[AUDITORY] PostDoc - MARCS Institute/The HEARing CRC (Christopher Davis )

Subject: [AUDITORY] PostDoc - MARCS Institute/The HEARing CRC
From:    Christopher Davis  <chris.davis@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 6 Jun 2018 23:12:37 +0000

The MARCS Institute/The HEARing CRC Postdoctoral Fellow Hearing and Cognitive Aging Available ...... Ref 1120/18 Postdoctoral Fellow Hearing and Cognitive Aging (HEARing CRC), = MARCS Institute The Multisensory Communication Program in the MARCS Institute for Brain, Be= haviour and Development in association with the HEARing Cooperative Researc= h Centre (HEARing CRC) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with high level= skills and expertise in the broad area of speech perception in elderly peo= ple (with/without hearing-impairment).=20 The Postdoctoral Fellow will be concerned with behavioural and EEG studies = of speech input with elderly people. More specifically, the position will i= nvolve recruiting and maintaining contact with elderly participants and: 1) developing materials and procedures for testing these participants with = materials and settings that approximate 'real-life' scenarios.=20 2) Ascertaining the extent to which listening performance is moderated by c= ognitive factors (e.g., attention). 3) Developing tools to train elderly adults to cope with difficult listenin= g situations. This is a Fixed Term, 1-year (1.0 FTE) position with the possibility of a 1= -year extension and will be based on the Bankstown campus. Remuneration Package: Academic Level B $110,594 to $130,495 p.a. (comprisin= g Salary $99,777 to $117,818 p.a., plus 9.5% Superannuation, plus Leave Loa= ding) Position Enquiries: Professor Chris Davis, email chris.davis@xxxxxxxx= edu.au Closing Date: 1 July 2018 Position Description here: https://uws.nga.net.au/publicfiles/uws/jobs/C93= 627D5-59B7-7C47-CE25-A4307A296959/%5bB%5d PD Postdoctoral Fellow - HEARing = CRC.pdf To apply for this position and further information please visit the vacanci= es page -https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/employment/home/current_vacancies ......=20

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