[AUDITORY] CFP: Journal of Sonic Studies - Sound Studies, Soundscapes, and Sound Art of the Balkans (Vincent Meelberg )

Subject: [AUDITORY] CFP: Journal of Sonic Studies - Sound Studies, Soundscapes, and Sound Art of the Balkans
From:    Vincent Meelberg  <00000085e4d42aca-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 3 Dec 2020 08:25:34 +0100

Journal of Sonic Studies - Call for Papers: Sound Studies, Soundscapes, = and Sound Art of the Balkans City sounds and sounds of nature; sounds of progress and nostalgic = sounds; sounds of revolution and change, and sounds of restauration; = sounds deliberately produced or emerging unintentionally, serving a = disciplinary function or expressing forms of freedom; musical as well as = non-musical (functional) sounds; sounds of war and sounds of friendship. How do the Balkans sound? How can their sonic ambiances be = characterized? What can be heard there? How should we listen to them, = experience them, affect and be affected by them? What is their = political, social, religious, ethical, economic, aesthetic influence or = meaning? How do Balkan sound artists respond to these influences and = meanings? How are sound studies developing in South-Eastern Europe? The Journal of Sonic Studies is searching for scholarly and artistic = contributions that deal with the connections and relationships between = the history, culture, society, and politics of the Balkan countries and = the production, distribution, and reception of sounds, noises, and = silence. The broader aim of this special issue is to establish = =E2=80=9Csound=E2=80=9D as an analytical category that provides us with = challenging perspectives on and a new understanding of this part of = Europe. Therefore, our call does not focus on a particular historical = period or research methodology, but seeks to bring together scholars and = artist-researchers who share an interest in Balkan sound studies, = soundscapes, and/or sound art. Themes for submission may include but are not limited to: - The sonic identity of any Balkan space - Differences between various Balkan soundscapes or differences = with West-European soundscapes - Balkan (contemporary) sound art - The role, position, and function of music in contemporary = South-East European societies - Sonic histories of the Balkans - Listening cultures of Balkan countries - Politics of sounds or the sounds of politics in the Balkans - The role of silence in Balkan societies and/or discourses - The role of sounds in Balkan religious practices - Rural =E2=80=9Cversus=E2=80=9D urban soundscapes in Balkan = countries Guest editor The Croatian musicologist Diana Grguric will act as guest editor of this = special issue. Deadline Potential contributors are invited to submit completed essays by January = 10, 2021. For more information, or to submit an =E2=80=9Cexposition=E2=80=9D, = please contact Marcel Cobussen (MA.Cobussen@xxxxxxxx) and/or = Diana Grguric (dgrguric@xxxxxxxx) The Journal of Sonic Studies is a peer-reviewed, online, open access = journal providing a platform for theorists and artist-researchers who = would like to present relevant work regarding auditory cultures, to = further our collective understanding of the impact and importance of = sound for our cultures. The editors welcome scholarly as well as = artistic research and also expect all contributions to have a firm = theoretical grounding. Priority is given to contributions that = explicitly use the Internet as a medium, e.g. by inserting A/V = materials, hyperlinks, and the use of non-conventional structures. JSS = invites potential contributors to use the Research Catalogue as the = platform in which the submission is presented (see = http://www.researchcatalogue.net/). Other submission guidelines can be = found at sonicstudies.org/guidelines.

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