DAFx 2012 - Software Development for Audio and Music Researchers Tutorial (Luis Figueira )

Subject: DAFx 2012 - Software Development for Audio and Music Researchers Tutorial
From:    Luis Figueira  <luis.figueira@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 19 Oct 2012 17:51:45 +0100

Dear AUDITORY list members, we'd like to let you know that the handouts, slides and other materials from our Software Development for Audio and Music Researchers tutorial at this year's edition of DAFx can now be found at: http://soundsoftware.ac.uk/videos#dafx12-slides and http://soundsoftware.ac.uk/handouts-guides There is also some material from other workshops (and more to be added soon). Hope this is of interest. Kind regards, Luis Figueira SoundSoftware.ac.uk

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