Mailbox index - postings/2013
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1 jan01 Bjoern Schuller(26k) CfP INTERSPEECH 2013 ComParE: Emotion Sub-Challenge opened<<--_000_543D4FD247AF9
2 jan03 Chatterjee, Mon(10k) CIAP 2013 Announcement<<--_000_38042D22156D8A4188CD58F4875B30C728FC239034nehcex0
3 jan04 Josh McDermott (5k) sound card recommendations<<Dear list, I am looking to start running psychoacous
4 jan06 Bob Masta (6k) Re: sound card recommendations<<I'm a Windows guy, so I'm not speaking with auth
5 jan06 Lorenzo Picinali(7k) sound card recommendations<<Dear Josh, there are lots of options, and they mainl
6 jan06 marc fuzellier (8k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 4 Jan 2013 to 5 Jan 2013 (#2013-3)<<--14dae9340853d2289504
7 jan07 =?ISO-8859-2?Q?(11k) Re: sound card recommendations<<--20cf307f3518d5f0ce04d2b2861f Content-Type: tex
8 jan07 Marion Cousinea(18k) Professor position at Universit=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9_de_Montr=E9al?= -- Professor
9 jan07 Steve Beet (9k) Re: sound card recommendations<<Josh, Echoing Bob's comments I don't use a Mac s
10 jan07 Zachary Smith (7k) Job announcement: Scientist position at Cochlear in Denver, Colorado<<--047d7b34
11 jan08 Jelfs, Sam (18k) Re: sound card recommendations<<--_000_2457CAAB54A05440B0CE80D0D831099E2FB635AC0
12 jan08 jon (9k) CFP: 2nd CHiME Challenge and Workshop - deadline extension to 29th Jan<< -------
13 jan09 Bjoern Schuller(26k) CfP INTERSPEECH 2013 ComParE: Autism Sub-Challenge opened<<--_000_543D4FD247AF9C
14 jan09 Brian Gygi (24k) Three Ph.D. Students available at the Nottingham Hearing Biomedical Research Uni
15 jan09 Stacey, Paula (14k) PhD Position at Nottingham Trent University<<--_000_86205FB6B6213940831A914E4DAE
16 jan09 Leonid Litvak (7k) Job Announcement: Senior Research Scientist<<--e89a8f3bb011022a5c04d2e98332 Cont
17 jan10 jinyu han (17k) Call for Papers - IEEE Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content Recognit
18 jan11 Brian Gygi (11k) Postgraduate studentships available at the Institute of Hearing Research, Nottin
19 jan11 Daniel Shanahan(30k) CFP: Midwestern Music Cognition Symposium at Ohio State University<<--Apple-Mail
20 jan12 My Results (6k) Use app to prevent noise-induced hearing-loss among kids, teens and adults. It i
21 jan12 Mark F Bocko (6k) Faculty position in audio DSP at the University of Rochester<<There are two open
22 jan14 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(11k) Fwd: [ARENA] Fwd (2): Re: RIP: Aaron H. Swartz (November 8, 1986 -- January 11
23 jan14 Bjoern Schuller(10k) CfP 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and
24 jan14 Sridhar Kalluri(23k) Job Announcement: Research scientist in cognitive hearing science at Starkey Hea
25 jan14 Van Besouw R.M.(10k) PhD studentship, ISVR, University of Southampton<<Dear List, We have funding f
26 jan15 Thomas Lunner (44k) FW: Second International Conference on Cognitive Hearing S cience for Communicat
27 jan16 Marcelo Freitas (6k) DAFx 2013 CFP<<Deal list, on behalf of the organizers. As usual, apologies for c
28 jan16 Bjoern Schuller(26k) CfP INTERSPEECH 2013 ComParE: Conflict Sub-Challenge opened - All open now<<--_0
29 jan16 Seeber, Bernhard(8k) Post-doctoral Research Scientist for Cochlear Implant Research<<Dear List, we ar
30 jan21 Sara Miay Kim Ma(9k) Recording of string chamber music where each instrument is recorded separately.<
31 jan21 Ozerov Alexey (13k) Re: Recording of string chamber music where each instrument is recorded separate
32 jan21 Alexander Linda(12k) Re: Recording of string chamber music where each instrument is recorded separate
33 jan21 Yi-Hsuan Yang (22k) CFP, Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia (AAM), ICME 2013<<--20cf307f3a
34 jan21 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(11k) Re: Recording of string chamber music where each instrument is recorded separate
35 jan21 Iftikhar Nizami (8k) need two old papers re loudness of interrupted stimuli<<---2076221306-12292548-1
36 jan21 Lucy Davies (5k) Conference: The Lure of the New<<Call for abstracts: The annual conference of th
37 jan21 Yuko Arthurs (17k) International Summer School on Musical Understanding in Sheffield, UK<<--_c91850
38 jan22 theresa veltri (20k) International Summer School in Sheffield: Call for participation<<--958549312-20
39 jan22 Iftikhar Nizami(10k) Re: need two old papers re loudness of interrupted stimuli<<---2076221306-301721
40 jan23 Siping Tao (8k) Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--e89a8fb200784b77ad04d3f0dfa3 C
41 jan23 Zlatan Ribic (10k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<This is a multi-part message
42 jan23 Helen Henshaw (18k) PhD Studentship in the investigation of perceptual and cogntive contributions to
43 jan23 Steve Beet (9k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Dear Siping, The most likely
44 jan23 Schoof, Tim (7k) Search for Janssen et al (1991) article<<--_000_9E613083CF92084C80B573D501D36142
45 jan24 Siping Tao (15k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--e89a8fb1fc36dd5a3604d3ff3d
46 jan23 Steve Beet (10k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Dear Siping, I'm sorry but o
47 jan24 Siping Tao (16k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--e89a8fb1fc362e380f04d403cf
48 jan24 Siddu Kgp (6k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--bcaec54d3edc3ba46b04d40410
49 jan25 Didier Depireux (5k) DPOAE in rats<<Does anyone have experience measuring DPOAEs in rats? I would pre
50 jan24 Phil McCandless (8k) Characteristics of a diffuse sound field<<--1181703601-783025306-1359038514=:294
51 jan24 Steve Beet (14k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Dear Siping, I'm afraid I do
52 jan24 Richard F. Lyon(23k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--20cf300fb36f39300404d41736
53 jan24 Eric Benjamin (13k) Re: Characteristics of a diffuse sound field<<---106228746-777629810-1359100793=
54 jan25 Volker Hohmann (6k) PhD position available at Oldenburg University, Germany, on "Individual fitting
55 jan25 Frank Russo (7k) SMPC 2013: Second call for papers<<SOCIETY FOR MUSIC PECEPTION AND COGNITION (SM
56 jan25 Phil McCandless (9k) Definition of Diffuse Sound Field<<--1228296801-519873433-1359178535=:18267 Cont
57 jan25 Steve Beet (8k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Dear Siping, I'd agree with
58 jan26 Jens-E. Appell (7k) 3 PhD positions focussing on Human-Machine-Inteaction / Brain Computer Interface
59 jan26 Julius Smith (9k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<<html> <body> <font size=3>H
60 jan26 Steve Beet (9k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Hi Julius, That looks like a
61 jan27 Axel Roebel (10k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<Dear all On 26/01/2013 22:48
62 jan27 Cynthia Liem - E(9k) Call for Papers: ACM Multimedia 2013 (now including a dedicated Music & Audio ar
63 jan28 Tomas Hromadka (8k) COSYNE 2013: Early registration and discount hotel deadlines fast approaching<<=
64 jan28 Siping Tao (16k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--e89a8fb1f07c13fed604d44f86
65 jan28 Caroline Palmer (4k) ACN-Create Network: Announcing 2013 Undergrad Summer Awards<<Undergraduate Award
66 jan29 Dan Stowell (6k) Fwd: IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and
67 jan29 Aniruddh Patel (6k) Auditory transduction video<<Dear Colleagues, I am thinking of showing this ~7-m
68 jan29 Sunil Puria (22k) Re: Auditory transduction video<<--Apple-Mail=_CD2FFBB0-8134-49AE-B7F6-97F86F943
69 jan30 Annabel Cohen (7k) AIRS Postdoctoral Position - Singing Research - Digital Library<<AIRS Postdoct
70 jan30 Christopher She(52k) Re: Auditory transduction video<<--f46d0408393ba05ef804d48254f7 Content-Type: mu
71 jan30 Eliot Handelman (6k) Re: Auditory transduction video<<On 01/29/2013 04:36 PM, Aniruddh Patel wrote: >
72 jan30 Pierre Divenyi (6k) Re: Auditory transduction video<<Excellent! Thank you Ani! -Pierre On 1/29/13 1:
73 jan30 jinyu han (11k) Submission Open - ICME Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content Recognit
74 jan31 Seeber, Bernhard(8k) Reminder, Deadline 04 February 2013: Post-doc position in auditory scene analysi
75 jan31 Kevin Austin (7k) Re: Auditory transduction video<<Hmmm ... I'm not sure how you know how the comp
76 jan31 Brian C. J. Moo(61k) Professorship in Hearing<<--=====================_4234906==_ Content-Type: text/
77 feb01 Thomas Lunner (44k) Second International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Scien ce for Communication,
78 feb01 Ole Fogh Olsen (12k) R&D senior position available at Oticon A/S, Denmark<<--_000_FC751601ADB9CE4A8AF
79 feb02 Torben Poulsen (7k) Info: ISAAR 2013 Auditory plasticity - Listening with the brain.<<ISAAR 2013, ww
80 feb02 Florian Hollerwe(6k) LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Deadline Extension<<sorry for >< please >
81 feb04 Diana Deutsch (6k) Psychology of Music, 3rd Edition<<Dear Colleagues, I'm pleased to announce the p
82 feb05 jon (12k) Summer School on Speech Intelligibility Modelling<<--Apple-Mail=_F81069D8-2BAB-4
83 feb05 Stuart Rosen (7k) Teaching materials about excitation patterns?<<<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="c
84 feb05 John Rinzel (9k) Postdoc Position<<--f46d043c7af090105004d4fc1dce Content-Type: text/plain; chars
85 feb06 Mandi Elliott (11k) Clinical Research Manager at Musical Health Technologies<<--e89a8fb1f59aedf08804
86 feb07 Patti Adank (7k) PhD studentship on imitation in speech at UCL<<Dear colleagues, Would you mind f
87 feb08 Rose Thomas Kala(6k) Contact details<<--0015174c15fa4929da04d52ad015 Content-Type: text/plain; charse
88 feb08 Phil Green (11k) Fwd: Silent Speech RA Job at Sheffield<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
89 feb08 Stephen McAdams(12k) looking for examples/demos on timbre and rhythm<<--Apple-Mail-129--200830504 Con
90 feb08 Matthias Mauch (8k) Descent of Pop - re-discovering the charts<<--Apple-Mail=_A8C9C30D-76C9-4D41-A60
91 feb08 Sridhar Kalluri(23k) Research scientist in hearing science at Starkey Hearing Research Center<<--f46d
92 feb09 Baskent, D (kno)(8k) Petition for childcare support at the ARO midwinter meeting<<--_000_7F70017CAB3A
93 feb09 Kevin Austin (17k) Re: looking for examples/demos on timbre and rhythm<<--Boundary_(ID_BAnee5wJXMl/
94 feb10 Sunil Puria (20k) NYTimes: John E. Karlin, Who Led the Way to All-Digit Dialing, Dies at 94<<--App
95 feb11 Ozerov Alexey (13k) 2nd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Informed Acoustic Source Separation; EURAS
96 feb11 Kseniya Rogova (16k) RuSSIR 2013: call for courses<<--047d7bf19890c3a8fa04d571082a Content-Type: text
97 feb11 =?ISO-8859-15?Q?(6k) jnd of pitch of musical sounds<<Hello, For my bachelor thesis I'm looking for li
98 feb12 Geoffroy Peeter(68k) IRCAM Developer Position for Large-Scale Audio Indexing Technologies<<This is a
99 feb12 Stuart Rosen (8k) Travel scholarships for the 2013 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses f
100 feb13 Jeffrey Spencer (5k) Vowel Database varying across pitch<<--f46d042f95be39c22204d58f648a Content-Type
101 feb13 Janse, Esther (5k) PhD and post doc positions in project "Genetic biases in speech and language", N
102 feb13 Renee Timmers (11k) PMMB call for papers - =?windows-1252?Q?=93Interactions?= between Emoti on and C
103 feb13 Wenwu W. Wang (17k) Postdoctoral Research Fellow on "Statistical Anomaly Detection", CVSSP, Universi
