[AUDITORY] Release of the Large Time Frequency Analysis Toolbox 2.6.0 (Clara Hollomey )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Release of the Large Time Frequency Analysis Toolbox 2.6.0
From:    Clara Hollomey  <c.hollomey@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:57:51 +0200

--0000000000003756b9060538eb02 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Dear all, it is our pleasure to announce the release of the Large Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) <http://ltfat.org> 2.6.0 . LTFAT is a Matlab/GNU Octave toolbox, with a backend written in C (the backend can also be used as a stand-alone application <https://github.com/ltfat/libltfat>). Besides common signal processing routines such as the Short-Time Fourier Transform/Discrete Gabor Transform <http://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/dgt.html>, it comprises algorithms for calculating the Constant-Q Transform <http://ltfat.org/doc/filterbank/cqtfilters.html>, auditory-inspired filter banks <http://ltfat.org/doc/filterbank/audfilters.html> (erb- , mel-, bark- scale) and an extensive collection of wavelet transforms <http://ltfat.org/doc/wavelets/>. All transforms are invertible up to numeric precision. LTFAT 2.6.0 is available for Octave and Matlab, the packages can be downloaded here <https://github.com/ltfat/ltfat/releases/tag/v2.6.0>. Windows, MacOS and Linux are fully supported. New functionality comprises an invertible, constant-Q style wavelet filter bank <http://ltfat.org/doc/demos/demo_waveletfilters.html> and methods for the calculation of higher-order phase derivatives <http://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/gabphasederivreal.html> and spectrogram reassignment <http://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/gabreassignreal.html>. LTFAT is the conceptual mother and the signal processing backbone of the Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) <http://amtoolbox.org/>. It is citeable <http://ltfat.org/notes/ltfatnote030.pdf>, and many relevant papers can be accessed <http://ltfat.org/notes/>, along with its extensive documentation <http://ltfat.org/doc/>, directly from its homepage. We collect issues and ideas for new features on the project's github page <https://github.com/ltfat/ltfat> and appreciate your contribution. Best regards, Clara Hollomey, Nicki Holighaus and Peter Balazs --0000000000003756b9060538eb02 Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <div dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Calibri,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=3D"3" col= or=3D"black" style=3D"font-family:Calibri,Helvetica,sans-serif,serif,&quot;= EmojiFont&quot;"><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" dir=3D"ltr" id=3D"gmail-div= tagdefaultwrapper"><div>Dear all,<br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div>it is our pleasure to announce the release of the <a href=3D"http://lt= fat.org" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">Large Time-Frequency= Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT)</a> 2.6.0 . <br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div>LTFAT is a Matlab/GNU Octave toolbox, with a backend written in C (the= backend can also be used as a <a href=3D"https://github.com/ltfat/libltfat= " target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">stand-alone application</a>= ). Besides common signal processing routines such as the <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/dgt.html" target=3D"_blan= k" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">Short-Time Fourier Transform/Discrete Gabor = Transform</a>, it comprises algorithms for calculating the <a href=3D"http:= //ltfat.org/doc/filterbank/cqtfilters.html" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopen= er noreferrer">Constant-Q Transform</a>, <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/filterbank/audfilters.html" = target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">auditory-inspired filter bank= s</a> (erb- , mel-, bark- scale) and an <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/wav= elets/" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">extensive collection of wavelet transforms</a>. All transforms are invertible up to n= umeric precision.<br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div>LTFAT 2.6.0 is available for Octave and Matlab, the packages can be do= wnloaded <a href=3D"https://github.com/ltfat/ltfat/releases/tag/v2.6.0" tar= get=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">here</a>. Windows, MacOS and Lin= ux are fully supported. New functionality comprises an invertible, <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/demos/demo_wavelet= filters.html" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">constant-Q styl= e wavelet filter bank</a> and methods for the calculation of <a href=3D"htt= p://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/gabphasederivreal.html" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"no= opener noreferrer">higher-order phase derivatives</a> and <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/gabor/gabreassign= real.html" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">spectrogram reassi= gnment</a>.</div> <div><br> </div> <div>LTFAT is the conceptual mother and the signal processing backbone of t= he <a href=3D"http://amtoolbox.org/">Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT)</a>. I= t <font face=3D"Calibri,Helvetica,sans-serif" size=3D"3" color=3D"black" st= yle=3D"font-family:Calibri,Helvetica,sans-serif,serif,&quot;EmojiFont&quot;= "><span style=3D"font-size:12pt" dir=3D"ltr" id=3D"gmail-divtagdefaultwrapp= er"> is <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/notes/ltfatnote030.pdf" target=3D"_blan= k" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">citeable</a>, and m</span></font>any relevan= t papers can be <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/notes/" target=3D"_blank" rel= =3D"noopener noreferrer">accessed</a>, along with its extensive <a href=3D"http://ltfat.org/doc/" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopen= er noreferrer">documentation</a>, directly from its homepage. We collect is= sues and ideas for new features on <a href=3D"https://github.com/ltfat/ltfa= t" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer">the project&#39;s github page</a> and appreciate your contribution.<br> </div> <div><br> </div> <div>Best regards,</div> <div><br> </div> <div>Clara Hollomey, Nicki Holighaus and Peter Balazs</div></span></font></= div> --0000000000003756b9060538eb02--

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