[AUDITORY] Hearing Aids for Music Conference ("Brian C. J. Moore" )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Hearing Aids for Music Conference
From:    "Brian C. J. Moore"  <bcjm@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 22 May 2017 16:18:05 +0100

<html> <body> Hearing Aids for Music Conference<br><br> September 14-15, University of Leeds UK<br><br> Bringing together hearing aid users, researchers, audiologists and manufacturers to examine current issues and potential solutions.<br><br> With invited contributions from:<br><br> Marshall Chasin (Musicians' Clinics of Canada), Valerie Looi (Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre), Thomas Behrens (Oticon Global Headquarters, Denmark),&nbsp; Gary Holland (AudioLogical Limited), Remi Marchand (National Acoustic Laboratories, Sydney) and Kei Kobayashi (University of Auckland)&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br> Registration is open and can be booked here: <a href=3D"http://store.leeds.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/conference-and= -events-office/hearing-aids-for-music/hearing-aids-for-music-2017"> http://store.leeds.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/conference-and-events-off= ice/hearing-aids-for-music/hearing-aids-for-music-2017</a> <br><br> A provisional programme is available here:&nbsp; <a href=3D"http://musicandhearingaids.org/hafm-international-conference/"= > http://musicandhearingaids.org/hafm-international-conference/</a><br><br> The conference will bring together deaf musicians and music lovers, hearing aid users, audiologists, researchers and hearing aid manufacturers from across the globe. They will share their knowledge and experiences, discuss current and emerging technologies benefiting music listening and performance, and share recent research findings through a mixture of presentations and workshops. We will also be sharing the outcomes of the HAFM project. <br><br> There will also be performances by musicians with hearing impairments to provide further scope for discussion and engagement. We are delighted to be welcoming the 4ORTE ensemble (<a href=3D"http://www.matd.org.uk/">http://www.matd.org.uk/</a>) which i= s a unique group of professional musicians who are deaf, and who are committed to promoting expectations for deaf people=92s engagement and achievements in music, and raising awareness of the issues surrounding music and deafness.<br><br> If you have any questions or difficulty with the registration process, please email <a href=3D"mailto:hafm2017@xxxxxxxx">hafm2017@xxxxxxxx</a><br><br> The conference is part of the research programme of the AHRC-funded project, 'Hearing Aids for Music: Exploring the music listening behaviour of people with hearing impairments' (AH/M000368X/1) and is organised by Dr Alinka Greasley (University of Leeds) and Dr Harriet Crook (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust).<br><br> <a href=3D"http://www.musicandhearingaids.org"> www.musicandhearingaids.org</a><br><br> @xxxxxxxx<br><br> &nbsp;<br> </body> <br> <div>Brian C. J. Moore, Ph.D, Dr. h.c., FMedSci, FRS</div> <div>Emeritus Professor of Auditory Perception,</div> <div>Department of Experimental Psychology,</div> <div>University of Cambridge,</div> <div>Downing Street,</div> <div>Cambridge CB2 3EB,</div> <div>UK</div> <div>Tel. +44 (0) 1223 333574</div> <div>Fax. +44 (0) 1223 333564</div> <div><a href=3D"http://hearing.psychol.cam.ac.uk/" EUDORA=3DAUTOURL> http://hearing.psychol.cam.ac.uk</a></div> <br> </html>

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