Subject: [AUDITORY] Errata "The Perceptual Structure of Sound" From: "Hermes, Dik" <0000027dd96e4caf-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 10:27:06 +0000Dear list,=20 In the course of the production of my book "The Perceptual Structure of Sou= nd", in addition to some usual errors, many edits were applied that led to = errors or ambiguities that escaped my attention in proofreading the book. F= or instance, in many cases when a preposition such as "at" or "of" precedes= a number followed by "Hz", e.g., "500 Hz", the preposition was removed. In= most cases, the reader will directly understand what is meant but, in vari= ous cases, the result is ambiguous or incorrect. This "Errata", https://dhe=, will hopefully correct these errors = and disambiguate otherwise ambiguous expressions. All the best, Dik Dik J. Hermes Research Scientist Perception and Sounds (retired) Human-Technology Interaction Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Internal address: ATL 9.401 Tel.: +31 40 247 2889 (secr.)