104 feb13 Wenwu W. Wang (17k) Vacancy: Postdoctoral Research Fellow on "Statistical Anomaly Detection", CVSSP,
105 feb13 mathieu barthet (7k) Production Music Mood Annotation Survey 2013<<Dear all, We are conducting an exp
106 feb13 Bruno L. Giordan(6k) Job: research assistant/associate, University of Glasgow: Lifelong changes in th
107 feb13 Jenny Bizley (9k) Post-doc position at UCL Ear Institute<<--e89a8f22c5556b9b0104d5a6359c Content-T
108 feb13 Richard F. Lyon (6k) Re: Vowel Database varying across pitch<<--047d7b6d97a279edb304d59cfaa4 Content-
109 feb14 Ganesh A c (6k) SCRIPT ON NEGATIVE PRIMING<<--f46d0434c068f9b87b04d5ae68af Content-Type: text/pl
110 feb13 Sam Ferguson (12k) CFP: ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013, 2nd Call for Demonstrations and Graduate
111 feb15 Sam Ferguson (7k) 9th ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference: 2nd Call for Creativity (Art/Music)
112 feb15 Enrique A. Lopez(7k) Non-physicians appointed as otolaryngology professors: A survey<<Dear all, I wou
113 feb16 Kevin Austin (5k) Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<Comments? >> ht
114 feb17 =?UTF-8?B?UGF0cm(7k) Research Faculty at CUHK<<Dear colleagues, My laboratory is hiring a research fa
115 feb17 Yi-Wen Liu (10k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<--485b397dd
116 feb17 Beerends, J.G. ((7k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<For discrim
117 feb17 Ronald van Elbur(6k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<Dear Kevin,
118 feb17 herzfeld (7k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<What Kevin
119 feb17 Peter Meijer (7k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<Indeed this
120 feb18 McGill Universit(5k) Subscription probe for AUDITORY - please ignore<<Mon, 18 Feb 2013 06:00:03 This
121 feb18 James Johnston (8k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<I must admi
122 feb18 Donald Glowinsk(13k) [cfp] SysMus13 student's conference on systematic musicology (Genoa, CasaPaganin
123 feb19 Siping Tao (35k) Re: Frequency shift to alleviate acoustic feedback<<--bcaec55242164b74b904d60b92
124 feb18 =?iso-8859-1?Q?S(7k) Web Instrument Count Experiment (~10min)<<Dear list, our research group at the I
125 feb19 Marcelo Freitas (4k) Sound effects and Auditory demos<<Dear list, I'll teach a couple of introductory
126 feb19 Daniela Sammler (8k) PhD position on "Intonation in speech" at MPI-CBS in Leipzig, Germany<<The Max P
127 feb19 Lucy Davies (26k) 2nd Call for Papers: The Lure of the New 2013<<--_004_F73B084E76E43744945E3C1B37
128 feb19 Marcus Pearce (38k) Workshop on Information Dynamics of Music - 21 March 2013 - London, UK<<This is
129 feb19 Yi-Hsuan Yang (12k) CFP, Workshop on Affective Analysis in Multimedia (AAM), ICME 2013<<--047d7b86f2
130 feb19 Colin Raffel (7k) Re: Sound effects and Auditory demos<<--14dae9340357ba61c404d6186e93 Content-Typ
131 feb20 Al Bregman (9k) Re: Sound effects and Auditory demos<<--e89a8f921a1e3803d804d622a866 Content-Typ
132 feb19 Jonathan Berger (6k) Hearing Voices - Music and the Brain 2013<<Dear Friends, I am pleased to announc
133 feb20 Bastian Epp (21k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<This is a m
134 feb20 Bob Carlyon (10k) Online talk available<<--_000_9A9432BC31857848B97F53CEAE8386C4818A8232WSR22mrccb
135 feb20 James Johnston (21k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<--089e01228
136 feb21 Alexander Raake(23k) CfP: PQS 2013 - International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems<<--_000_
137 feb21 Chatterjee, Moni(5k) CIAP 2013 deadline extension<<Dear friends, the abstract submission deadline for
138 feb21 mathieu barthet (7k) M4 Music Mood Recommendation Survey<<-------------------------------------- Apol
139 feb21 corey (22k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<--Apple-Mai
140 feb21 jinyu han (7k) Call for Demos - ICME Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content Recogniti
141 feb22 Pierre Divenyi (9k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<> This mess
142 feb23 Judi Lapsley Mi(32k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<This is a m
143 feb22 Sandra Gordon-Sa(9k) Department Chair Search at University of Maryland<<--_000_E961355B9CC6BE4BA3AB1A
144 feb22 jinyu han (11k) LAST CALL for Papers - ICME Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content Rec
145 feb23 Drossos Konstan(10k) Audio emotions web experiment<<--Apple-Mail=_EB4AA48E-7BFF-4510-B079-E7C0563032A
146 feb23 XAVIER ANGUERA (12k) Positions open at Telefonica Research<<--Boundary_(ID_5I0AwVop3BvLX+pS7Q/C/g) Co
147 feb23 Pierre Divenyi (34k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<--Apple-Mai
148 feb24 Leon van Noorde(36k) Re: Human hearing beats the Fourier uncertainty principle: Research<<--Apple-Mai
149 feb25 Stuart Rosen (7k) Teaching materials about temporal resolution ...<<<html> <head> <meta http-equiv
150 feb25 Bjoern Schuller(10k) 2nd CfP 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment
151 feb25 Alain de Chevei(12k) Re: Online talk available<<--Apple-Mail=_62A87A09-11FB-43B0-AA23-83D0359034BF Co
152 feb25 Grace Leslie (6k) Internet-based musical engagement experiment participants needed.<<--047d7ba97d2
153 feb26 Rowan D. (6k) Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<Hi - Background: I have been using the real-time
154 feb26 Lucy Davies (27k) Bilingual minds, bilingual machines: Summer school:<<--_000_F73B084E76E43744945E
155 feb26 Gilles Degottex (6k) Listening test - Only 4 sentences to evaluate and their corresponding resynthesi
156 feb27 Dan Ellis (12k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<--14dae9340ff5dcdae204d6b4c475 Content-Type:
157 feb27 Dan Ellis (9k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<--14dae9340eeb2e89c004d6b4595d Content-Type:
158 feb27 Anthony Parks (6k) spoken digit corpus<<--90e6ba6e8390d0ce8d04d6b76aa0 Content-Type: text/plain; ch
159 feb27 Ray Goldswort(1019k) HRI Internship for Undergraduates<<--f46d04426b667665d704d6b75abd Content-Type:
160 feb27 Bjoern Schulle(707k) Call for Papers ISACS 2013: 6th International Symposium on Attention in Cognitiv
161 feb27 Roberts, Katheri(9k) PhD studentship at the University of Warwick<<--_000_F0AEEF35C8184048B645FC52B71
162 feb27 verron charles (5k) Environmental sound synthesizer<<Dear list, people working with environmental so
163 feb28 hans w. koch (7k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<and then there is baudline (http://www.baudli
164 feb28 Olivier Crouzet(17k) Rappel: RFP 2013, Reseau Fran=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A7ais?= de Phonologie, Nantes, 01-03
165 feb28 Esteban Maestre (9k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<
166 feb28 Sam Ferguson (8k) Deadline Extended: ACM Creativity & Cognition 2013 - Creativity (Art/Music), Dem
167 feb28 Lucy Davies (8k) Lure of the New: Deadline extended<<The deadline for abstract submissions for Lu
168 feb28 Kong, Ying-Yee (54k) Postdoctoral position at Northeastern University<< --_000_CD53FBC3B613ykongneued
169 feb28 Tiffany Johnson (5k) ER-10C Probe Microphone Nonlinearties<<Hi all, I'm investigating the source of n
170 feb28 Axel Roebel (12k) Positions open at UPMC/IRCAM<<--------------------------------------------------
171 feb28 Kevin Austin (5k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<There is also a version in Logic [multiple it
172 feb28 Kevin Austin (5k) Real-time spectrogram for Mac -- two more<<have a look at: Izotope's insight -
173 feb28 Stefan Stenfelt(10k) Research positions (1 PhD, 1 PosDoc) in FEM<<--_000_A85C2AF180B1674781DD0252DCF5
174 mar01 Thibaud (26k) STI to SRT conversion issue<<------=_Part_8059_1424693139.1362130420813 Content-
175 mar01 Gilles Degottex (7k) (Last) Reminder: Listening test - Only 4 sentences to evaluate and their corresp
176 mar01 Cynthia Liem - (14k) Final CfP: ACM Multimedia 2013 (including Music & Audio area)<<--_000_C07E430BEB
177 mar01 Mathieu Lagrang(12k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<--Apple-Mail-25--557456270 Content-Transfer-E
178 mar01 Susan E. Shore (30k) Post doctoral position available at Kresge Hearing Research Institute<<This is a
179 mar01 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(34k) Call for applications to summer school on acoustic communication<<--_000_94FCAC7
180 mar01 jinyu han (12k) Re: LAST CALL for Papers - ICME Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content
181 mar02 Bjoern Schuller(10k) Deadline Extended to 11 March - 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digita
182 mar02 James W. Beaucha(6k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<Another real-time analyzer that's platform in
183 mar03 Torben Poulsen (6k) ISAAR 2013 Call for papers<<Online registration is open for International Sympos
184 mar04 Stefan Bleeck (205k) phd and postdoc positions available<<--90e6ba6e8e32bf133e04d7166869 Content-Type
185 mar04 Morwaread Farboo(7k) Northeast Music Cognition Group CFP: April 27<<CALL FOR PARTICIPATION NORTHEAST
186 mar04 Pierre Divenyi (13k) Re: Online talk available<<> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail rea
187 mar05 Brian Bruce Mons(8k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<Here's a powerful acoustical analysis tool fo
188 mar05 Al Bregman (10k) Re: Online talk available<<--20cf30334eb704e4ab04d727d931 Content-Type: text/pla
189 mar05 Stefan Goetze (11k) Deadline extension for March 20th: The 2nd International Workshop on Speech and
190 mar06 Luis Gustavo Mar(6k) Re: Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<Hi, Maybe sndpeek (Windows, OSX, Linux) is al
191 mar06 Guy Madison (5k) PhD position at University of Ume=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E5,?= Sweden<<Dear all, a posit
192 mar06 Laura Rossi (15k) Two scientific collaborators<<--Apple-Mail=_095755A8-1545-439A-A694-8410B5C82E5A
193 mar07 Aniruddh Patel (6k) Accents and low-pass filtering<<Dear Colleagues, I would like to create a versio
194 mar07 Andeol (6k) Post-doctoral position in psychoacoustics.<<A 12-month post-doctoral position in
195 mar08 Etienne Gaudrain(9k) Re: Accents and low-pass filtering<<--14dae9cfce1a12f06a04d76532db Content-Type:
196 mar08 Drossos Konstan(12k) Re: Accents and low-pass filtering<<--Apple-Mail=_6602A88E-6FD6-48BB-B202-939745
197 mar08 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?T(8k) Re: Accents and low-pass filtering<<Dear Aniruddh, assuming that you are using a
198 mar08 Lucy Davies (8k) Lure of the New: Final Call<<Final Call for abstract submissions for Lure of the
199 mar08 Gilles Degottex (7k) New(!) Listening test - Only 4 sentences to evaluate and their corresponding res
200 mar10 Hansen, John (126k) Posting for a faculty position in Cochlear Implants and signal processing for He
201 mar10 Stuart Rosen (6k) Travel scholarships for the 2013 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses f
202 mar10 Elyse S Sussman(19k) Proposed Research Topic: Probing Auditory Scene Analysis<<--_000_25F43A4D5E606A4
203 mar10 Bjoern Schuller(50k) CFP AVEC 2013 - 3rd International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop at
204 mar10 Bjoern Schuller (9k) CFP Special Session Speech science in end user applications @ Interspeech 2013<<
205 mar10 Bjoern Schuller(10k) 2nd Call for Papers: Special Issue of Computer Speech & Language on Next Generat
206 mar11 Enrique A. Lope(34k) Post-doctoral position at the University of Salamanca<<This is a multi-part mess
207 mar12 Pragati Rao (5k) Software for auditory training in children<<Hi all, I am looking for a software
