd/p= hd-opportunities/studentships/school-of-social-sciences-studentships#psycho= logy"> School of Social Sciences Studentships | Nottingham Trent University</a><o:= p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Questions can be directed to the supervisors involve= d (or me). <o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Best,<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Chris<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">----------------------&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <o:p>= </o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Dr Chris Sumner<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Associate Professor in Auditory Neuroscience, Depart= ment of Psychology, Nottingham Trent University.<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal">Director, Centre for Research in Applied and Cogniti= ve Neuroscience (CRACN)<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>email:</b> <a href=3D"mailto:christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx= .ac.uk">christian.sumner@xxxxxxxx</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>Web:</b>&nbsp; <a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/s= taff-profiles/social-sciences/christian-sumner"> https://www.ntu.ac.uk/staff-profiles/social-sciences/christian-sumner</a><o= :p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>Hearing at NTU:</b>&nbsp; <a href=3D"https://www.= ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/groups/hearing-research-at-ntu"> https://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/groups/hearing-research-a= t-ntu</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>CRACN:</b> <a href=3D"https://www.ntu.ac.uk/resea= rch/groups-and-centres/centres/centre-for-research-in-applied-cognition-and= -neuroscience"> https://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups-and-centres/centres/centre-for-resear= ch-in-applied-cognition-and-neuroscience</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>UK Acoustics Network/ Hearing:</b>&nbsp; <a href= =3D"https://acoustics.ac.uk/sigs/hearing-acoustics/"> https://acoustics.ac.uk/sigs/hearing-acoustics/</a><o:p></o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>Frontiers for Young Minds &#8211; A world of Soun= d</b>: <a href=3D"https://kids.frontiersin.org/collection/17985/a-world-of-= sound"> https://kids.frontiersin.org/collection/17985/a-world-of-sound</a><o:p></o:= p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> <p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </div> DISCLAIMER: This email is intended solely for the addressee. It may contain= private and confidential information. If you are not the intended addresse= e, please take no action based on it nor show a copy to anyone. In this cas= e, please reply to this email to highlight the error. Opinions and information in this email that do not re= late to the official business of Nottingham Trent University shall be under= stood as neither given nor endorsed by the University. Nottingham Trent Uni= versity has taken steps to ensure that this email and any attachments are virus-free, but we do advise that = the recipient should check that the email and its attachments are actually = virus free. This is in keeping with good computing practice. </body> </html> --_000_LO4P265MB4212B904A515C0F5380D641CC4A9ALO4P265MB4212GBRP_--

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