[AUDITORY] ITG Conference on Speech Communication 2018 - Technical Program and Registration (Simon Doclo )

Subject: [AUDITORY] ITG Conference on Speech Communication 2018 - Technical Program and Registration
From:    Simon Doclo  <simon.doclo@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 22 Aug 2018 17:34:39 +0200

*** Apologies for cross-posting *** 13th ITG Conference on Speech Communication Oldenburg, Germany October 10-12, 2018 http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/itg2018/ Following a tradition of biannual conferences, the ITG Conference on Speech Communication will be held in Oldenburg, Germany in 2018. Over the years this conference has grown into the largest gathering of scientists and practitioners in the fields of speech communication and spoken language processing in the German-speaking region =E2=80=93 althou= gh the conference language will of course be English. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTRATION: http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/itg2018/registration/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note that advance registration fees hold until September 9, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM: http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/itg2018/conference-program/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are pleased to announce the following keynote talks: "Multi-Microphone Speaker Localization and Tracking on Manifolds" Prof. Dr. Sharon Gannot, Bar-Ilan University, Israel "Neural End-to-End Architectures for Speech Recognition in Adverse Environments" Prof. Dr. Shinji Watanabe, Johns Hopkins University, USA "Modeling human speech recognition" Dr. Thomas Brand, University of Oldenburg, Germany In addition, the technical program will consist of lecture, poster and Show&Tell sessions in the areas of: - Acoustic Sensor Networks (including a satellite workshop before the conference) - Active Noise Cancellation - Diagnostics, Paralinguistics, and Biosignals - Machine Learning for Speech Enhancement - Neural Processing in Automatic Speech Recognition - Signal Enhancement for Hearing Aids and Communication Systems - Speech and Audio Quality Evaluation The social program consists of a welcome reception, an excursion in the city centre of Oldenburg and a conference dinner in the Oldenburg Castle. Please visit http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/itg2018/conference-program/ for more detailed information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRACTICAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information regarding transportation and accommodation can be found on http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/en/itg2018/general-information/. For the conference we reserved a block of rooms in several hotels, which can be booked until August 31, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S. Doclo (Chair), Universit=C3=A4t Oldenburg P. Jax (Co-Chair), RWTH Aachen G. Enzner, Ruhr-Universit=C3=A4t Bochum T. Fingscheidt, TU Braunschweig T. Gerkmann, Universit=C3=A4t Hamburg H.-W. Gierlich, HEAD acoustics GmbH E. Habets, Int. Audio Laboratories Erlangen R. H=C3=A4b-Umbach, Universit=C3=A4t Paderborn W. Kellermann, FAU Erlangen-N=C3=BCrnberg D. Klakow, Universit=C3=A4t des Saarlandes D. Kolossa, Ruhr-Universit=C3=A4t Bochum G. Kubin, TU Graz H. L=C3=B6llmann, FAU Erlangen-N=C3=BCrnberg R. Martin, Ruhr-Universit=C3=A4t Bochum B. Meyer, Universit=C3=A4t Oldenburg S. M=C3=B6ller, TU Berlin H. Puder, Sivantos GmbH R. Schl=C3=BCter, RWTH Aachen G. Schmidt, CAU Kiel B. Schuller, Universit=C3=A4t Augsburg T. Schultz, Universit=C3=A4t Bremen P. Vary, RWTH Aachen --=20 _______________________________________________ Prof. Dr. ir. Simon Doclo University of Oldenburg Dept. of Medical Physics and Acoustics D-26111 Oldenburg Germany Tel: +49-441-7983344 Mob: +49-176-62994725 Fax: +49-441-7983902 simon.doclo@xxxxxxxx http://www.sigproc.uni-oldenburg.de/

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