[AUDITORY] Two (2) graduate student positions available Fall 2018 ("Blake E. Butler" )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Two (2) graduate student positions available Fall 2018
From:    "Blake E. Butler"  <blakeebutler@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:57:10 -0500

Description of Position: Dr. Blake Butler of the Cerebral Systems Lab (http://cerebralsystems.ca/)= at the University of Western Ontario is seeking two (2) graduate student= s to join an exciting program of research in brain plasticity following h= earing loss. Our program of research is primarily concerned with the str= uctural and functional changes in sensory cortices of the deaf. Projects = could include classical neuroanatomical studies of brain connectivity and= /or structural and functional MRI experiments conducted in association wi= th the Brain and Mind Institute. Interested students may also be able to = participate in extracellular in vivo electrophysiological studies of brai= n function. Graduate students may be admitted through the Psychology (ht= tp://psychology.uwo.ca/graduate/index.html) or Neuroscience (https://www= .schulich.uwo.ca/neuroscience/graduate/index.html) programs. Eligibility: -=09Excellent academic standing -=09Excellent written and oral communication skills -=09Related lab experience preferred (but not mandatory) Deadline: UWO graduate application deadlines are quickly approaching (January 4 =E2= =80=93 Psychology, January 19 =E2=80=93 Neuroscience). Applications may = be considered after these dates in special circumstances. Contact Information: Interested candidates should email a description of their research intere= sts, an updated copy of their CV, the names and contact information of tw= o individuals who have agreed to serve as references, and a copy of recen= t transcripts ASAP to Dr. Blake Butler (bbutler9@xxxxxxxx).

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University