[AUDITORY] Applied Cognitive Psychology professorship at TU Darmstadt, Germany - call for applications (imminent deadline) (Wolfgang Ellermeier )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Applied Cognitive Psychology professorship at TU Darmstadt, Germany - call for applications (imminent deadline)
From:    Wolfgang Ellermeier  <ellermeier@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 27 Aug 2021 16:40:14 +0200

Dear colleagues in (psycho)acoustics, at my university (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany) we are currently advertising a full professorship in APPLIED COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY The position will be filled no earlier than October 2022, but the search process starts well ahead of time (with an application deadline Sept. 5, 2021). As you see in the job advertisement: https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/karriere_an_der_tu/stellenangebote/aktuelle_stellenangebote/stellenausschreibungen_detailansichten_1_417280.en.jsp <https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/karriere_an_der_tu/stellenangebote/aktuelle_stellenangebote/stellenausschreibungen_detailansichten_1_417280.en.jsp> the domain specification of the professorship is quite open and the position might well be filled with a psychoacoustician, psychophysicist, experimental/cognitive psychologist, and the like. TU Darmstadt is specifically looking for international applicants and even though the courses are primarily taught in German, typically a transition period is granted to new international faculty. Wolfgang -- Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier, Ph.D. Institut fuer Psychologie Technische Universitaet Darmstadt Alexanderstr. 10 D - 64283 DARMSTADT, Germany phone: ++49-6151-1624010 phone (secr.): ++49-6151-1624012 E-mail: ellermeier@xxxxxxxx http://www.kog.psychologie.tu-darmstadt.de/ellermeier

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