Job opening: physical acoustics (Linda Seltzer )

Subject: Job opening: physical acoustics
From:    Linda Seltzer  <lseltzer@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sat, 24 Mar 2012 14:16:48 -0700

Our business unit has a job opening in physical acoustics and finite element modeling and simulation. The position requires significant simulation software expertise in addition to the math and physics. This position is in acoustics and not in signal processing. A few mechanical engineering Ph.D.s have been interviewed but could not a get a visa. The candidate must be willing and able to reside in the Seattle metropolitan area. This is a permanent full time position in a product-oriented business unit. Candidates completing a graduate degree or a post-doc this spring are welcome as well as experienced engineers. Kindly write to me for further information. Linda Seltzer Consultant, Microsoft

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University