208 mar11 jinyu han (13k) Re: LAST CALL for Papers - ICME Workshop on Broadcast and User-generated Content
209 mar12 Frank Russo (8k) CogMIR 2013: Call for Papers<<*Apologies for cross postings* CogMIR 2013 http://
210 mar12 Mark Cartwright (8k) SocialEQ - Audio Descriptor Data Collection<<--f46d04428f18d6fda404d7b85f9b Cont
211 mar13 Brian C. J. Moor(5k) Survey on Music Perception and Hearing Aids<<Dear Colleagues, We are conducting
212 mar13 Wenwu W. Wang (21k) Research Fellow vacancy on Blind Source Separation at CVSSP/Surrey/UK (Closing d
213 mar13 Gilles Degottex (7k) Last call for the New(!) Listening test - Only 4 sentences to evaluate and their
214 mar14 Matt Davis (10k) speech post-doc - Cambridge, UK<<--_000_CD6795433F405mattdavismrccbucamacuk_ Con
215 mar17 jon (7k) CHiME 2013: June 1st, 2013 - Call for participation<< --------------------------
216 mar18 Michael Newton (6k) Acoustics and Music Tech MSc at Edinburgh (UK)<<Apologies for any cross-postings
217 mar18 Julie Bierer (33k) Post-doc positions in Seattle, WA<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
218 mar19 Simon Conan (34k) Call for contributions : CMMR 2013 Marseille (15 - 18 October) - "Sound, Music a
219 mar20 Youssef Adel (8k) Literature Inquiry<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_
220 mar19 Hung THAI-VAN (27k) Post-doctoral position opened_clinical electrophysiology in Lyon, France<<--047d
221 mar20 Patel, Aniruddh(15k) Low pass filtering of accents - results<<--_000_E06FF38A806E884E9F935E87BFE5694C
222 mar22 Bruno L. Giordan(5k) References needed: fMRI of stream segregation with natural sounds<<Hello, I am l
223 mar22 Tollin, Daniel (8k) looking for paper<<--_000_BC014C8BEEE9F648A463EDC55D7A52850124316EEE22ESTESucden
224 mar23 Jenny Bizley (9k) Post-doc position in auditory-visual neurophysiology at UCL Ear Institute<<--e89
225 mar24 Hildebrandt, Ja(10k) PhD position, electrophysiology and optogenetics in Oldenburg, Germany<<--_000_7
226 mar25 Tobias Neher (6k) PhD position "Coordination and Personalization of Hearing Aid Processing" in Old
227 mar26 Shahnaz, Navid (10k) New release: Acoustic Immittance Measures<<--_000_DBD4CA255C07E0458CA64449AC471B
228 mar26 Bruno L. Giordan(9k) Re: References needed: fMRI of stream segregation with natural sounds<<Hello, a
229 mar26 Erin Hannon (12k) lab coordinator position<<--Apple-Mail=_1E7BAA86-96D9-4D6A-98CE-8ECD20FC0E0A Con
230 mar26 Karsten Bo Rasmu(4k) Opening as professor of Acoustic-Mechanical Micro Systems at DTU, Copenhagen<<De
231 mar28 Roberto Bresin (6k) SMAC 2013 & SMC 2013 :: Extended deadline (April 7th) :: Third Announcement and
232 mar31 Alexander Raake (9k) CfP: Perceptual Quality of Systems 2013<< Call for Papers ----------------------
233 apr01 Tilak Ratnanath(12k) Faculty Position - The Center for Hearing and Balance and Department of Biomedic
234 apr01 Sascha Fruehhol(12k) Doctoral (PhD) and Postdoctoral Position in Geneva, Switzerland<<--Apple-Mail=_9
235 apr03 Fernando Albert(10k) Request: voice diseases<<--1237875512-1721797304-1365011272=:39574 Content-Type:
236 apr04 Albert Rilliard(10k) Postdoctoral position at LIMSI - France<<Postdoctoral position at LIMSI, France
238 apr05 Peter Lennox (12k) Re: Postdoctoral position at LIMSI - France<<So, in the same way that motion cap
239 apr05 Dhr Dr. M.A. Co(12k) CfP<<------=_Part_37912_1807117238.1365173647254 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type:
240 apr05 PAPIOTIS, PANAGI(8k) Participants wanted for online listening experiment<<--001a11c249f6f2bacb04d99ed
241 apr06 Emma M Duffy (4k) "Neutral Unit" for tone sequences<<Hello, I am pursuing an undergraduate Honors
242 apr08 Ole Fogh Olsen (13k) Clinical Audiologist position available at Oticon A/S, Denmark<<--_000_FC751601A
243 apr09 Rafael (19k) CFP: 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2013)<<This i
244 apr09 jon (19k) Registration reminder: CHiME 2013, 2nd International Workshop on Machine Listeni
245 apr09 theresa veltri (12k) student rooms for ICME3<<---1395274837-1491700281-1365520429=:59475 Content-Type
246 apr09 Jeff Bruce (7k) Estimating OHC/IHC Loss Proportion in Humans using DPOAEs<<--047d7bb04c903ee06b0
247 apr09 Anna Aljanaki (7k) Psychological listening quiz/game - Emotify<<--047d7bdca69c642d3b04d9ed467d Cont
248 apr10 Anders Tornvig C(9k) Re: Estimating OHC/IHC Loss Proportion in Humans using DPOAEs<<Dear Jeff, This i
249 apr10 Ville Pulkki (7k) PHD position in Aalto University, Finland<<A PhD position available in the spati
250 apr10 Antje Heinrich (21k) RA in Speech, Hearing and Aging research at IHR Nottingham<<--_000_C5C9E3C681C5D
251 apr11 Bjoern Schuller(15k) 3rd CFP :: ISACS 2013 - Intl. Symposium on ATTENTION IN COGNITIVE SYSTEMS :: e
252 apr11 Bjoern Schuller(10k) CfP Emotion and Computing 2013<<Dear List, For those of you working in the field
253 apr11 Thomas Lunner (23k) CHSCOM2013 - Register before 30 April - Second internation al Conference on Cogn
254 apr12 Christine Ranko(14k) Re: Estimating OHC/IHC Loss Proportion in Humans using DPOAEs<<This is a multipa
255 apr13 sound08 (5k) Paper request<<Dear Listmembers, I am looking for the following paper: P. Zurek,
256 apr15 Lucy Davies (436k) Bilingual minds, bilingual machines: 2nd round applications now open<<--_003_F73
257 apr15 Alexander Linda(26k) Call for Papers and Invitation to EAA Auralization and Ambisonics Symposium 2014
258 apr15 Bob Masta (7k) TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<I've been contacted by a young
259 apr15 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(18k) CMMR2013 - Call for Demos and Installations - "Sound, Music and Motion"<<This is
260 apr16 Bastian Epp (9k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<Hi Bob, list! Just some tho
261 apr16 Andreas Widmann (8k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<> Since this is just for "c
262 apr16 Alain de Cheveig(5k) pdf of Licklider 1951<<Does someone have a reasonably good-quality PDF of J.C.R.
263 apr16 Kevin Austin (5k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<Speak to someone 1 meter aw
264 apr17 Peter Keller (56k) Research positions at the MARCS Institute, Sydney, Australia<<--_000_0466CDC8441
265 apr18 Sam Ferguson (7k) ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013: Registration Open, Workshops Announced<<*****
266 apr17 Josh McDermott (9k) Research Assistant position at MIT<<--bcaec50fe5f5788f0604da91aa44 Content-Type:
267 apr17 Fivos Maniatako(20k) HCC summer school 2013 at IRCAM- last call for applications- extended deadline<<
268 apr17 Richard F. Lyon (7k) Re: pdf of Licklider 1951<<--047d7b450746bef2a104da96cb1a Content-Type: text/pla
269 apr17 David Mountain (14k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<--001a11c2a0f467964e04da978
270 apr18 Alain de Cheveig(6k) Lickider 1951: thanks, the pdf, and another question<<Many thanks to the many pe
271 apr19 Andreas Widmann(10k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<Hi David, > Since the origi
272 apr19 Colin Raffel (9k) Call for participation: Hacking Audio and Music Research (HAMR) 2013<<--047d7b3a
273 apr20 Yading Song (10k) Music Emotion Listening Test<<--Apple-Mail=_83A234D4-A3D1-42AC-9EE9-86D11F8497A4
274 apr21 Bob Masta (6k) Re: TTS as surrogate for noise exposure measurement<<Thanks to everyone who resp
275 apr21 Bjoern Schulle(181k) CfP Int. Workshop on Emotion Representations and Modelling for HCI - ERM4HCI 201
276 apr21 Bjoern Schuller(70k) CfP Special Issue of Neural Networks on Affective and Cognitive Learning Systems
277 apr22 Dan Stowell (7k) "Listening in the Wild" workshop Tue 25th June: Animal and machine hearing in mu
278 apr22 Torsten Dau (644k) ISAAR 2013 Call for papers<<--_004_D6122E3D0841D74E831CA192C5AB77131ACEB5aitpex0
279 apr24 Jonas Obleser (8k) Postdoctoral posititon in auditory cognition/auditory neuroscience, Max Planck I
280 apr24 JANER MESTRES, (13k) PhD position on Audio Source Separation at MTG-UPF, Barcelona<<--047d7bdc055c6f8
281 apr29 Stephanie Bertet(8k) Lectureship/Senior Lectureship at the Sonic Arts Research Centre<<Apologies for
301 apr29 nicholas ward (18k) [AUDITORY] Scholarships for Master's Music Technology Programme<<--Apple-Mail=_6
302 apr29 Thomas Lunner (23k) [AUDITORY] Conference registration deadline tomorrow, 30 April - Conf erence on
303 apr29 Etienne THORET (11k) [AUDITORY] 2nd CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "Sound, Music a
304 apr29 Erik Schmidt (9k) [AUDITORY] Music Hack Day Philly<<--Apple-Mail=_C2CC67A3-1ED6-4E2E-8D42-7B2FE837
305 apr29 Chris Pike (11k) [AUDITORY] EBU workshop on immersive audio over headphones<<--Apple-Mail=_8AFDE0
306 apr30 jon (47k) [AUDITORY] Final registration reminder: CHiME 2013, 2nd International Workshop o
307 may02 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(18k) [AUDITORY] Call for music CMMR 2013 Marseille (15 - 18 October) - "Sound, Music
308 may02 SIAN EDWARDS (8k) [AUDITORY] Electronic Paper Request<<---1320627598-588340096-1367509955=:45349 C
309 may02 Torben Poulsen (7k) [AUDITORY] ISAAR 2013, deadline extension to 20 May<<ISAAR 2013. The deadline fo
310 may03 Thomas Behrens (12k) [AUDITORY] Vacant position in Pediatric Audiological R&D at Oticon<<--_000_93919
311 may03 Yading Song (10k) [AUDITORY] Last call: Emotion Listening Test<<--Apple-Mail=_1B1FF09E-7E94-405A-9
312 may05 Rowan D. (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Real-time spectrogram for Mac<<Hi again Many thanks to all who re
313 may06 Silvia Lipski (10k) [AUDITORY] Article search: Phonemic restoration, Samuel 1981<<---491639913-15216
314 may06 Etienne Parizet(17k) [AUDITORY] Ph.D. offer<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -----------
315 may08 =?ISO-8859-15?Q(23k) [AUDITORY] PhD position, signal processing for hearing aids and cochlear implant
316 may09 Iftikhar Nizami (9k) [AUDITORY] The human cochlear mechanical nonlinearity inferred via psychometric
317 may10 Juan Bello (24k) [nemisig] Post-doctoral research position at NYU<< --Apple-Mail=_5067C9EC-0914-4
318 may10 Juan Bello (18k) [AUDITORY] Post-doctoral research position at NYU<<--Apple-Mail=_5067C9EC-0914-4
319 may13 Dan Stowell (8k) [AUDITORY] Reminder, call for posters: "Listening in the Wild" workshop Tue 25th
320 may13 Ozerov Alexey (16k) [machinelistening] 3rd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Informed<<--_000_B02BDB
321 may13 Ozerov Alexey (15k) [AUDITORY] 3rd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Informed Acoustic Source Separa
322 may14 Herve Glotin (6k) [machinelistening] Challenge on bird sequence classification<<The ICML4b 2013 ch
323 may14 Solvi Ystad (40k) [AUDITORY] 3rd CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "Sound, Music a
324 may15 Luis Figueira (7k) [AUDITORY] Final call: Prizes for Reproducibility in Audio a
325 may15 Marcelo Freitas (4k) [AUDITORY] Listening test: Perceptual Similarity of Residual from Sinusoidal Ana
326 may17 Jan Rennies (7k) [AUDITORY] Vacant position Usability Engineering at Fraunhofer HSA in Oldenburg,
327 may17 Abeer Alwan (6k) [AUDITORY] noise-robust pitch detection algorithm<<Dear Colleagues, My student,
328 may20 Juan Bello (26k) [nemisig] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, Journal of New Music
329 may20 Juan Bello (19k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, Journal of New Musi
330 may21 Leonid Litvak (19k) [AUDITORY] Position of Senior Research Audiologist At Advanced Bionics LLC<<--08
