Re: graphing software? (UNCLASSIFIED) ("Ewan A. Macpherson" )

Subject: Re: graphing software? (UNCLASSIFIED)
From:    "Ewan A. Macpherson"  <ewan.macpherson@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 19 Apr 2012 14:32:16 -0400

This would be straightforward to do in Matlab or Octave. Here's some sample code: % data az = [ -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180]; az_err = [ 15 20 15 5 15 20 15 10]; el_err = [ 15 15 15 5 15 15 15 15]; % setup axes axis square set(gca,'xlim',[-100 100],'ylim',[-100 100]) hold on % draw circle r = 360/(2*pi); x = r * cos( pi * (0:360)/180); y = r * sin( pi * (0:360)/180); plot(x,y); % draw ellipses for i = 1:length(az) x_cent = r * cos( pi * (az(i)+90)/180); y_cent = r * sin( pi * (az(i)+90)/180); x = x_cent + az_err(i) * cos( (0:360) * pi/180); y = y_cent + el_err(i) * sin( (0:360) * pi/180); plot(x,y,'r') end Scharine, Angelique A CIV USARMY ARL (US) wrote, On 4/19/2012 1:58 PM: > Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE > > In this case a picture would be worth a thousand words - but I'll try > to express this briefly. > > I would like to find a program that would allow me to create a graph > of auditory localization error by plotting statistics representing > azimuth and elevation error as an ellipse. The diagram would then be > a circle representing a horizontal plane and error would be > represented by the ellipses centered on the point on the circle > representing that particular angle. Does this make sense? Does anyone > know of such a program? > > I am a bit insane and obsessive and have figured out how to do this > by hand using Photoshop, but it is time intensive. The results are > gorgeous, but given the number of conditions for which I want to > create graphs, it is impractical. Help? A. -- Ewan A. Macpherson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Communication Sciences & Disorders and National Centre for Audiology University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario 519-661-2111 Ext 88072

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