10-month RA Position Available (electrophysiology in rodents) (Marc )

Subject: 10-month RA Position Available (electrophysiology in rodents)
From:    Marc  <marc.schoenwiesner@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 20 Apr 2016 17:37:07 +0200

A full-time position as research assistant (initially limited to 10 months) is available at the Biology Institute of the University of Leipzig, Germany. The position will allow the succesful candidate to aquire technical skills in multi-unit recordings from the brainstem and cortex in rodents. The position is intended to lead seamlessly to a 3-year funded PhD position. The research is part of a broader program aimed at the processing of sound information in the central auditory system. SKILLS: Successful candidates will: - have completed (or be within a year of completion of) a Masters degree in neuroscience, biology, or a related field. - have a strong interest in neurophysiology and some experience in recording neuronal responses in animal models (or have strong motivation to learn the technique). - have good programming and analytical skills. LAB: The auditory cognitive neuroscience lab, lead by Dr. Marc Schönwiesner, aims to integrate research on animal models (optical imaging, animal training, in-vivo single and multi-unit electrophysiology) with human work (high-resolution fMRI, EEG, and behavioral testing) to advance understanding of auditory encoding and computation in the cortex. We are part of an international network of major auditory labs through the Erasmus Mundus program in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience. ENVIRONMENT: The University of Leipzig is a large research university with about 30,000 students (10% international). We collaborate closely with the three local Max-Planck-Institutes (Brain science, Anthropology, Mathematics). Leipzig is has a thriving creative scene, abundant green spaces and excellent quality of living. http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2014/sep/11/is-leipzig-the-new-berlin http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/travel/new-berlin-or-not-leipzig-has-new-life.html HOW TO APPLY: Please send your CV, cover letter describing relevant experience and research interests, as well as the name and contact information of a previous or current project/thesis advisor to Dr. Marc Schönwiesner at marcs@xxxxxxxx The position remains open until filled. Applications will be reviewed immediately.

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University