Submission Deadline June 15: Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (Mark A Hasegawa-Johnson )

Subject: Submission Deadline June 15: Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing
From:    Mark A Hasegawa-Johnson  <jhasegaw@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 5 Jun 2012 20:04:20 -0400

Papers are invited for the second annual Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing, to be held Friday September 14, 2012 at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower in Portland, Oregon, USA. Authors are invited to submit a four-page paper on any topic in the area of Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing including: • Learned Representations and Learned Metrics for Speech and Language Processing • Sparse Representations for Speech and Language Processing • Constrained and Regularized Optimization Methods for Speech and Language Processing • Novel Optimality Criteria for Speech and Language Processing Applications • Active Learning, Crowd-Sourcing, and Artificial Artificial Intelligence • Semi-Supervised Learning, Transfer Learning, and Indirect Supervision • Generalization Bounds and Consistency Proofs for Speech and Language Processing Dates June 15, 2012 – Full paper submission deadline July 10, 2012 – Acceptance letters mailed August 15, 2012 – Early registration deadline September 14, 2012 – Symposium Submission Information Papers should be submitted in four-page, two-column professional conference format. Submissions will be accepted at the conference website,, beginning April 16, 2012. Sponsoring Organizations MLSLP’12 is the second annual meeting of the Machine Learning Special Interest Group (SIGML) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). • Scientific Chair: Joseph Keshet, TTI-Chicago • Speech Processing Chair: Karen Livescu, TTI-Chicago • Natural Language Processing Chair: David Chiang, USC and ISI • Machine Learning Chair: Fei Sha, USC • Local Organization: Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, UIUC

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