Position announcement: Software developer for speech & language technologies (Eric Thompson )

Subject: Position announcement: Software developer for speech & language technologies
From:    Eric Thompson  <et_27@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 9 Oct 2014 06:06:40 -0700

I am forwarding a job posting for an in-house contractor position (Ball Aerospace & Tech Corp) to work with our group at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, OH. The position is for a software developer with experience and interest in developing applications centered on language technology (Automatic Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Multi-Modal Dialog Management). The focus of our research program is on augmenting traditional communications in command and control environments to facilitate more effective communication in human-human and human-machine teams. You can view and apply for this job at:  https://careers.ball.com/psc/HCMPCG91/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=656367&SiteId=1&PostingSeq=1 Note that U.S. citizenship is required to be eligible for the position. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this position. Best regards -Eric ------------------------------------------- Eric R. Thompson, Ph.D. Research Engineer Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. Supporting AFRL 711 HPW/RHCB 2610 Seventh Street, Area B, Building 441 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH  45433 phone: 937-255-2060 fax: 937-656-7680 email: eric.thompson.22.ctr@xxxxxxxx -------------------------------------------

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