Proposal of Organized Session on Robot Audition at IROS 2012 (gokhan ince )

Subject: Proposal of Organized Session on Robot Audition at IROS 2012
From:    gokhan ince  <gokhanince@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 14 Feb 2012 19:06:49 -0800

---1666981640-2101618254-1329275209=:99220 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Dear Colleagues,=0A=0APlease accept our apology if you receive multiple cop= ies of this announcement.=0A=0AWe plan to have the 9th organized session on= robot audition at the International Conference=0Aon Intelligent Robots and= Systems (IROS 2012) in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal=0A(Oct. 7-12). =0A=0AT= he organized session (formerly known as organized symposium) on robot audit= ion=0Aincludes the following topics to achieve robot audition:=0A=0A=C2=A0*= sound source localization=0A=C2=A0* sound source tracking=0A=C2=A0* sound = source separation=0A=C2=A0* automatic speech recognition=0A=C2=A0* pitch ex= traction=0A=C2=A0* noise reduction=0A=C2=A0* dereverberation=0A=C2=A0* musi= c recognition=0A=C2=A0* music robot=0A=C2=A0* music interaction with robot= =0A=C2=A0* sound classification & identification=0A=C2=A0* dialog control a= nd systems=0A=C2=A0* language acquisition=0A=C2=A0* speech understanding=0A= =C2=A0* computational auditory scene analysis=0A=C2=A0* multi-modal integra= tion=0A=C2=A0* system integration=0A=C2=A0* active audition=0A=C2=A0* micro= phone array processing=0A=C2=A0* sound map generation/sound-based SLAM=0A= =C2=A0* sound/speech-based human-robot interaction=0A=C2=A0* software envir= onment for robot audition=0A=C2=A0* sound visualization=0A=C2=A0* embedded = hardware system=0A=C2=A0* any other audio related topics=0A=0ASo far, the o= rganized sessions have provided an excellent opportunity=0Afor fruitful dis= cussions on the latest auditory/sound/speech processing for=0Arobots. We be= lieve that the organized session also =0Astimulates this research area and = contributes to robotics.=0A=0AIf you are interested in presenting your pape= r in this organized=0Asession, please send the following information (you c= an change the=0Ainformation on your paper submission.) by Feb 28, 2012 to= (_at_ should be replaced with @xxxxxxxx).=0A=0A= =C2=A0* paper title(s) =0A=C2=A0* author(s) and affiliation(s)=0A( + paper = ID (if you have already submitted a paper))=0A=0AAfter our proposal for thi= s organized session is accepted, we will send=0Ainstructions for submission= . Then, you can submit your paper to the=0Aorganized paper submission area = via Paperplaza by Mar 10, 2012. The=0Areview process and schedule will be t= he same as those of regular=0Apapers.=0A=0AFor general information on organ= ized sessions at IROS 2012, please=0Acheck the link below=0Ahttp://www.iros= each session should consist of 6 papers, we may propose= =0Amultiple symposia to cover all accepted papers.=0A=0A=0ASincerely yours,= =0A=0A=C2=A0Gokhan Ince=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0 (Honda Research Institute Japan Co.,= Ltd., Japan)=0A=C2=A0Kazuhiro Nakadai=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0 (Honda Research Insti= tute Japan Co., Ltd./Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)=0A=C2=A0Hiroshi = G. Okuno=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0 (Kyoto University, Japan)=0A=C2=A0Patrick Danes=0A= =C2=A0=C2=A0 (LAAS-CNRS & Universite de Toulouse, France)=0A=C2=A0Eric Mart= inson=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0 (US Naval Research Laboratory, USA)=0A=C2=A0Naoto Iwah= ashi=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0 (National Institute of Information and Communications T= echnology, Japan)=0A=0A----=0AGokhan Ince, Ph.D.=0A=C2=A0HONDA Research Ins= titute Japan Co., Ltd.