Subject: Re: calibration of insert earphones From: Pierre Divenyi <pdivenyi@xxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 14:34:34 -0500 List-Archive:<>Long time ago when we used the Etimotic insert earphones, we did what Eric does: build a 2cc coupler and follow the B&K procedures. On 12/4/11 3:34 PM, "Eric Benjamin" <ebenj@xxxxxxxx> wrote: >I use a 4157 for the task of measuring insert earphones, but that's >because I >got a really good price on it. I falls into the category of "If you have >to ask >..." > >I've observed that the measured sensitivity of insert earphones depends >on how >far you shove them in, which stands to reason. As such, if you just want >to >measure the sensitivity of different devices it may depend as much on >your >consistency as it does on the gadget to you use to make the measurements. > I >have built a 2cc coupler that suffices for measuring sensitivity. If you >would >like to correspond about that, contact me off-list. > >Eric Benjamin. > > > > >----- Original Message ---- >From: Bruno L. Giordano <bruno.giordano@xxxxxxxx> >To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx >Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 12:19:16 PM >Subject: calibration of insert earphones > >Hello, > >I am researching the equipment necessary to properly measure the level of >signals reproduced through insert earphones. > >I suspect the best way is to use one of these babies: > > >rtificialearsandearsimulators.aspx > > >Can anyone please give me a rough estimate of the cost of a B&K >artificial ear? > >Are there cheaper ways to measure earphone levels that don't contemplate >buying >equipment delivered with a mahogany case (e.g., building a home-made >coupler for >the level meter)?!? For my applications a level-measurement error of, >say, ± 3 >dB might be acceptable. > >Cheers, > > Bruno > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Bruno L. Giordano, PhD >Erasmus Mundus - ACN postdoc @xxxxxxxx >Voice Neurocognition Laboratory (CCNi, Glasgow Univ) & >Affiliate member of Music Research Dept. (McGill Univ, Montréal) >URL: > >