ICMC2014 | SMC2014, Athens 14-20 September 2014 (Federico Avanzini )

Subject: ICMC2014 | SMC2014, Athens  14-20 September 2014
From:    Federico Avanzini  <avanzini@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 19 Mar 2014 15:09:52 +0100

[On behalf of the Organizing Committee] [Apologies for cross postings] [Please distribute] ICMC | SMC | 2014 40th ICMC - International Computer Music Conference joint with the 11th SMC - Sound & Music Computing Conference http://www.icmc14-smc14.net/ September 14-20, 2014, Athens, Greece Call for: papers, music, piece & paper, demonstrations, studio reports, workshops, contribution in the special sessions Deadline for submissions: 1 April 2014 Summer School: Computational Music Analysis ************************************************** The joint ICMC|SMC|2014 Conference will take place in Athens, Greece, from 14 to 20 September 2014 
and, for the first time, it will bring on the cross-road two well established events: 
the International Computer Music Conference (40th ICMC) and the Sound & Music Computing conference (11th SMC). 
The main theme of the Conference is “Music Technology meets Philosophy: From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos”. 
We invite researchers in music and sound computing, composers, musicologists and philosophers for a fruitful dialogue 
on related topics in order to redefine the past, present and future of computer music and sound computing. The ICMC|SMC|2014 joint Conference will include lectures, special sessions, demonstrations, indoors & outdoors concerts,
 installations and workshops as well as a summer school, given in various places ranging from
concert halls and university auditoria to museum lobbies and archaeological sites. The ICMC|SMC|2014 invite submission of: α papers and posters involving aesthetic, compositional, educational, musicological, scientific, and 
 technological aspects of sound and music computing as well as digital audio, α music works that will be performed in the frame of the Conference, α studio reports, demonstrations and workshops ICMC|SMC|2014 will include a summer school in Computational Music Analysis (11-13 September 2014) The ICMC|SMC|2014 joint Conference is organized by:
 the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Music Studies and Department of Informatics & Telecommunications),
 the Onassis Cultural Center and 
 the Institute for Research on Music and Acoustics. Further information: http://www.icmc14-smc14.net/ Email:info@xxxxxxxx The organizing committee of the ICMC|SMC|2014 -- Georgaki Anastasia Assistant Professor, Department of Music studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens http://www.music.uoa.gr/an8ropino-dynamiko/melh-dep/g-tomeas/anastasia-gewrgakh.html tel.00306972073014 -- ---------------------------------------- Federico Avanzini, PhD Sound and Music Computing Group Dept. of Information Engineering University of Padova Via Gradenigo 6/A I-35131 Padova - ITALY Skype: federico.avanzini Tel: +39 049 827 7582 Fax: +39 049 827 7699 http://smc.dei.unipd.it http://www.dei.unipd.it/~avanzini ----------------------------------------

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