Re: [AUDITORY] Another Perceptual Test for AMT (Federico Simonetta )

Subject: Re: [AUDITORY] Another Perceptual Test for AMT
From:    Federico Simonetta  <federico.simonetta@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 16 Jul 2020 15:53:07 +0200

Dear all, We are collecting the last answers to our listening tests about Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) and we would like to invite you again to take part in it. Your contribution could be fundamental to the development of this field of research. The test takes a bit of time (20-30 minutes), but you can take all the pauses you like and you can leave the test at any moment if you want. I only ask you to do it in a quiet place, in front of a PC, using some headphones/headset and listening to each audio carefully. If feel tired during the test, take a pause. If you have already answered, please do not repeat it. Here is the link to the test: Best from Milan, federico ---- On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 11:32:02 +0200 Federico Simonetta <federico.simonetta@xxxxxxxx> wrote ---- > --- Apologize for cross-posting --- > > Dear list, > > during the last few months of lock-down, here at the LIM - Music Informatics Laboratory in Milan [1], we have worked at a listening test to evaluate the state of the art of automatic music transcription (AMT). > > I would like to ask you to participate in the test. Here is the link: > > Feel free to invite anyone you like! We are especially interested in trained musicians and music students, but anyone is welcome. > > Also, read the introduction section carefully and use the best headphones/headset you have in a quiet place. It will take about 30 minutes. > > I suggest to use the PC and not the smartphone! > > Best regards, > > --- > > Federico Simonetta, Ph.D. student > > LIM - Music Informatics Laboratory > Dept. of Computer Science > University of Milano > Via Celoria 18 > I-20133 Milano - ITALY > > Skype: federico_simonetta > [1] > > >

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