ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013: Registration Open, Workshops Announced (Sam Ferguson )

Subject: ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013: Registration Open, Workshops Announced
From:    Sam Ferguson  <>
Date:    Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:27:02 +1000

******** ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013 17th-20th June, 2013, Sydney, Australia. University of Technology, Sydney ******** *** Registration OPEN *** Registration for the conference is now open at Early Registration is available until May 8 2013. *********** Workshops *********** Workshops Chair: David A. Shamma (Yahoo! Research, USA) Workshops are excellent ways of interacting with a small group of researchers and practitioners dealing with a particular topic. Creativity and Cognition is very excited to have 5 workshops proposed to run in conjunction with the conference. These will all run on the 17th of June. Hacking the Body: Workshop on Crafting Performance & Digital Art with Electronic Devices (Full Day Tutorial Course) Camille Baker, Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK Kate Sicchio, Lincoln University, Lincoln, UK What Actually Is Interaction? When Does it Start and Where Does It End? (Full Day Workshop) Chris Lueg, University of Tasmania. Kirsty Boyle, Creative Robotics Laboratory, University of New South Wales. Submission by April 26 2013 Language for creating a Meaningful Human-Product Interaction (Half Day Workshop) Prof Xiao Yong, Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFA, China. Yi Ji, University of Technology, Sydney. Beautiful Dance Moves: Mapping Movement, Technology & Computation (Full Day Workshop) Thecla Schiphorst, School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University Surrey, BC Renata Sheppard, Henry Luce Scholar, Taipei National University of the Arts Taipei Lian Loke, Design Lab, University of Sydney, Darlington, NSW Chyi-Cheng Lin, Performing Technology Lab Taipei National University of the Arts Submission by April 22 2013 Prototype Turn: Emergent Practices with Open Data and Open Source Hardware in Citizen Science, Critical Design and Art (Half day workshop). Jude Yew Choon Loong, National University in Singapore Denisa Kera, National University in Singapore Registration for the workshops is also open at **************** Conference Contact: cc13@xxxxxxxx

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