PhD Opportunity [Final Reminder] ("Moore, John David" )

Subject: PhD Opportunity [Final Reminder]
From:    "Moore, John David"  <J.D.Moore@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2014 15:03:28 +0100

We have a funded PhD opportunity in collaboration with the Institute of Hearing Research (Scottish Section). Project title: Simulation of the effects of Sensorineural Hearing Loss> Further details can be found at the following page (see digital health section): We are looking for someone with an understanding of the perception of music and singing as this is where we intend to target simulations. Closing date for applications is Monday 14 April 2014 so the deadline is quite tight! The intended start date is October 2014. Dr David Moore Audio Technology Lecturer Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA T: +44 (0)141 331 3077 E: j.d.moore@xxxxxxxx<mailto:j.d.moore@xxxxxxxx> Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474 Winner: Times Higher Education's Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society's Education Initiative of the Year 2009.,6219,en.html Winner: Times Higher Education's Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.,15691,en.html

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