Subject: Call for papers: APCAM 2014 From: pqp <pqp@xxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:43:31 -0400 List-Archive:<>(With apologies for cross-posting) APCAM 2014 Call for Papers The 13th Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting (APCAM 2014) will be held on Thursday, November 20 (at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach Hotel) in Long Beach, California. APCAM is a one-day satellite meeting affiliated with the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. The goal of APCAM is to bring together researchers from various theoretical perspectives to present focused research on auditory cognition, perception, and aurally guided action. APCAM is a unique meeting in its exclusive focus on the perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of audition. Another unique aspect of APCAM is that it recently has become a FREE EVENT FOR ALL ATTENDEES. The Organizing Committee welcomes not only empirical, but also general theoretical and methodological submissions on a variety of auditory topics, including (but not limited to) the following areas: Localization, motion perception, and spatial cognition Object, event, and pattern perception Aurally guided action and navigation Auditory scene analysis Timing and attention Pitch, loudness, and timbre perception Music perception, cognition, and performance Comparative auditory processing Behavioral neuroscience Speech Memory and source identification Submissions should include an abstract of 300 words or less, the title of the proposed presentation, names and institutional affiliation information for all contributing authors as they should appear in the conference program, as well as e-mail contact information for the primary/submitting author. Abstracts should be submitted online by following the Submit link on the APCAM website (; this submission portal is expected to become active prior to the end of June. Authors also can communicate directly about submissions with the Chair of the Organizing Committee at hallmd@xxxxxxxx Each submission also should indicate whether there is a preference for an oral or poster presentation. The committee will make every effort to accommodate presentation preferences, though it may not be possible to honor all requests. Given the limited number of oral presentations, authors traditionally have only been permitted a single oral presentation. If there are more accepted abstracts with an oral presentation preference than there are available presentation slots, preference will be given to papers judged to represent the strongest contributions, as well as to participants who did not deliver an oral presentation at the immediately preceding APCAM. Additionally, the Organizing Committee welcomes proposals representing either a cluster of 3-4 related abstracts or a possible (45- to 60-minute) panel discussion on a unified topic. Related abstracts can be submitted separately, along with a separate abstract (still 300 words or less) from the coordinating author. Proposals for panel discussions will only require this latter type of abstract. The abstract from the coordinating author should indicate the motivation for, and the nature of, the proposed session, including a brief overview of the fundamental issue(s) that it hopes to address. A listing of contributing authors for the session also should be provided, along with a brief statement about what each author will discuss. Such abstracts are expected to be included in the printed program if a proposal is accepted. Preference will be given to proposed sessions that cut across research domains and that have important theoretical implications and/or practical applications. Additionally, panelists for proposed sessions should be selected based upon their areas of expertise, and thus their ability to actively contribute to the discussion. Panel discussions should be designed to allow for at least 10-15 minutes of questions/participation from the audience either at the end of the session or interspersed throughout the panel discussion. The deadline for submission of abstracts and all program proposals is October 1. While this traditional deadline is very close to the conference date, all authors are expected to be notified about the status of their submission very rapidly after the submission deadline. Travel and reservation information can be located through the APCAM website (, which includes a link to details found on the Psychonomic Society site ( If you are interested in attending APCAM, but do not anticipate being a contributing author, then you can register simply by sending a brief e-mail that includes your name and affiliation to hallmd@xxxxxxxx Contributing authors will be registered automatically, but are asked to indicate at the time of submission which authors are expected to attend the meeting. We look forward to receiving your submissions, and to seeing you in Long Beach. Sincerely, Michael Hall Chair, Organizing Committee, APCAM 2014 Director, Psychological Sciences M.A. Program Department of Psychology MSC 7704 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA 22807 office: (540) 568-7877 --- /****************************************************/ Peter Q. Pfordresher, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Psychology University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo, NY 14260 Office: 355 Park (Tel: 716.645.0234) Lab: 336-338 Park (Tel: 716.645.0225) Fax: 716.645.3801 Web: /*****************************************************/