Subject: [AUDITORY] [COSYNE2014] Abstract submission is open, Workshop pre-proposals deadline on Oct 15 From: Tomas Hromadka <tomas.hromadka@xxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 10:58:18 +0200 List-Archive:<>================================================================== Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) MAIN MEETING WORKSHOPS Feb 27 - Mar 2, 2014 Mar 3 - Mar 4, 2014 Salt Lake City, Utah Snowbird Ski Resort, Utah ================================================================== IMPORTANT DATES: Abstract submission opens: 07 Oct 2013 Abstract submission deadline: 18 Nov 2013 Workshop pre-proposal deadline: 15 Oct 2013 Workshop proposal deadline: 15 Nov 2013 The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function. MAIN MEETING The MAIN MEETING is single-track. A set of invited talks are selected by the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. Cosyne topics include but are not limited to: neural coding, natural scene statistics, dendritic computation, neural basis of persistent activity, nonlinear receptive field mapping, representations of time and sequence, reward systems, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, map formation and plasticity, population coding, attention, and computation with spiking networks. This year we would like to foster increased participation from experimental groups as well as computational ones. Please circulate widely and encourage your students and postdocs to apply. WORKSHOPS The WORKSHOPS feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small group setting. The goal is to provide an informal forum for the discussion of important research questions and challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, comparisons of competing approaches, and alternative viewpoints are encouraged. PRE-PROPOSALS: In an effort to coordinate submissions, the organizers are encouraged to submit a pre-proposal by 15 Oct 2013. Pre-proposals will be shared among submitters. Pre-proposals are requested but not required. The organizers may submit the full proposal by its deadline (15 Nov 2013). The overarching goal of all workshops should be the integration of empirical and theoretical approaches, in an environment that fosters collegial discussion and debate. Preference will be given to proposals that differ substantially in content, scope, and/or approach from workshops of recent years (examples available at Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: sensory processing; motor planning and control; functional neural circuits; motivation, reward and decision making; learning and memory; adaptation and plasticity; neural coding; neural circuitry and network models; and methods in computational or systems neuroscience. For details on submitting (pre-)proposals please visit (Workshops). INVITED SPEAKERS: Rui Costa (Champalimaud) Catherine Dulac (Harvard) Joshua Gold (U Pennsylvania) Thomas Jessell (Columbia) John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins) Jeffrey Magee (Janelia Farm) Thomas Mrsic-Flogel (U Basel) Yael Niv (Princeton) Elad Schneidman (Weizmann) Doris Tsao (Caltech) Nachum Ulanovsky (Weizmann) When preparing an abstract, authors should be aware that not all abstracts can be accepted for the meeting, due to space constraints. Abstracts will be selected based on the clarity with which they convey the substance, significance, and originality of the work to be presented. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: General Chairs: Marlene Cohen (U Pittsburgh) and Peter Latham (UCL) Program Chairs: Michael Long (NYU) and Stephanie Palmer (U Chicago) Workshop Chairs: Robert Froemke (NYU) and Tatyana Sharpee (Salk) Publicity Chair: Eugenia Chiappe (Champalimaud) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Anne Churchland (CSHL) Zachary Mainen (Champalimaud) Alexandre Pouget (U Geneva) Anthony Zador (CSHL)