[AUDITORY] JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Director, Division of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisville (Pavel Zahorik )

Subject: [AUDITORY] JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Director, Division of Communicative Disorders, University of Louisville
From:    Pavel Zahorik  <pavel.zahorik@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 13 Sep 2013 16:37:12 -0400

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Director, Division of Communicative Disorders, Universi= ty=20 of Louisville Applications are invited for the position of Director, Division of=20 Communicative Disorders, Department of Surgery, University of Louisville=20= School of Medicine. Candidate will have a dual role in directing the=20 Division's clinical, research and academic initiatives and in directing=20= either the Au.D. program or the SLP program within the Division. The=20 Division of Communicative Disorders is one of several divisions of the=20= Department of Surgery. It includes the Au.D. Program and the M.S. program= in=20 Speech-Language Pathology. Approximately 60 graduate students are enrolle= d=20 in the M.S. program in SLP; 40 graduate students are enrolled in the Au.D= .=20 program. The Division has twelve full and part-time faculty, and operates= =20 several clinical sites in the Medical Center complex in downtown and=20 suburban Louisville, KY. The SLP and AuD programs have practicum=20 affiliations with a number of 'outside' clinics, hospitals, schools and=20= agencies in the region. The candidate will teach 2 to 4 courses per year=20= within either the Program in Audiology or the Program in Speech Language=20= Pathology. S/he will have the opportunity to implement a research program= =20 and/or provide a limited amount of direct patient care while supervising=20= students in clinical practicum. The Division Director will work=20 collaboratively with Audiology and SLP program leadership (Academic Progr= am=20 Directors and Clinic Directors) to manage faculty development, divisional= =20 budgetary concerns, program development, program accreditation, and acade= mic=20 and clinical oversight. Qualifications: Candidate must hold a doctorate degree in Communication Disorders or a=20= related field, the CCC-A or CCC-SLP credential, and be eligible for state= =20 licensure. Preference will be given to candidates who have a distinguishe= d=20 record of research and teaching; a record of extramural funding; the abil= ity=20 to effectively articulate and further vision of the Division's research,=20= teaching and service missions within the School of Medicine and beyond; t= he=20 ability to develop and maintain productive working relationships with oth= er=20 Divisions and units within the University, as well as faculty, staff,=20 students and alumni. The candidate should be eligible for senior-level=20= responsibility at the Associate or Full Professor rank.=20 The University of Louisville is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity,= =20 Americans with Disabilities Employer, committed to diversity and in that=20= spirit, seeks applications from a broad variety of candidates.=20 Questions about the position may be directed to the search committee chai= r,=20 Dr. Jeff Bumpous (jeffrey.bumpous@xxxxxxxx), Department of Surgery,= =20 University of Louisville School of Medicine. Job ID: 29479 Apply online at: https://saprod.louisville.edu/psc/saprod/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.= GBL ?Page=3DHRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=3DA&JobOpeningId=3D29479&SiteID= =3D200&PostingSeq=3D1

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