[AUDITORY] SMC-17 submission deadline extended to March 3 (but draft submission DL remains Feb. 17) (=?utf-8?Q?Koray_Tahiro=C4=9Flu?= )

Subject: [AUDITORY] SMC-17 submission deadline extended to March 3 (but draft submission DL remains Feb. 17)
From:    =?utf-8?Q?Koray_Tahiro=C4=9Flu?=  <koray.tahiroglu@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 14 Feb 2017 12:23:29 +0200

Dear all, The SMC-17 deadline for final submissions (music performances, sound = installations and papers) has been extended to March 3, 2017. Please = note that the deadline for draft submissions is still February 17, 2017. SMC-17 website: http://smc2017.aalto.fi/ CALL FOR PAPERS http://smc2017.aalto.fi/papers.html CALL FOR MUSIC PERFORMANCES and SOUND INSTALLATIONS http://smc2017.aalto.fi/music.html best, Koray ------------------------------------- M.Koray Tahiro=C4=9Flu Department of Media, Aalto University =20 School of Arts, Design and Architecture http://sopi.media.taik.fi/ http://mlab.taik.fi/~korayt tel. +358 50 4088441

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