331 may22 Rainer Beutelman(8k) [AUDITORY] auditory cognition summer school<<*Auditory Cognition Summer School 2
332 may22 PeresSC (12k) [AUDITORY] Short survey regarding International Community for Auditory Displays
333 may23 Ozerov Alexey (15k) [AUDITORY] [DEADLINE EXTENSION] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Informed Acous
334 may23 Ozerov Alexey (16k) [machinelistening] [DEADLINE EXTENSION] Call for Papers: Special<<--_000_B02BDB2
335 may24 mathieu barthet(12k) [AUDITORY] Gentle Reminder CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "So
336 may24 verron charles (12k) [AUDITORY] Gentle Reminder: CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "S
337 may24 Alexandra Bendix(7k) [AUDITORY] PhD position in Oldenburg, Germany: EEG correlates of auditory attent
338 may25 Gallun, Frederi(18k) [AUDITORY] Postdoctoral Reseach Opportunity in Spatial Hearing<<------_=_NextPar
339 may28 Darren Cordon (10k) [AUDITORY] Short dewax online questionnaire for UK based NHS audiologists<<-----
340 may29 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?P(7k) [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--089e01538abe11
341 may29 Mark Summers (5k) [AUDITORY] McGill samples DVD set?<<Hi, Last time I looked, it was impossible to
342 may30 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(13k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--313692494-
343 may30 fabien gouyon (7k) [MUSIC-IR] Help with an experiment<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
344 may30 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--047d7b450c
345 may30 fabien gouyon (6k) [AUDITORY] Help with an experiment<<Dear readers of the Auditory and MIR mailing
346 may31 Varghese Peter (9k) [AUDITORY] Frequency increment vs decrement<<--_000_617B8E9395E43D47B7479C8FB318
347 may31 Sam Ferguson (14k) [MUSIC-IR] ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013 Approaching!<<This is a multi-part
348 may31 Sam Ferguson (12k) [AUDITORY] ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013 Approaching!<<This is a multi-part
349 may31 Pierre Divenyi (15k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<> This messa
350 jun02 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(18k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--047d7b450c
351 jun03 David Morris (6k) [AUDITORY] SV: RE: Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<Hi Pablo
352 jun04 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(10k) Re: [AUDITORY] SV: RE: Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--e8
353 jun04 Christopher Humm(7k) [AUDITORY] AES 52nd Conference =?Windows-1252?Q?=96?= Sound Field Control<<AES 5
354 jun05 Varghese Peter (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Frequency increment vs decrement<<--_000_617B8E9395E43D47B7479C8F
355 jun05 Rafael (20k) [AUDITORY] 2nd CFP: 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MM
356 jun05 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(13k) Re: [AUDITORY] SV: RE: Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--f4
357 jun05 Massimo Grassi (7k) [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording<<Dear list members, we are about
358 jun05 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(14k) Re: [AUDITORY] SV: RE: Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<---1
359 jun06 Faulkner, Andre(10k) Re: [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording<<Dear Massimo We had IAC UK i
360 jun06 Martin Braun (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] SV: RE: Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<Dear
361 jun06 Robert O Gjerdi(68k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--_005_6F107
362 jun06 Malcolm Slaney (8k) [AUDITORY] Openings for post-doctoral audio researchers at Microsoft Research<<T
363 jun07 Massimo Grassi (26k) [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording [r=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9sum=E9?= ]<<D
364 jun07 Tom Campbell (37k) [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording<<--_f6b8a358-056d-4ce8-86d5-16c33
365 jun07 Massimo Grassi (7k) [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording [the revenge]<<Dear list member,
366 jun07 Alain de Chevei(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Sound proof booth and EEG recording [the revenge]<<A few comments
367 jun07 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?(16k) Re: [AUDITORY] Perceptual basis of evolving western musical styles<<--e89a8f6471
368 jun08 Tom Campbell (33k) Re: [AUDITORY] AUDITORY Digest - 7 Jun 2013 (#2013-135)<<--_b8227f93-b6bf-478d-a
369 jun08 Linda Seltzer (7k) [AUDITORY] Noise sound file corpus anywhere?<<------=_20130608104700_45759 Conte
370 jun09 Emmanuel Vincent(6k) Re: [AUDITORY] Noise sound file corpus anywhere?<<Dear Linda, The DEMAND corpus
371 jun10 Rainer Beutelman(6k) Re: [AUDITORY] auditory cognition summer school<<Dear list, few places are left
372 jun10 Joel Snyder (6k) [AUDITORY] post-doctoral position<<Dear Colleagues, I'm writing to announce a po
373 jun10 Eduardo Coutinh(11k) [AUDITORY] Call for papers - Music and Voice: Expression, Perception and Inducti
374 jun12 Roberto Bresin (6k) [AUDITORY] Rencon 2013 competition of music performance models at SMAC-SMC 2013<
375 jun12 Patel, Aniruddh(13k) [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--_000_E06FF38A806E884E9F935E87BFE5694CF5567
376 jun13 Bob Masta (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<I don't know the answer to your question
377 jun13 =?ISO-8859-2?Q?(14k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--089e0153686c48dd6504df098c06 Content-T
378 jun13 Mathieu Lagrange(9k) [AUDITORY] Speed Sound Finding Experiment<< --Apple-Mail-77--157293766 Content-T
379 jun13 Luis Figueira (8k) [AUDITORY] SoundSoftware 2013: Workshop on Software and Data for Audio and Music
380 jun14 Justin London (19k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--Apple-Mail-2--81699316 Content-Transfe
381 jun14 Simon Conan (47k) [AUDITORY] 4th CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - Deadline exte
382 jun14 James W. Beaucha(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<People who have done extensive research
383 jun14 Ian Cross (15k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
384 jun14 Smith, Nicholas (8k) [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<Dear Ani, I just reread the section on stati
385 jun14 Smith, Nicholas (6k) [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<I misread your request--you weren't interest
386 jun15 Roger Watt (13k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<SGkNCg0KV2UgZGlkIGEgbG90IG9mIHRoaXMgdHlw
387 jun15 Kees de Visser (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<On 14 Jun 2013, at 15:03, Justin London
388 jun16 Kevin Austin (25k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<This is a multi-part message in MIME for
389 jun17 Edward Large (16k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--Apple-Mail=_8F3BD451-9656-4CB6-8427-2C
390 jun17 Richard M. Warr(10k) [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--Apple-Mail-8-192677637 Content-Transfer-En
391 jun17 Benjamin Schultz(9k) [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--_000_C154CA4B938C334
392 jun18 =?Windows-1252?(15k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--_000_945C2BD69A8
393 jun18 Justin London (24k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<--Apple-Mail-19-260837099 Content-Transf
394 jun18 =?ISO-8859-2?Q?P(8k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--089e013a0772e29e
395 jun18 Andre Holzapfel (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<Dear Benjamin, we
396 jun18 Marian Brandret(31k) Re: [AUDITORY] AUDITORY Digest -new email address<<Please could you change my co
397 jun18 Eve Poudrier (13k) [AUDITORY] Looking for examples of =?windows-1252?Q?=93multi-temporality=94?= (p
398 jun19 SKoT McDonald (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<In 2006 at FXpansi
399 jun19 Julius Smith (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<<html> <body> <fon
400 jun19 Mikael.Fernstro(16k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--Apple-Mail-9F5CC
401 jun18 Bob Masta (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music<<On 17 Jun 2013 at 9:48, Edward Large wro
402 jun19 Jean Rouat (7k) [AUDITORY] from audition to vision: a short experiment<<Dear all, We designed a
403 jun19 Josh McDermott (6k) [AUDITORY] audiometer recommendation<<--90e6ba181280ca6b3604df8d981d Content-Typ
404 jun20 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--_000_47A9A81E04C
405 jun20 Joachim Thiemann(8k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<Hello, to get the
406 jun20 Mathieu Lagrange(9k) [AUDITORY] Reminder: Speed Sound Finding Experiment<< --Apple-Mail-136-438593851
407 jun20 Kevin Austin (12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music ][<<I still remain confounded partly by t
408 jun20 Alexander Refsu(11k) [AUDITORY] JOB: Post-doc on "Sound-Producing Actions" (Oslo)<<Post-Doctoral Rese
409 jun20 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(14k) Re: [AUDITORY] MIDI Drum Pads: Delay and temporal resolution<<--Apple-Mail=_AF10
410 jun20 Pierre Divenyi (12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Note durations in music ][<<Kevin, I have two comments. First, an
411 jun21 Tony Stockman (11k) [AUDITORY] Short survey regarding the International Community for Auditory Displ
412 jun22 Holger Mitterer(10k) [AUDITORY] Reminder: Speed Sound Finding Experiment<<--1365045592-1057129612-137
413 jun22 Kevin Austin (309k) [AUDITORY] Just when we thought we were safe: British Library Sound Archive - Ro
414 jun23 Iftikhar Nizami(15k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats use in psychology and hearing science<<--1545434552-7399878
415 jun23 Huron, David (12k) [AUDITORY] Post-doctoral fellowship in music cognition<<--_000_0C82BA0BF4ABBA43B
416 jun23 James Johnston (14k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats use in psychology and hearing science<<--bcaec5489eeb04135e
417 jun24 Brian Gygi (15k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats (mis)use in psychology and hearing science<<----=_vm_0011_W
418 jun24 Yading Song (9k) [AUDITORY] Greek music listening - call for participation<<--Apple-Mail=_877D69F
419 jun24 Emmanuel Ponsot (8k) [AUDITORY] Matlab Code for interleaved adaptive procedure<<--Apple-Mail=_1C9C930
420 jun24 Stuart Rosen (9k) [AUDITORY] Calculating AI or STI or SII<<<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content
421 jun24 Stuart Rosen (9k) [AUDITORY] Calculating AI or STI or SII<<<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content
422 jun25 Daniel Oberfeld (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats use in psychology and hearing science<<Dear list, important
423 jun25 Jennifer M. Groh(7k) [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Dear List, I am writ
424 jun25 Leslie Smith (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<I wonder if the
425 jun25 Joachim Thiemann(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<--001a11c3f60c35
426 jun25 Tollin, Daniel (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Jennifer, Most a
427 jun25 Jennifer M. Groh(9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Dear Leslie and
428 jun25 Stephanie Bertet(9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Are you talking
429 jun25 Bob Masta (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Great question!
