Re: calibration of insert earphones (Eric Benjamin )

Subject: Re: calibration of insert earphones
From:    Eric Benjamin  <ebenj@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sun, 4 Dec 2011 12:34:33 -0800

I use a 4157 for the task of measuring insert earphones, but that's because I got a really good price on it.  I falls into the category of "If you have to ask ..." I've observed that the measured sensitivity of insert earphones depends on how far you shove them in, which stands to reason.  As such, if you just want to measure the sensitivity of different devices it may depend as much on your consistency as it does on the gadget to you use to make the measurements.  I have built a 2cc coupler that suffices for measuring sensitivity.  If you would like to correspond about that, contact me off-list. Eric Benjamin.    ----- Original Message ---- From: Bruno L. Giordano <bruno.giordano@xxxxxxxx> To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx Sent: Sun, December 4, 2011 12:19:16 PM Subject: calibration of insert earphones Hello, I am researching the equipment necessary to properly measure the level of signals reproduced through insert earphones. I suspect the best way is to use one of these babies: Can anyone please give me a rough estimate of the cost of a B&K artificial ear? Are there cheaper ways to measure earphone levels that don't contemplate buying equipment delivered with a mahogany case (e.g., building a home-made coupler for the level meter)?!? For my applications a level-measurement error of, say, ± 3 dB might be acceptable. Cheers,     Bruno ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruno L. Giordano, PhD Erasmus Mundus - ACN postdoc @xxxxxxxx Voice Neurocognition Laboratory (CCNi, Glasgow Univ) & Affiliate member of Music Research Dept. (McGill Univ, Montréal) URL:

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