=0A=C2=A08-1 Honcho, Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-0114, JAP= AN=0A=C2=A0TEL: +81-48-462-2121 ext.7171=C2=A0 FAX: +81-48-462-5221 ---1666981640-2101618254-1329275209=:99220 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:ti= mes new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Dear Colleagues,= <br><br>Please accept our apology if you receive multiple copies of this an= nouncement.<br><br>We plan to have the 9th organized session on robot audit= ion at the International Conference<br>on Intelligent Robots and Systems (I= ROS 2012) in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal<br>(Oct. 7-12). <br><br>The organ= ized session (formerly known as organized symposium) on robot audition<br>i= ncludes the following topics to achieve robot audition:<br><br>&nbsp;* soun= d source localization<br>&nbsp;* sound source tracking<br>&nbsp;* sound sou= rce separation<br>&nbsp;* automatic speech recognition<br>&nbsp;* pitch ext= raction<br>&nbsp;* noise reduction<br>&nbsp;* dereverberation<br>&nbsp;* mu= sic recognition<br>&nbsp;* music robot<br>&nbsp;* music interaction with ro= bot<br>&nbsp;* sound classification &amp; identification<br>&nbsp;* dialog control and systems<br>&nbsp;* language acquisition<br>&nbsp;* spee= ch understanding<br>&nbsp;* computational auditory scene analysis<br>&nbsp;= * multi-modal integration<br>&nbsp;* system integration<br>&nbsp;* active a= udition<br>&nbsp;* microphone array processing<br>&nbsp;* sound map generat= ion/sound-based SLAM<br>&nbsp;* sound/speech-based human-robot interaction<= br>&nbsp;* software environment for robot audition<br>&nbsp;* sound visuali= zation<br>&nbsp;* embedded hardware system<br>&nbsp;* any other audio relat= ed topics<br><br>So far, the organized sessions have provided an excellent = opportunity<br>for fruitful discussions on the latest auditory/sound/speech= processing for<br>robots. We believe that the organized session also <br>s= timulates this research area and contributes to robotics.<br><br>If you are= interested in presenting your paper in this organized<br>session, please s= end the following information (you can change the<br>information on your paper submission.) by Feb 28, 2012 to<br> om (_at_ should be replaced with @xxxxxxxx).<br><br>&nbsp;* paper title(s) <br>&nbs= p;* author(s) and affiliation(s)<br>( + paper ID (if you have already submi= tted a paper))<br><br>After our proposal for this organized session is acce= pted, we will send<br>instructions for submission. Then, you can submit you= r paper to the<br>organized paper submission area via Paperplaza by Mar 10,= 2012. The<br>review process and schedule will be the same as those of regu= lar<br>papers.<br><br>For general information on organized sessions at IROS= 2012, please<br>check the link below<br><br>Becaus= e each session should consist of 6 papers, we may propose<br>multiple sympo= sia to cover all accepted papers.<br><br><br>Sincerely yours,<br><br>&nbsp;= Gokhan Ince<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd., Japa= n)<br>&nbsp;Kazuhiro Nakadai<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd./Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)<br>&nbsp;H= iroshi G. Okuno<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (Kyoto University, Japan)<br>&nbsp;Patrick = Danes<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (LAAS-CNRS &amp; Universite de Toulouse, France)<br>&= nbsp;Eric Martinson<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (US Naval Research Laboratory, USA)<br>= &nbsp;Naoto Iwahashi<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; (National Institute of Information and= Communications Technology, Japan)<br><br>----<br>Gokhan Ince, Ph.D.<br>&nb= sp;HONDA Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd.<br>&nbsp;8-1 Honcho, Wako-shi, = Saitama, 351-0114, JAPAN<br>&nbsp;TEL: +81-48-462-2121 ext.7171&nbsp; FAX: = +81-48-462-5221<br><br><br><br></div></div></body></html> ---1666981640-2101618254-1329275209=:99220--

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