430 jun25 John Culling (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<It's probably th
431 jun25 Celestino Alvar(55k) [AUDITORY] Taking research to society<<--089e0112cbc2f6cc0a04dffa5ebf Content-Ty
432 jun25 Neil Waterman (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Isn't the proble
433 jun25 Maher, Rob (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<I would suspect
434 jun25 Chait, Maria (9k) [AUDITORY] PhD studentship at the UCL Ear Institute<<Please forward to anyone wh
435 jun25 pavlovic (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Calculating AI or STI or SII<<This is a multi-part message in MIM
436 jun25 Iftikhar Nizami(13k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats use in psychology and hearing science<<--1029272498-4268880
437 jun25 Kevin Austin (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<In my house, all
438 jun25 robertbaumgartn(17k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<--Apple-Mail=_F9
439 jun25 George Fazekas (21k) [AUDITORY] 1st CfP: Semantic Audio conference<<--Apple-Mail=_4F1EB187-540E-4287-
440 jun25 Richard F. Lyon(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<--047d7b676b3cbf
441 jun26 Sadjadi, Omid (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Calculating AI or STI or SII<<You can find the MatLab scripts (wi
442 jun26 Owen Brimijoin (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Matlab Code for interleaved adaptive procedure<<Dear Emmanuel and
443 jun26 Leonid Litvak (8k) [AUDITORY] Position: Senior Research DSP Engineer<<--089e01681d0cf1617404e012c17
444 jun26 Ewan A. Macphers(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<Richard F. Lyon
445 jun27 Norberto Degara(33k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers - 4th International Workshop on Interactive Sonificat
446 jun27 Martin Hansen (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Matlab Code for interleaved adaptive procedure<<Dear Emmanuel, th
447 jun27 Richard F. Lyon(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<--001a11c373609f
448 jun27 Pierre Divenyi (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<> This message i
449 jun27 Richard F. Lyon(17k) Re: [AUDITORY] Localizing smoke detectors - why is it so hard?<<--089e0158be44d8
450 jun28 Jelfs, Sam (12k) [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbeat?<<--_000_2457CAAB54A05440B
451 jun28 Marcus Pearce (31k) [AUDITORY] MSc in Digital Music Processing<<This is a multi-part message in MIME
452 jun30 =?UTF-8?B?YWxle(13k) Re: [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbea t?<<----ALT--UVLpXh4j13
453 jul01 Koka, Kanthaiah(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbea t?<<PGh0bWw+DQo8aGVhZD4
454 jul01 Dhr Dr. M.A. Co(12k) [AUDITORY] Journal of Sonic Studies 4 is now online<<------=_Part_28676_10286687
455 jul01 Anders Tornvig (15k) Re: [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbeat?<<--------------090507
456 jul01 Zlatan Ribic (13k) Re: [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbea t?<<This is a multi-par
457 jun30 M.A. Stone (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Ear Probe Mics and detecting the heartbeat?<<On Jun 29 2013, Jelf
458 jul01 Yading Song (9k) [AUDITORY] 2nd call for participants - Greek Music Listening test<<--Apple-Mail=
459 jul01 Stuart Rosen (7k) [AUDITORY] Everyone knows that ...<<the identification of consonants is more aff
460 jul01 Matt Winn (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Everyone knows that ...<<--089e0160cb98df4e8404e07fd18a Content-T
461 jul01 Pierre Divenyi (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] Everyone knows that ...<<> This message is in MIME format. Since
462 jul02 Christine Rankov(6k) Re: [AUDITORY] Everyone knows that ...<<Stewart: I know the answer, but given yo
463 jul03 Stephen McAdams(34k) [AUDITORY] BKN25 Symposium: Milestones in Music Cognition<<--Apple-Mail-12--5787
464 jul02 William Yost (10k) [AUDITORY] Job at ASU<<--_000_F735844D42442549B8366896D2395D0E1A235B72exmbt01asu
465 jul04 =?SHIFT_JIS?Q?To(8k) [AUDITORY] REVERB Challenge (Call for Participation)<<Dear list, We are pleased
466 jul08 Brian FG Katz (17k) [AUDITORY] PhD Funding in "Serious Auralisations" : France<<This is a multipart
467 jul09 Brian C. J. M(2174k) [AUDITORY] Publication of Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Hea
468 jul10 Owen Brimijoin (27k) [AUDITORY] Sone et al 1968<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -------
469 jul10 Justin London (14k) [AUDITORY] Computer Processor Question<<--Apple-Mail-3-27213430 Content-Transfer
470 jul10 Tony Miller (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Sone et al 1968<<--089e0158b6941289ef04e12addc0 Content-Type: tex
471 jul11 Owen Brimijoin (30k) Re: [AUDITORY] Sone et al 1968<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---
472 jul11 To:auditory (12k) Postdoctoral position: Cochlear Implant Research in Cambridge<<--bcaec53aecea225
473 jul11 Michael Akeroyd (7k) [AUDITORY] Postdoc position: cochlear implant research in Cambridge<<I'm posting
474 jul11 Bruno L. Giordan(6k) [AUDITORY] Computational models of pitch<<Dear list, I am looking for physiologi
475 jul11 Dan Ellis (17k) [AUDITORY] Postdoctoral position: Cochlear Implant Research in Cambridge<<--20cf
476 jul11 Seeber, Bernhard(9k) [AUDITORY] Research Scientist Position for up to 6 years ("Akademischer Rat", Po
477 jul11 Pierre Divenyi (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] Computational models of pitch<<Bruno, The point at which I would
478 jul12 Brent Edwards (12k) [AUDITORY] Hearing Industry RFP on dynamic spatial listening research<<--Apple-M
479 jul12 Ravicz, Mike (15k) [AUDITORY] Translation from Japanese<<--_000_28D915A06A313C438501BC5F36FDD40E1F2
480 jul12 Peter P. (9k) [AUDITORY] Call for Applications: IEM Graz Music Residency Program 2014<<IEM Mus
481 jul14 Seeber, Bernhard(9k) [AUDITORY] Post-doctoral research scientist binaural psychoacoustics and machine
482 jul15 Neil Maxwell Mc(11k) [AUDITORY] Music Mind and Health Conference<<--_000_7747E920F0A054468CA0B63D2581
483 jul15 Etienne Parizet(18k) [AUDITORY] PhD position<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ----------
484 jul17 Norberto Degara(34k) [AUDITORY] 2nd Call for Papers - 4th International Workshop on Interactive Sonif
485 jul18 Beerends, J.G. ((9k) [AUDITORY] objective assessment of speech quality, open access POLQA paper<<--_0
486 jul18 pqp (9k) [AUDITORY] Call for SMPC 2015 conference hosts<<(With apologies for cross-postin
487 jul18 Bob Carlyon (23k) [AUDITORY] emailing me, plus Postdoctoral position: Cochlear Implant Research in
488 jul19 Deborah Varoqui(15k) [AUDITORY] Two post doc positions in rhythm and movement at University Montpelli
489 jul20 Josh Reiss (10k) [AUDITORY] FW: Job announcement for audio researchers and engineers<<[apologies
490 jul22 William Yost (13k) [AUDITORY] Sid Bacon's Death<<--_000_F735844D42442549B8366896D2395D0E1C4A7650exm
491 jul23 =?ISO-8859-2?Q?(57k) [AUDITORY] Invitation to a special track of 4thIEEE International Conference on
492 jul23 Stefan Bleeck (6k) [AUDITORY] PESQ<<I just found out that the _academic_ use of PESQ (perceptual ev
493 jul24 Anthony Parks (24k) Re: [AUDITORY] AUDITORY Digest - 20 Jul 2013 to 23 Jul 2013 (#2013-174)<<--047d7
494 jul23 McGregor, Iain (22k) [AUDITORY] Online MSc in Sound Design<<--_000_A4027A8A714D5B4EB0CFEE6785D464881E
495 jul23 bhiksha raj (21k) [AUDITORY] HSCMA: Call for papers<<--14dae9473abf2181c704e23370bf Content-Type:
496 jul24 Sadjadi, Omid (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<Can you point us to the document that has this information?
497 jul24 Norberto Degara(35k) [AUDITORY] Last Call for Papers - 4th International Workshop on Interactive Soni
498 jul24 To:Sadjadi, Omid(5k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<--bcaec547c8a743b1a904e2402a2b Content-Type: text/plain; ch
499 jul24 Stefan Bleeck (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<Dear Omid, your doubt qualifies you as a scientist :) I cou
500 jul24 Dan Ellis (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<--089e0160caac44c50f04e2402a5b Content-Type: text/plain; ch
501 jul24 Stefan Strahl (12k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<--001a11c31fd4ba3a2804e23eb876 Content-Type: text/plain; ch
502 jul24 Graham Paul Rous(5k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<Dear Readers, The PESQ technology as recommended by ITU-T R
503 jul25 Sadjadi, Omid (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<=0A= Graham,=0A= =0A= This is still vague to me. As a stude
504 jul24 Paris Smaragdis (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ<<Hi Stefan, As I understand it, the licenses you point to ar
505 jul25 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ and other speech quality algorithms<<Dear All, I would to ex
506 jul25 Michael Akeroy(144k) [AUDITORY] MRC Institute of Hearing Research Directorship<<This is a multi-part
507 jul25 Graham Paul Rous(6k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ and other speech quality algorithms<<Dear Nicolas, Thank you
508 jul26 Stefan Strahl (7k) [AUDITORY] Job Announcement: Research Audiologist at MED-EL<<Dear list, we are e
509 jul26 Christine Ranko(17k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ and other speech quality algorithms<<This is a multi-part me
510 jul26 Graham Rousell (28k) Re: [AUDITORY] PESQ and other speech quality algorithms<<--_000_9E0327C52A10604D
511 jul29 Gilles Degottex(18k) [AUDITORY] COVAREP - Call for contributions<<--e89a8f643358a5b79504e2a6b5da Cont
512 jul29 Brown, Christoph(6k) [AUDITORY] POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in cochlear-implant processing<<A 2-year post-d
513 jul30 Bernstein, Josh(18k) [AUDITORY] Research Associate position available in the Audiology & Speech Cente
514 jul31 Kevin Austin (6k) [AUDITORY] Noise Exposure [<<There are a number of sources of 'permissible noise
515 jul31 Jan Rennies (7k) [AUDITORY] Vacant PhD position at Fraunhofer HSA in Oldenburg, Germany<<Dear col
516 jul31 George Fazekas (40k) [AUDITORY] 2nd CfP: Semantic Audio Conference<<--Apple-Mail=_5364475C-E46B-4BAD-
517 aug01 Md Sahidullah (7k) [AUDITORY] Regarding NOISEX-92 and other SPIB Infobases resources from RICE UNIV
518 aug01 Fabio Kaiser (7k) [AUDITORY] AW: [AUDITORY] Noise Exposure [<<As far as I know, 85dB(A) is defined
519 aug01 Sandra Gordon-Sa(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Noise Exposure [<<The OSHA standard is a bit lax; a better "recom
520 aug01 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?J(9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Regarding NOISEX-92 and other SPIB Infobases resources from RICE
521 aug01 Julian Dario Pal(9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Noise Exposure [<<It depends of the country, The chapter 4 of thi
522 aug02 Brian Gygi (7k) [AUDITORY] A little Friday afternoon thought experiment<<----=_vm_0011_W49883618
523 aug03 Brian Gygi (7k) [AUDITORY] Link to the graph showing US job losses that look like auditory filte
524 aug03 Justin London (12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Link to the graph showing US job losses that look like auditory f
525 aug05 Stuart Rosen (8k) [AUDITORY] Having exhausted the ordinary channels ...<<<html> <head> <meta http-
