[AUDITORY] Post-doc and PhD Positions available on music, language and the predictive brain (SCHON Daniele )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Post-doc and PhD Positions available on music, language and the predictive brain
From:    SCHON Daniele  <daniele.schon@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 17 Feb 2017 08:18:06 +0000

Dear all,=0A= =0A= 3 post-doc positions and 1PhD position are available within a French resear= ch network including Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier. The project exploits = music to investigate brain functions and to boost language processing. The = first aim is to further our understanding of the modification of the oscill= atory brain activity induced by musical or linguistic temporal structures. = The second aim is to test under which conditions and to what extent linguis= tic abilities can be boosted via enhanced temporal predictive coding follow= ing music stimulation. This will be investigated in children 1) with typica= l development, 2) with hearing impairment, and 3) with developmental langua= ge disorders, using behavioral tasks and EEG/MEG.=0A= =0A= Positions are available in Marseille and Lyon, starting around September 20= 17.=0A= =0A= Required: strong background in experimental psychology, cognitive neuroscie= nces or neuropsychology; strong motivation for team work.=0A= =0A= Preferable: knowledge of research design, statistical skills, programming (= e.g., Matlab), interest in music/language processing, French fluency, prior= experience with EEG/MEG.=0A= =0A= All applications should include a CV, a cover letter specifying research in= terests and motivation, and contact details for two referees.=0A= =0A= Post-doc applications should be sent to daniele.schon@xxxxxxxx, barbara.= tillmann@xxxxxxxx and Nathalie.Bedoin@xxxxxxxx=0A= =0A= PhD applications should be sent only to daniele.schon@xxxxxxxx=0A= =0A= Applications will be evaluated as they come in, and the positions will be o= pen until filled.=0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= Daniele Schon - Chercheur - INS INSTITUT DE NEUROSCIENCES DES SYSTEMES=0A= INSERM & Aix-Marseille Universit=E9 - Timone - 27 BVD Jean Moulin - 13005 M= arseille=0A= T=E9l: +33(0)4 91 38 46 32 / 55 77=0A= Site : https://sites.google.com/site/danieleschon/home - Email : daniele.sc= hon@xxxxxxxx=0A= =0A=

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