[AUDITORY] 3-year 65% PhD-position on Experimental/Psycho/Neurolinguistics in Marburg, Germany (Mathias Scharinger )

Subject: [AUDITORY] 3-year 65% PhD-position on Experimental/Psycho/Neurolinguistics in Marburg, Germany
From:    Mathias Scharinger  <mathias.scharinger@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 14 Sep 2022 09:22:04 +0200

Dear List-members, we are happy to announce the availability of a 65% PhD-position on = Experimental/Psycho/Neurolinguistics at the Philipps-University Marburg = in Germany. The position is part of a Junior Research Group affiliated with Research = Training Group =C2=BBDynamics and stability of linguistic = representations=C2=AB. We accept applications until October 16th. The position is to be filled = until 01.01.2023. Details about the job opening can be found here: = https://stellenangebote.uni-marburg.de/jobposting/ab3b6383ae6afeca757509d6= 13eacf0449dfedcc0 Please send your application (motivational letter, CV, proof of degrees) = mentioning the registration number as a single PDF file to = dsa@xxxxxxxx For further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Hanna Fischer at = hanna.fischer@xxxxxxxx Best wishes, Mathias Scharinger=

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