526 aug05 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Having exhausted the ordinary channels ...<<--1982344905-20511886
527 aug05 Stuart Rosen (7k) [AUDITORY] I now have 2 copies of the Rabbitt paper ...<< From a husband & wife
528 aug05 Ming Li (27k) [AUDITORY] Fwd: [MUSIC-IR] Dolby Research Beijing looking for Research staff<<--
529 aug06 Elif Ozcan Viei(83k) [AUDITORY] CogNovo project: Open PhD and research fellowship positions<<--_005_5
530 aug06 Jason Freeman (7k) [AUDITORY] Call for Entries: Georgia Tech's 2014 Margaret Guthman Musical Instru
531 aug07 Rayna Friendly(383k) [AUDITORY] 2013 McMaster NeuroMusic Conference - Event Announcement<<--047d7bdc1
532 aug08 Sandra Gordon-Sa(9k) [AUDITORY] Position Announcement<<--_000_E961355B9CC6BE4BA3AB1A104E651EF80A6E42A
533 aug09 Seeber, Bernhard(8k) [AUDITORY] Deadline 15.08.2013: Two post-doc / senior researcher positions<<Dear
534 aug12 Tomas Hromadka (10k) [AUDITORY] Cosyne 2014: Call for workshop proposals<<===========================
535 aug13 =?ISO-8859-1?(1104k) [AUDITORY] Looking for a job in sound processing<<--089e016357c440e48704e3c7584d
536 aug13 Bas Kooiker (7k) [AUDITORY] Musical expression experiment<<--089e0115e8e8a05d9604e3d089b6 Content
537 aug14 Neuman, Arlene (6k) [AUDITORY] Research Audiologist Position at NYU School of Medicine<<NYU School o
538 aug16 jon (14k) [AUDITORY] Prestigious postdoctoral fellowship opportunity- Department Computer
539 aug17 Vijay Narne (6k) [AUDITORY] AGC-program<<--001a11c365b6505f6b04e41b2cdc Content-Type: text/plain;
540 aug19 Sue Denham (29k) [AUDITORY] 26 PhD positions available<<--_004_24D04858F28EAC428E20094D35703DFF1A
541 aug19 Stephen McAdams(10k) [AUDITORY] Canada Research Chair hire in Cognitive Neuroimaging at Queen's Unive
542 aug20 Bernstein, Josh(19k) [AUDITORY] Research Associate position available in the Audiology & Speech Cente
543 aug26 WangDongmei (9k) [AUDITORY] ask for Mandarin Chinese speech database (sentences)<<--_a7803871-d46
544 aug26 pqp (9k) [AUDITORY] Faculty opening: Cognitive Psychology - Assistant Professor, Universi
545 aug26 anil chokkarapu (7k) [AUDITORY] Reg: Request for information and material<<--047d7b343eca1eda0504e4dc
546 aug28 Pim van Dijk (6k) [AUDITORY] ISH 2015, 15th-19th 2015, Paterswolde, Groningen, The Netherlands<<De
547 aug31 Michael Palumbo(15k) [AUDITORY] Help locating an old BBC documentary<<--Apple-Mail=_862B6419-7054-494
548 sep02 =?UTF-8?B?UGF0c(22k) [AUDITORY] Research Faculty at the Chinese University of Hong Kong<<--f46d0435c0
549 sep02 Nick Patterson (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Help locating an old BBC documentary<<Hi Michael, Not sure where
550 sep02 Hauke Egermann (7k) [AUDITORY] Research position at the Audio Communication Group, TU Berlin (3DMIN)
551 sep02 Mi Tian (9k) [AUDITORY] Chinese Opera listening test --- Call for participation<<--Apple-Mail
552 sep03 Pascale Sandman(25k) [AUDITORY] Open PhD position<<This is a multi-part message in MIME format. -----
553 sep03 Hornsby, Benjam(11k) [AUDITORY] Threshold procedures used to derive current ISO and ANSI norms for th
554 sep03 Kathryn H Areha(15k) [AUDITORY] Faculty position at University of Colorado Boulder<<--_000_F51B7A1CDF
555 sep03 Michael Palumbo(22k) Re: [AUDITORY] Help locating an old BBC documentary<<--Apple-Mail=_0BEEE4E9-5A4A
556 sep03 Norbert Kopco (8k) [AUDITORY] Post-doc and researcher positions<<Post-doc and researcher (preferabl
557 sep04 Juan Bello (27k) [nemisig] 2nd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, JNMR. Deadline:
558 sep04 Thomas Lunner (20k) Re: [AUDITORY] Threshold procedures used to derive current ISO and ANSI norms fo
559 sep04 Juan Bello (20k) [AUDITORY] 2nd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, JNMR. Deadline:
560 sep05 Heinz, Michael G(8k) [AUDITORY] Faculty Position - Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue Uni
561 sep05 Luis Figueira (7k) [AUDITORY] Prizes for Reproducibility on Semantic Audio<<Dea
562 sep06 Pragati Rao (8k) [AUDITORY] Software/code for insertion of a large number of triggers.<<--f46d043
563 sep05 David Meredith (9k) [AUDITORY] PhD studentships in machine modelling of musical learning and creativ
564 sep06 Bob Masta (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Software/code for insertion of a large number of triggers.<<I ass
565 sep09 Scharine, Angel(17k) [AUDITORY] Research Audiologist Wanted: Postdoctoral fellowship at the US Army R
566 sep09 George Fazekas (52k) [AUDITORY] Deadline Extension: Semantic Audio Conference<<--Apple-Mail=_F13F8A7C
567 sep09 Tom Campbell(25370k) [AUDITORY] Software/code for insertion of a large number of triggers<<--_e54a0bd
568 sep09 Jochem Rieger (38k) [AUDITORY] Post-doctoral position with a focus on speech coding in the human bra
569 sep10 Pragati Rao (238k) Re: [AUDITORY] AUDITORY Digest - 7 Sep 2013 to 10 Sep 2013 - Special issue (#201
570 sep10 vannson nicolas (8k) [AUDITORY] What stimuli for localization task under virtual auditory system?<<--
571 sep11 Bernhard Laback(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] What stimuli for localization task under virtual auditory system?
572 sep11 Ajith Kumar U (10k) [AUDITORY] Launch of new manuscript submission portal for JISHA<<--e89a8f64701bb
573 sep11 ftordini@libero(17k) [AUDITORY] references about auditory processing delays<<Dear list members, I am
574 sep12 Grace Leslie (9k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers: The Wind Project<<--047d7b5d4396be171904e6334782 Con
575 sep13 Derek Burton (6k) [AUDITORY] Unanesthetized measurements<<--047d7bdc192cb0375804e63df113 Content-T
576 sep13 Athanasios Mouch(8k) [AUDITORY] Postdoc opening in audio signal processing at FORTH-ICS<<Dear list, W
577 sep13 David Meredith (7k) [AUDITORY] Two PhD studentships in machine modelling of musical learning and cre
578 sep13 Bastian Epp (14k) Re: [AUDITORY] Unanesthetized measurements<<--------------0103080404050305070405
579 sep13 Pavel Zahorik (7k) [AUDITORY] JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Director, Division of Communicative Disorders, Univ
580 sep13 Pavel Zahorik (6k) [AUDITORY] JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor in Hearing Science, University
581 sep14 =?utf-8?B?c291b(10k) [AUDITORY] Anechoic Recording of WIPI test<<This is a multi-part message in MIME
582 sep16 Tomas Hromadka (8k) [AUDITORY] COSYNE 2014: Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts (abstract de
583 sep15 Christoph Kayse(13k) [AUDITORY] Postdoc / RA in electrophysiology - Glasgow UK<<--_000_330A4F21C29C
584 sep15 Sam Mathias (7k) [AUDITORY] Question about criterion in 2AFC designs.<<--089e0115eef816028b04e66c
585 sep16 Bob Carlyon (27k) Re: [AUDITORY] Unanesthetized measurements<<--_004_9A9432BC31857848B97F53CEAE838
586 sep16 Gallun, Frederi(15k) Re: [AUDITORY] Question about criterion in 2AFC designs.<<------_=_NextPart_001_
587 sep16 Sam Mathias (8k) [AUDITORY] question about c<<--047d7b33d17639ce7304e67f83db Content-Type: text/p
588 sep17 Jorg Buchholz (21k) [AUDITORY] International PhD stipend available at National Acoustic Laboratories
589 sep16 Pierre Divenyi (16k) Re: [AUDITORY] Question about criterion in 2AFC designs.<<> This message is in M
590 sep17 Patel, Aniruddh(14k) Ph.D. opportunity: comparative auditory cognition<<--_000_E06FF38A806E884E9F935E
591 sep17 Alejandro Valde(10k) [AUDITORY] PhD position available at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland<<--047d7b67
592 sep17 Patel, Aniruddh(17k) [AUDITORY] Ph.D. opportunity: comparative auditory cognition<<--_000_E06FF38A806
593 sep18 Kevin Austin (15k) [AUDITORY] Soutenance de th=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E8se_de_Lionel_Feug=E8re?= Jeudi 2 6
594 sep18 Sam Mathias (8k) [AUDITORY] question about c SOLVED!<<--001a11c2e2248ee94c04e6acf66b Content-Type
595 sep19 Pierre Divenyi (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] question about c SOLVED!<<> This message is in MIME format. Since
596 sep19 Bjoern Schulle(163k) [AUDITORY] Call for Articles: Special Issue on Atypical Speech & Voices: Corpora
597 sep20 Luis Figueira (7k) [AUDITORY] Call for Entries: Prize for Reproducibility in th
598 sep20 Franken, M.K.M.(11k) [AUDITORY] feedback perturbation paradigm<<This is a multi-part message in MIME
599 sep20 Hans Colonius (37k) [AUDITORY] PostDoc Auditory Cognition in Oldenburg<<--_000_21aedaa5c17a4dbea02dc
600 sep20 Maarten De Vos (74k) [AUDITORY] PhD position University Oldenburg<<--_004_6B899ABA74598247B5D363A7FE1
601 sep20 Pierre Divenyi (17k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats (mis)use in psychology and hearing science<<--Apple-Mail-D3
602 sep21 Simon Doclo (9k) [AUDITORY] PhD position available at Signal Processing Group, University of Olde
603 sep23 Kyle Nakamoto (4k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats (mis)use in psychology and hearing science<<Nonparametrics
604 sep23 Bjoern Schuller(88k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers - WCCI 2014 Special Session "Computational Intelligen
605 sep24 anil chokkarapu (6k) [AUDITORY] Reg: Noise dataabse<<--bcaec51b9cfd64da7304e71f04d6 Content-Type: tex
606 sep24 George Fazekas (15k) [AUDITORY] Semantic Audio Conference: Reminder and short deadline extension<<--A
607 sep24 Pierre Divenyi (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats (mis)use in psychology and hearing science<<That may be cor
608 sep24 Kong, Ying-Yee (81k) [AUDITORY] Senior faculty position -- Northeastern University<< --_000_CE6780FB1
609 sep25 Ken Grant (6k) [AUDITORY] Classic picture<<Does anyone know where I can find the classic pictur
610 sep25 FOGERTY, DAN (8k) [AUDITORY] Assistant Professor Position in Communication Sciences & Disorders<<A
611 sep25 FOGERTY, DAN (8k) [AUDITORY] Ph.D. position available in Auditory Cognitive Science<<Ph.D. Researc
612 sep26 Ming Li (10k) [AUDITORY] "Online" MIR course<<--047d7b677efa23eb4a04e740dba9 Content-Type: tex
613 sep26 Oberfeld-Twiste(10k) Re: [AUDITORY] stats (mis)use in psychology and hearing science<<Dear list, > Fr
614 sep27 =?UTF-8?B?QmVybm(7k) [AUDITORY] PhD student position at Munster University Hospital, Germany<<Dear co
615 sep30 Natasha Mhatre (10k) [AUDITORY] Bioacoustics paper in Current Biology<<--047d7bdc11cc0ca87104e794dcda
616 sep30 Matt Flax (5k) [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<Hi there, Back about
617 sep30 =?utf-8?Q?Koray(47k) [AUDITORY] First CfP, NIME 2014, International Conference on New Interfaces for
618 oct01 Esteban Maestre (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<Hi Matt, I'm not
619 oct01 Marcelo Caetano(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<---1903230837-146
620 oct01 Colin Raffel (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<--089e01537f209c3
621 oct02 Matt Flax (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<Thanks for the le
622 oct02 Kevin Austin (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<Hi I read the req
623 oct02 Wen Xue (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<That was mtg (mus
624 oct03 Juan Bello (25k) [nemisig] Deadline extended: November 15, Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, JNMR<
625 oct03 Juan Bello (17k) [AUDITORY] Deadline extended: November 15, Special Issue on Musical Rhythm, JNMR
626 oct03 (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software<<This is a multi-p
