[AUDITORY] Gentle Reminder CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "Sound, Music and Motion" - New Special sessions (mathieu barthet )

Subject: [AUDITORY] Gentle Reminder CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "Sound, Music and Motion" - New Special sessions
From:    mathieu barthet  <mathieu.barthet@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 24 May 2013 18:01:39 +0100

Apologies for cross-postings, please distribute ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call for contributions 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval/ Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2013 'Sound, Music & Motion' October 15th to 18th 2013, CNRS - Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille, France Conference website: http://www.cmmr2013.cnrs-mrs.fr ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paper submission deadline June 15th 2013 Demo submission deadline June 15th 2013 Music submission deadline July 1st 2013 LATEST NEWS - SPECIAL SESSIONS Please note that the following special sessions are now opened and=20 detailed on the conference website, at: http://www.cmmr2013.cnrs-mrs.fr/SSessions.html * Cognitive inspiration organized, by Kristoffer Jensen (Aalborg=20 University, Esbjerg) * When auditory cues shape human sensorimotor performance, organized by=20 Christophe Bourdin and Lionel Bringoux (ISM, Aix-Marseille Universit=E9) * The art of sonification, organized by Peter Sinclair (Ecole sup=E9rieure= =20 d=92art d=92Aix-en-Provence) * Interactive sound synthesis, organized by Diemo Schwartz (IRCAM-IMTR) * Semio-acoustics (soundscapes, field recording, daily sounds, sound=20 atmosphere), organized by R=E9mi Adjiman (Sciences, Arts et Techniques de=20 l=92Image et du Son (SATIS), Aubagne) * Image-Sound interaction, organized by R=E9mi Adjiman (Sciences, Arts et=20 Techniques de l=92Image et du Son (SATIS), Aubagne) * Non-stationarity, dynamics and mathematical modeling, organized by=20 Harold Omer and Bruno Torr=E9sani (LATP, UMR 7353, Aix-Marseille=20 Universit=E9, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) and Guillaume Stempfel (Genesis) * Music and emotions: Representation, Recognition, and Audience/Performers Studies, organized by Mathieu Barthet (Centre for Digital Music, Queen=20 Mary University of London) Keynotes: We are happy to announce that the 4 internationally renowned=20 personalities Jean-Claude Risset, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Norbert Corsino=20 and Daniel Deshays have accepted to be keynote speakers of the CMMR2013. The CMMR 2013, 'Sound, Music & Motion' will take place in Marseille,=20 CNRS-LMA, October 15th-18th 2013. This year CMMR celebrates its 10th=20 anniversary. For this special occasion the symposium will be held in=20 Marseille, the European Capital of Culture 2013=20 (http://www.mp2013.fr/?lang=3Den). CMMR2013 is organized by the CNRS - Laboratoire de Mecanique et=20 d'Acoustique (LMA) and Ubris Studio in partnership with the Institut des=20 Sciences du Mouvement (ISM), Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie,=20 Probabilite (LATP), ASTRAM, the research lab associated to the Sciences,=20 Arts et Techniques de l'Image et du Son (SATIS) department, and n+n corsino= . As usual, contributions in all the topics covered by CMMR are welcome=20 but contributions related to the conference theme 'Sound, Music and=20 Motion' will be strongly encouraged this year. The notion of motion is=20 important in any field related to sound and music, since it can be=20 studied from different standpoints spanning from physics to perceptual=20 and cognitive considerations, and from scientific to artistic approaches. All the CMMR gatherings have resulted in post symposium proceedings=20 built up from selected peer-reviewed papers and published by Springer=20 Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Series (LNCS 2771, LNCS=20 3310, LNCS 3902, LNCS 4969, LNCS 5493, LNCS 5954, LNCS 6684, LNCS 7172),=20 and this is also planned for CMMR 2013. Several types of contributions can be submitted to CMMR 2013: - scientific papers (for oral or poster sessions) - demonstrations and installations - music Topics Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the=20 following topics: - Sound, Music and motions (e.g. analysis, retrieval, synthesis,=20 composition, performance, music for images) - Gestural control of sound synthesis - Musical gesture analysis - Augmented musical instruments - Musical interfaces - Musically inspired HCI - Mapping & Sonification - Computational musicology - Auditory perception and cognition - Virtual reality, augmented reality and human-computer interaction=20 related to music - Digital music libraries - User studies (e.g. ethnography, usability of music software) - New methods for music representation and visualization - Retrieval and music recommendation tools - Intelligent music tutoring systems - Music games and interactive learning - Music production and composition tools - Structuring of audio data - Cooperative music networks - Analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and modeling of=20 sound and music - Music and sound data mining - Sound synthesis - Optical music recognition - Semantic web music technologies - Sound source separation - Music structure analysis - Music transcription - Artificial intelligence and cognitive science for sound and music Submission Procedures to submit papers is detailed in the Author instruction &=20 Submission section on the CMMR 2013 website. Submitted papers must be=20 camera-ready conforming to the format specified on the CMMR 2013 website. Important dates: Paper submission deadline June 15th 2013 Demo submission deadline June 15th 2013 Notification of acceptance July 15th 2013 Camera-ready copy deadline September 1st 2013 Music submission deadline July 1st 2013 For general inquiries, please contact the conference general chairs=20 using the following email address: cmmr2013-chairs@xxxxxxxx For inquiries regarding paper submissions, please contact the paper and=20 program chairs using the following email address: cmmr2013-program@xxxxxxxx For inquiries regarding music submissions, please contact the music=20 chair using the following email address: cmmr2013-music@xxxxxxxx Please forward this call to interested parties. We are looking forward to your contributions ! Symposium chair Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS-LMA Paper, program and proceedings chairs Mitsuko Aramaki, Solvi Ystad, Olivier Derrien, CNRS-LMA Demonstration and Installation Chairs, Charles Gondre & Gaetan Parseihian, CNRS-LMA Music Chair Jacques Diennet, UBRIS Studio, Marseille Communication and Sponsoring Chairs Etienne Thoret & Simon Conan, CNRS-LMA=

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