3-Year Post-Doc position at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Glasgow, UK ("Bruno L. Giordano" )

Subject: 3-Year Post-Doc position at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Glasgow, UK
From:    "Bruno L. Giordano"  <brungio@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 1 Apr 2015 16:27:52 +0100

Apologies for cross-posting. We are seeking a candidate to perform neuroimaging studies (fMRI/MEG) on auditory perception in the context of a 3-year projected entitled, “The neural representation of vocal emotion: representational similarity analysis and information-theoretic approaches”. The study is performed in a leading neuroimaging facility (http://www.ccni.gla.ac.uk/) under the supervision of PIs Pascal Belin and Joachim Gross, co-investigators Bruno Giordano, Philippe Schyns and Sonja Kotz and in collaboration with an international team of experts ( Niko Kriegeskorte, Didier Grandjean, Stefano Panzeri). Candidates will be working in an interdisciplinary environment and will take over large parts of the project incl. data acquisition, data analysis, and dissemination. Ideal candidates have a PhD in a relevant subject area, and extensive and up-to-date theoretical and practical knowledge of MEG/EEG and/or fMRI, signal processing using Matlab, general neuroimaging experience as well as knowledge of the current literature in the fields of emotion and auditory perception. Experience with representational similarity analysis and/or Information Theory is desirable but not essential. This position is funded for 3 years at UK RA Salary Grade 7 (£33,242 – £37,394 per annum). Please see job description and apply online at www.glasgow.ac.uk/jobs Reference Number: 010278 Closing date: 30 April 2015 Questions may be directed to the PIs: Joachim.Gross@xxxxxxxx or pascal.belin@xxxxxxxx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruno L. Giordano, PhD Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology 58 Hillhead Street, University of Glasgow Glasgow, G12 8QB, Scotland T +44 (0) 141 330 5484 Www: http://www.brunolgiordano.net Email charter: http://www.emailcharter.org/

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