627 oct04 Jonathan Le Rou(10k) SANE 2013 - Speech and Audio in the Northeast 2013 (October 24, 2013;<<--047d7b5
628 oct04 Gilles Degottex (7k) [AUDITORY] Preference test - A little bit of listening for friday ?<<--001a11c36
629 oct04 William Yost (14k) [AUDITORY] ACNS Conference<<--_000_F735844D42442549B8366896D2395D0E22A298BFexmbt
630 oct04 Jonathan Le Rou(11k) [AUDITORY] SANE 2013 - Speech and Audio in the Northeast 2013 (October 24, 2013;
631 oct07 Tomas Hromadka (9k) [AUDITORY] [COSYNE2014] Abstract submission is open, Workshop pre-proposals dead
632 oct08 herzfeld (6k) [AUDITORY] Ph D Thesis<<Hello List. I am looking for a pdf copy of: "The product
633 oct08 Joel Snyder (9k) [AUDITORY] Assistant Professor in Neuroscience<<Dear Colleagues, Please take not
634 oct08 Rayna Friendly(516k) [AUDITORY] Reminder: NeuroMusic Conference Poster Abstracts Due on October 15, 2
635 oct10 Gilles Degottex (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Preference test - A little bit of listening for friday ?<<--089e0
636 oct11 mathieu barthet (9k) [AUDITORY] Digital Music Research Network workshop (DMRN+8): 17 December 2013, Q
637 oct13 Kevin Austin (9k) [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure lev
638 oct12 James Johnston (15k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
639 oct13 Bob Masta (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
640 oct13 herzfeld (11k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
641 oct12 Pierre Divenyi (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
642 oct13 Daniel Shanahan (9k) [AUDITORY] Empirical Musicology Review<<--047d7b5d5c8287c50f04e8a1bcb1 Content-T
643 oct13 Etienne Gaudrai(24k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
644 oct13 Christopher Sher(8k) [AUDITORY] Music, Sound, and the Laboratory from 1750=?windows-1252?Q?=961980?=<
645 oct13 Jon Boley (20k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
646 oct14 Kevin Austin (22k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
647 oct14 Enrique A. Lope(27k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
648 oct14 John Culling (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
649 oct14 Massimo Grassi (10k) [AUDITORY] Cognitive Science Arena for Beginners: Bressanone (IT), February 28 -
650 oct14 Ozerov Alexey (13k) [AUDITORY] Hannah: dense audio-visual person annotation in "Hannah and her siste
651 oct14 Kevin Austin (20k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and more<<--Boundary_(I
652 oct14 Helen Simon (36k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
653 oct14 Info Cognition (14k) [AUDITORY] 26 PhD studentships - CogNovo<<APOLOGIES FOR ANY CROSS-POSTING! 14 Ma
654 oct15 Christopher Sher(8k) [AUDITORY] Charlie Rose show on Hearing<<--001a11c3db7497429504e8c52fff Content-
655 oct15 Bob Masta (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and more<<On 14 Oct 201
656 oct15 Long, Glenis (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
657 oct15 Nicholas Bryan (9k) [AUDITORY] ISSE - An Interactive Source Separation Editor<<--047d7bea4154d2e3fa0
658 oct16 Gilles Degottex (8k) [AUDITORY] Listening test - One more ! (short)<<--001a11c366d0003a2404e8d8121b C
659 oct16 herzfeld (6k) [AUDITORY] pitch<<Can anyone point me to a method which takes as input a signal
660 oct16 Sarah Hargus Fer(8k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and more<<I teach the C
661 oct16 Ranjit Randhawa (5k) [AUDITORY] Function name?<<Dear List, Is there a mathematician in this group who
662 0 (29k) <<Delivered-To: Received: by with SMTP id x8csp9
663 oct16 Ian Colley (9k) [AUDITORY] Successor to Cakewalk<<--001a11c2047a5a091d04e8dea001 Content-Type: t
664 oct17 Alain de Cheveig(8k) Re: [AUDITORY] pitch<<Here's the recipe: (1) estimate the period with subsample
665 oct17 Wen Xue (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] pitch<<Sorry for self-advertisement - Wen X. and M. Sandler, "Sin
666 oct17 Pat Zurek (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and more<<An approach t
667 oct17 Stefano Papetti(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Successor to Cakewalk<<This is a multi-part message in MIME forma
668 oct17 xinhui zhou (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] Successor to Cakewalk<<--047d7bb0435ccc4eab04e8f478d5 Content-Typ
669 oct18 Stefan Strahl (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Successor to Cakewalk<<Hi Ian :) Have a look at the free Rosegard
670 oct18 Christine Ranko(33k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
671 oct18 Gilles Degottex (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Listening test - One more ! (short)<<--047d7bf10aa8a6a00904e9011a
672 oct19 Davide Rocchesso(7k) [AUDITORY] Research positions in Venice<<As part of the European Project SkAT-VG
673 oct19 James W. Beaucha(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound<<One of
674 oct20 rif (33k) Re: [AUDITORY] How to speak to people about hearing loss and high sound pressure
675 oct21 Kevin Austin (33k) [AUDITORY] Contributing to hearing loss and irrationality<<--Boundary_(ID_XU5cg7
676 oct21 Federico Avanzin(9k) [AUDITORY] 1- and 2-year fellowships at the University of Padova<<This is a mult
677 oct21 Chris Plack (20k) [AUDITORY] 5-Year PostDoc at the University of Manchester: Human Psychophysics /
678 oct21 Mark Riggle (14k) [AUDITORY] Why rock concerts turn the volume up to eleven -- was re: How to spea
679 oct21 Caroline Palmer (5k) [AUDITORY] Grad and Postdoc Fellowships in ACN<<Please circulate broadly, thank
680 oct21 Gilles Degottex (8k) [AUDITORY] And one preference test for starting the week !<<--001a11c1b31cb9ba7a
681 oct21 Kostas Kokkinak(17k) [AUDITORY] Assistant/Associate/Full Professor at KU<<--047d7b676e68f4f24f04e941f
682 oct22 Dan Stowell (9k) [AUDITORY] Results posted for IEEE AASP Challenge: Detection and Classification
683 oct22 Peter Lennox (22k) Re: [AUDITORY] Why rock concerts turn the volume up to eleven -- was re: How to
684 oct22 Norberto Degara(23k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, IEEE Mult
685 oct23 Thomas Lunner (35k) [AUDITORY] Amsterdam/Copenhagen PhD position #2: 'LISTENing effort and societal
686 oct23 Thomas Lunner (39k) [AUDITORY] Amsterdam/Copenhagen PhD position #1: 'LISTENing effort in daily life
687 oct24 Gilles Degottex(10k) Re: [AUDITORY] And one preference test for starting the week !<<--047d7b450a42d9
688 oct25 Stuart Rosen (8k) [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<<html> <head> <met
689 oct25 William Yost (14k) [AUDITORY] Tenure Track Positions, ASU<<--_000_F735844D42442549B8366896D2395D0E2
690 oct26 David Grayden (31k) Re: [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<--_004_93841D9
691 oct26 Matthias Milczyn(9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<--001a11c1db34
692 oct27 David Morris (6k) [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<Hi Stuart,=0A= =0A
693 oct28 Emmanuel Vincent(9k) [AUDITORY] 2nd Cfp: HSCMA 2014 (4th Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communic
694 oct28 Sarah Hargus Fer(7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<I teach our CI
695 oct28 Ming Li (15k) [AUDITORY] Essentia becomes open source and receives an ACM Multimedia award<<--
696 oct28 Watson, Charles(16k) [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Dear Colleagues, This may sound like a commerc
697 oct28 Latzel, Matthia(37k) Re: [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<--_004_1E0FDC3
698 oct28 Matthew Fitzger(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] AUDITORY Digest - 26 Oct 2013 to 27 Oct 2013 (#2013-254)<<--20cf3
699 oct28 Cecilia Ovesdot(21k) [AUDITORY] Tenure-track faculty position at RIT: Computational linguistics/langu
700 oct28 Pierre Divenyi (17k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Chuck, This is interesting and a worthwhil
701 oct29 Tom Brennan (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<While I see this test as a potentially goo
702 oct29 Watson, Charles (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Tom, Thanks for your interest in the telep
703 oct29 Watson, Charles (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Dear Pierre, We agree that if we want hear
704 oct29 Kohlrausch, Armi(9k) [AUDITORY] Two PhD positions on auditory modeling in Eindhoven, The Netherlands<
705 oct29 Rowan D. (8k) [AUDITORY] Advert for Director of University of Southampton Auditory Implant Ser
706 oct29 Norberto Degara(19k) [AUDITORY] Call for Papers - 20th International Conference on Auditory Display (
707 oct30 Tom Brennan (6k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Actually, my comments about telephone serv
708 oct30 Takako Fujioka (7k) [AUDITORY] Online survey for classical and jazz music students<<Hello list, we a
709 oct30 David Meredith (7k) [AUDITORY] Ph.D. stipend on EU project "Learning to Create" at Aalborg Universit
710 oct30 Watson, Charles (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<Tom, I know it is hard to accept that the
711 oct30 Watson, Charles (7k) [AUDITORY] Waiver of fee for members of the Auditory List, for National Hearing
712 oct31 Kamil Adiloglu (7k) [AUDITORY] Phoneme database<<--047d7bdc9e6878f64d04ea056498 Content-Type: text/p
713 oct31 Giampiero Salvi (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Phoneme database<<Dear Kamil, what do you mean exactly with "isol
714 oct31 Kamil Adiloglu (10k) Re: [AUDITORY] Phoneme database<<--089e0141aa04076ee704ea05cfce Content-Type: te
715 oct31 Kamil Adiloglu (13k) Re: [AUDITORY] Phoneme database<<--001a1133326ad0349504ea0adadf Content-Type: te
716 oct31 Kathryn H Arehar(7k) [AUDITORY] Position at University of Colorado Boulder<<A full-time research asso
717 oct31 Steve Beet (8k) Re: [AUDITORY] Phoneme database<<For the Oxford database, why not try a web sear
718 oct31 Gilles Degottex (7k) [AUDITORY] The last preference test of the hunting season (very short)<<--001a11
719 oct31 Richard F. Lyon(14k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<--001a11c3ee6a98f88b04ea0d827a Content-Typ
720 oct31 Jason Freeman (10k) [AUDITORY] the MS and PhD degrees in music technology at Georgia Tech<<Georgia T
721 oct31 Pierre Divenyi (17k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<> This message is in MIME format. Since yo
722 nov01 Christian Stilp(18k) [AUDITORY] Two Doctoral Positions Available =?windows-1252?Q?=96?= Auditory Perc
723 nov01 Gilles Degottex (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] The last preference test of the hunting season (very short)<<--00
724 nov02 Axel Roebel (10k) [AUDITORY] Research position (postdoc in speech synthesis) at IRCAM / CHANTER Pr
725 nov03 Andy Sabin (7k) [AUDITORY] Announcing EarMachine: Our free next-generation hearing app for iOS<<
726 nov04 Katharina von K(10k) [AUDITORY] Fwd: Berlin School of Mind and Brain PhD progr am =?utf-8?Q?=E2=80=93
727 nov04 Christopher Lee (5k) [AUDITORY] 1 Year funded position<<Dear colleagues, We have a job opening up sta
728 nov04 Bill Woods (29k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<--_000_8B7E4506479CA84B8A00E10CF01B1143D0F
729 nov05 Frederik Nielbo (7k) [AUDITORY] Article request<<--001a1134a31871637304ea701d16 Content-Type: text/pl
730 nov05 Stuart Rosen (12k) [AUDITORY] Good introductory literature on cochlear implants<<Delivered-To: dan.
