4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge and Workshop (Emmanuel Vincent )

Subject: 4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge and Workshop
From:    Emmanuel Vincent  <emmanuel.vincent@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 27 Apr 2016 11:51:09 +0200

--------------------------------------------- 4th CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge and Workshop Launch: April 27, 2016 Deadline: August 19, 2016 Workshop: Google, San Francisco, Sep 13, 2016 http://spandh.dcs.shef.ac.uk/chime_challenge/ ---------------------------------------------- Dear colleague, It gives us great pleasure to announce the official launch of the CHiME-4 Challenge and Workshop. CHiME-4 revisits the CHiME-3 data, i.e., Wall Street Journal sentences spoken by talkers in challenging noisy environments, with updated baselines and fewer microphones for test. Participants may submit to one or more tracks: 1-channel, 2-channel, and 6-channel. MATERIALS The Challenge website is now live and contains all the information, tools and data that you will need for participation: - a detailed description of the challenge scenario and recording conditions, - real training and development data, - baseline software for data simulation, speech enhancement and state-of-the-art Kaldi-based speech recognition, - full instructions for participation and submission, - answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any question that isn't answered by the website please email chimechallenge@xxxxxxxx We look forward to your participation. STATEMENT OF INTEREST If you are considering participating, please email chimechallenge@xxxxxxxx with subject 'CHiME4' and you will be added to the email list for receiving further updates. IMPORTANT DATES 27th April, 2016 — Launch - Training/dev data and baselines released 10th June, 2016 — Workshop registration open (limited seats available per institution, preferably for challenge participants) 27th June, 2016 — Test data released 19th Aug, 2016 — Challenge abstract/paper submission deadline 24th Aug, 2016 — Paper notification 13th Sept, 2016 — CHiME-4 Workshop 14th Oct, 2016 — Final paper (2 to 6 pages) CHALLENGE ORGANISERS Emmanuel Vincent, Inria Shinji Watanabe, MERL Jon Barker & Ricard Marxer, University of Sheffield LOCAL ORGANISER Kean Chin, Google SPONSORS Google Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)

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