looking for used sound booth (Christel de Bruijn )

Subject: looking for used sound booth
From:    Christel de Bruijn  <christel.debruijn@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 5 Sep 2012 07:15:39 -0400

Dear List, We are looking to purchase a used sound booth to run experiments on speech/ voice production and perception. If anyone in the UK, Republic of Ireland, or mainland Europe (within reasonable distance) is looking to discard or sell one (or knows of someone who is), please do contact me (christel.debruijn@xxxxxxxx). Failing any option to buy a used one, we may have to look at buying new, but this very much depends on price. I would be very grateful for any advice from this list about which companies to approach in this region. Please also feel free to forward this message to anyone off-list who might be of help. Many thanks, Christel Christel de Bruijn, PhD Senior Lecturer in Phonetics and Clinical Linguistics Department of Speech and Language Therapy Birmingham City University (City South Campus) Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3TN, UK phone : (+)44 (0)121 202 4218

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