731 nov05 Enrique A. Lope(40k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<This is a multi-part message in MIME forma
732 nov06 Tomas Hromadka (9k) [AUDITORY] [COSYNE2014] Abstract submission closes soon; Travel grants open; Mai
733 nov06 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(46k) [AUDITORY] CFP, Urban Soundscapes and Critical Citizenship, 27th & 28th March, 2
734 nov05 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?L(9k) [AUDITORY] Perception of coarticulation in noise<<This is a multi-part message i
735 nov06 Frederik Nielbo(12k) Re: [AUDITORY] Article request<<--047d7b5db7b28cecc004ea83b26b Content-Type: tex
736 nov06 Sarah Verhulst (38k) [AUDITORY] PhD studentship in Oldenburg, Germany<<--_000_0EEC1ED8971952469B40E21
737 nov06 Richard F. Lyon(14k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<--089e01493c067ebc4604ea85f380 Content-Typ
738 nov07 Torsten Dau (40k) [AUDITORY] Position announcement: Associate/Assistant Professor in Hearing Techn
739 nov07 Kevin Austin (21k) [AUDITORY] SAT, and Question about Sound Pressure Levels<<--Boundary_(ID_rFj/DYU
740 nov07 Christine Tan (24k) Re: [AUDITORY] National Hearing Test<<--_000_3569409D6FBD9E4591C40F6F17ABD4C8339
741 nov08 Richard M. Warr(36k) [AUDITORY] Speech Intelligibility Index vs. Direct Measurement<<--Apple-Mail-55-
742 nov09 Beerends, J.G. (34k) Re: [AUDITORY] Speech Intelligibility Index vs. Direct Measurement<<--_000_E6414
743 nov09 Bruno L. Giordan(6k) [AUDITORY] Foreign connected speech databases wanted<<Dear list, I am looking fo
744 nov10 Giampiero Salvi (7k) Re: [AUDITORY] Foreign connected speech databases wanted<<On Nov 10, 2013 6:05 A
745 nov10 Valeriy Shafiro(11k) Re: [AUDITORY] Foreign connected speech databases wanted<<--089e01228cb666e1e704
746 nov11 Brian Gygi (9k) Re: [AUDITORY] Foreign connected speech databases wanted<<----=_vm_0011_W5475931
747 nov11 Stuart Rosen (12k) [AUDITORY] Workshop on Late Stages in Speech and Communication Development (LSCD
748 nov11 Gaston Hilkhuys(12k) [AUDITORY] Workshop o n Speech i n Noise, 9 th & 10th of January 2014, Mar sei
749 nov12 Tom Campbell (19k) [AUDITORY] Foreign connected speech databases wanted<<--_ae2cafab-8aed-4e3c-9f81
750 nov12 Kohlrausch, Arm(13k) PostDoc position in binaural modeling at TU Eindhoven<<Eindhoven University of T
751 nov12 Mark A. Bee (18k) Job posting of potential relevance to auditory neuroscientists<<This is a multi-
752 nov12 Ken Grant (18k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 11 Nov 2013 (#2013-271)<<--Apple-Mail-0DC8FDFE-61F4-4291-9
753 nov13 Olivier Macherey(6k) Workshop on Speech in Noise, 9 th & 10th of January 2014, Marseille France=?UT
754 nov14 Kohlrausch, Arm(13k) Resending: PostDoc position in binaural modeling at TU Eindhoven<<Dear list My p
755 nov14 Martin Hansen (7k) PhD position in psychoacoustics at Le uphana University L=?windows-1252?Q?=FCneb
756 nov15 Dan Ellis (6k) MIME messages and List archives<<Dear AUDITORY list - I've had a couple of messa
757 nov18 Inga M Schepers(12k) Job Announcement: Post-doctoral position with a focus on signal processing / sta
758 nov18 Rainer Huber (7k) Who also needs Sennheiser HDA 200 headphones?<<Dear list, as you probably know,
759 nov18 Matthias Mauch (18k) Funded PhD studentship in =?windows-1252?Q?=93Signal_Processing__and_Data_Mining
760 nov18 Kohlrausch, Arm(12k) Again: PostDoc position in binaural modeling at TU Eindhoven<<Eindhoven Universi
761 nov18 Chris Pike (6k) BBC R&D recruiting Senior Software Engineer<<The BBC's Research & Development de
762 nov19 Kevin Austin (6k) Fwd: Matlab Rhythmogram Code<<Begin forwarded message: From: David Hirst <dhirst
763 nov18 Michael Schutz (11k) MSc/PhD opening in the MAPLE Lab at McMaster University<<--e89a8fb1f748aa1e8704e
764 nov20 Solvi Ystad (163k) Research Engineer Position available at the LMA (Marseille, France)<<--Apple-Mai
765 nov20 Stacey, Paula (14k) PhD Position at Nottingham Trent University<<--_000_86205FB6B6213940831A914E4DAE
766 nov20 Info Cognition (18k) Marie-Curie PhD Fellowship: Individual differences in cognitive style - deadline
767 nov20 Info Cognition (19k) Plymouth University CogNovo PhD Studentship: Social cognition, communication com
768 nov20 Stefanie Aceved(13k) CFP: Yale Graduate Music Symposium<<--Apple-Mail-1-788470663 Content-Transfer-En
769 nov21 David Magezi (8k) Introductory text books on psychoacoustics: in French or German<<--729328464-123
770 nov22 Brandreth Maria(13k) Re: AUDITORY Digest - 20 Nov 2013 to 21 Nov 2013 (#2013-280)<<--_000_EF3EB2E93E9
771 nov25 Oberfeld-Twistel(6k) Re: Introductory text books on psychoacoustics: in French or German<<Hi David, t
772 nov25 Sabine Meunier (6k) Re: Introductory text books on psychoacoustics: in French or German<<Dear David,
773 nov25 Sarah Verhulst (18k) PostDoc/PhD studentship on "Comprehensive Model of the Auditory System" in Olden
774 nov28 Norberto Degara(20k) Fwd: Call for Workshop/Tutorial Proposals - 20th International Conference on Aud
775 nov29 Torsten Dau (41k) Position announcement: Associate/Assistant Professor in Hearing Technology / Aud
776 nov28 Alexander Linda(31k) Translating qualities for the perception of (spatial) audio: Seeking two English
777 nov29 Bernadette Fult(23k) Job Announcement: Audiologist in R&D<<--_000_1144F8E90F58294FAD44E0A663A16B3C19
778 dec02 Geoffroy Peeter(67k) Job opening at IRCAM: Audio Indexing Researcher<<This is a multi-part message in
779 dec02 Brown, Christoph(5k) Fitch and Holbrook, 1970<<I am looking for the following paper, without luck: Fi
780 dec02 Fatima Husain (12k) Two Faculty Positions, UIUC<<--047d7b86e3d86b1d4e04ec92b9b4 Content-Type: text/p
781 dec02 Hendrik Purwins (7k) Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering focused on Sound and Music Computing<<Ple
782 dec03 Bjoern Schuller(11k) Extended Deadline: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for E
783 dec03 Brown, Christoph(6k) Re: Fitch and Holbrook, 1970<<--_000_529E0B655050108pittedu_ Content-Type: text/
784 dec04 Rose Thomas Ka(475k) Re: Fitch and Holbrook, 1970<<--047d7b604cbc3193dc04eca5aa94 Content-Type: multi
785 dec03 =?iso-8859-1?Q?(48k) Winter School on Computational Auditory Modeling<<--_006_435B1639D0C2C346BFB0258
786 dec04 Lorenzo Picinali(7k) Research Assistant position at DMU, Leicester, UK<<Dear list, I have an opening
787 dec04 Flaithri.Neff (9k) VISIMax<<--_000_978857F3540F0F4FA2FA24C5BA8BDB8DAE7F77F2LITEX01litdomli_ Content
788 dec04 Tufts, Jennifer(15k) Assistant Professor-in-Residence audiology position available at UConn<<--_000_C
789 dec04 Tufts, Jennifer(16k) Open-rank tenure-track audiology position available at UConn<<--_000_CAD1B20435F
790 dec04 Kathryn H Arehar(8k) ioLab Response Box<<--_000_F51B7A1CDF0D44449DCFB09246BD37DA31AC06C8F1EXC2adcolor
791 dec04 Gautham J. Mysor(9k) Audio Research Internships at Adobe Research<<--047d7b414324f0140d04ecbb316f Con
792 dec05 Mark Wibrow (9k) Re: ioLab Response Box<<Hi, Lincoln Smith who (I believe) is the founder of ioLa
793 dec05 John ffitch (7k) Fwd: VISIMax<<----- Forwarded message from John Clements <>
794 dec05 Renee Timmers (10k) PhD Scholarships for Multidisciplinary Research Network on BioHybrid Humans<<--0
795 dec06 Deepa Sr (13k) Q-PMSU<< --047d7b3a99f816af6a04ecd7b062 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-88
796 dec06 Cornelius Abel (5k) Peripher Physiology<<Hello List, does anybody have a good recomendation for a ha
797 dec06 Jelfs, Sam (8k) Re: Peripher Physiology<<Cornelius, Currently I am using a BIOPAC system. It is
798 dec06 George Fazekas (36k) Semantic Audio Conference: Call for Contributions<<--Apple-Mail=_A0E8489E-667E-4
799 dec06 Neo Kaplanis (10k) PG Intensive Courses in Psychoacoustics / Room Acoustics<<--_000_CEC662F0A33neob
800 dec06 Marcus Pearce (7k) Fully-funded PhD Scholarship at Queen Mary, University of London<<This is a mult
801 dec07 nakajima (11k) A teaching position in perceptual psychology<<This is a multipart message in MIM
802 dec09 Massimo Grassi (5k) B&K: 4152 or 4153?<<Dear all, I'm about the buy the B&K artificial ear to calibr
803 dec11 Cox Trevor (19k) Post-doc fellowship positions<< --_000_BE7AC0A1E73C0E4E9FDE8664F69DA03AA2C351FAu
804 dec11 Janina Fels (250k) PhD position available at RWTH Aachen University<< --------------040605070703030
805 dec11 Janina Fels (245k) PostDoc Position available at RWTH Aachen University<< --------------08080907090
806 dec11 =?ISO-8859-1?Q(105k) PhD or Postdoc in exploring the quantitative laws of musical discourse<<This is
807 dec12 Maris Skujevskis(5k) EEG compatible earphones<<Hi all, Can anyone suggest a pair of EEG compatible ea
808 dec13 Michael Tangerma(6k) Re: EEG compatible earphones<<-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear
809 dec13 Gallun, Frederic(8k) Re: EEG compatible earphones<<We use Etymotic ER2s or ER3s. The drivers are atta
810 dec14 Gallun, Frederi(14k) FW: [EXTERNAL]My Thesis Survey<<------_=_NextPart_001_01CEF910.63E46BBD Content-
811 dec14 Flaithri.Neff (7k) Research Masters Opportunity Limerick Institute of Technology Ireland<<***Apolog
812 dec15 Michael Newton (7k) PhD position in musical acoustics at Edinburgh University (UK) + Acoustics MSc d
813 dec15 Bjoern Schuller(11k) Final Extension (20 December): 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Digital
814 dec15 Bjoern Schuller(77k) Call for Papers: 5th International Workshop on EMOTION, SOCIAL SIGNALS, SENTIMEN
815 dec16 Thomas Behrens (21k) Senior Research opening at Oticon<<--_000_9391957B88DCD94DA559E6159F3299BF0CD0DF
816 dec17 anil chokkarapu (6k) Reg: Need an algorthim<<--047d7b3a8130247b6c04edbaaa0a Content-Type: text/plain;
817 dec18 Deepa Sr (19k) Fwd: AUDITORY: confirmation required (7219F882)<< --001a11c2538093d5ae04edcc52a4
818 dec18 John ffitch (8k) Re: AUDITORY: confirmation required (7219F882)<<I did not see any statement of w
819 dec18 Michael Akeroyd(10k) Launched today: MRC public science experiment on hearing<<This is a multi-part m
820 dec18 Norberto Degara(23k) 2nd Call for Papers: Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, IEEE MultiMedia
821 dec19 David Grayden (10k) Postdoc in Auditory Computational Neuroscience at The University of Melbourne<<C
822 dec19 Hermes, D.J. (6k) job announcement<<On behalf of Bruce Ferwerda I forward you the following job an
823 dec17 alist (14k) Audiology faculty positions at Gallaudet U, Washington, DC<<------=_Part_89360_1
824 dec19 Rainer Huber (7k) Comparison of HDA-200 and HDA-300<<Dear List, As stated earlier, the audiometry
825 dec19 Iftikhar Nizami(18k) Norbert Wiener, second-order cybernetics, and auditory psychophysics<<--13816491
826 dec20 Matthias Mauch (9k) Reminder: PhD positions at the Centre for Digital Music, QM<<--Apple-Mail=_CF1BB
827 dec20 David Meredith (6k) Open postdoc position in music and machine learning at Aalborg University<<Hi Au
828 dec21 Iftikhar Nizami(20k) Lance Nizami re Wiener, cybernetics, etc - SECOND posting<<---335401467-12959416
829 dec23 Frank Melchior (20k) Opportunity: Senior Scientist Audio - BBC R&D<<--_000_CEDDB84520B82frankmelchior
830 dec23 Frank Melchior (19k) Opportunity: Senior Scientist Audio - BBC R&D<<--_000_CEDDC15C20B8Dfrankmelchior
831 dec23 Andre Holzapfel (6k) Call for Abstracts - FMA 2014<<Apologies for cross-posting 4th International Wor
832 dec23 Gallun, Frederic(7k) Researcher Position at NCRAR, Portland VAMC<<Auditory/Vestibular Researcher at t
833 dec30 George Fazekas (36k) Call for Participation: Semantic Audio Conference<<--Apple-Mail=_8F8E20E6-A508-4
DAn Ellis <>
Dept. of Elec. Eng., Columbia