2nd Call for Contributions: CMMR 2012 London (19-22 June) - "Music and Emotions" (Mathieu Barthet )

Subject: 2nd Call for Contributions: CMMR 2012 London (19-22 June) - "Music and Emotions"
From:    Mathieu Barthet  <barthet@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 2 Dec 2011 17:09:49 +0100

-------------------------------------- Apologies for potential cross-postings -------------------------------------- ** 2nd Call for Contributions: CMMR 2012 ** ** Deadline for Papers, Demonstrations, Panels, Tutorials: 18th January 2012 ** ** Deadline for Music: 10th February 2012 ** 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR) "Music and Emotions" 19-22 June 2012 Queen Mary University of London Conference website: http://www.cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/ CMMR 2012 Easy Chair portal: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cmmr2012 Twitter: @xxxxxxxx Dear all, The 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR 2012) will take place at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) on 19-22 June 2012. It is jointly organised by the Centre for Digital Music (QMUL) and the CNRS - Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique (France). CMMR is an interdisciplinary conference involving fields such as computer science, engineering, information retrieval, human computer interaction, digital libraries, hypermedia, artificial intelligence, acoustics, audio and music signal processing, musicology, music perception and cognition, neuroscience, as well as music composition and performance. + Papers: Short papers (max. 8 pages in the Springer Verlag LNCS single column format) should present and discuss a work-in-progress. Long papers (9-16 pages in the Springer Verlag LNCS single column format) should present a substantial contribution to the field. More information at: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/call-for-papers + Demonstrations: Demonstrations (proposal: max. 4 pages in the Springer Verlag LNCS single column format) should present innovative working systems which, if applicable, can be tested by users. More information at: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/call-for-demos + Panels: Panels (proposal: max. 4 pages in the Springer Verlag LNCS single column format) should focus either on the theme of the conference ("Music and Emotions"), emerging musical technologies, or unsolved problems in music informatics. More information at: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/call-for-panels + Tutorials: Tutorials (proposal: max. 4 pages the Springer Verlag LNCS single column format) are a great way to share some expertise and experience on a specific topic appealing to the conference audience. More information at: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/call-for-tutorials + Music: Submissions of music from any musical style or genre are warmly welcomed in the areas specified in the call for music. Two music concerts will be collocated with CMMR 2012 at Wilton's Music Hall in London, the "world's oldest, surviving Grand Music Hall". More information at: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/call-for-music and: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/musicvenue + Submission: Please make your submissions following the instructions on the conference website: http://cmmr2012.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/author-instructions and by using the CMMR 2012 Easy Chair portal: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cmmr2012 + Topics: Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics: * Music and emotions (e.g. analysis, retrieval, synthesis, composition, performance, music for images) * Computational musicology * Auditory perception and cognition * Virtual reality, augmented reality and human-computer interaction related to music * Digital music libraries * User studies (e.g. ethnography, usability of music software) * New methods for music representation and visualization * Retrieval and music recommendation tools * Intelligent music tutoring systems * Music games and interactive learning * Music production and composition tools * Augmented musical instruments * Fashion and music technology * Structuring of audio data * Cooperative music networks * Analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and modeling of sound and music * Music and sound data mining * Sound synthesis * Optical music recognition * Semantic web music technologies * Sound source separation * Music structure analysis * Music transcription * Artificial intelligence and cognitive science for sound and music + Important Dates: Submission deadline (papers, demos, panels, tutorials): 18th January 2012 Submission deadline (music): 10th February 2012 Notification of acceptance: 20th March 2012 Camera-ready copy deadline (papers): 19th April 2012 Concert dates: 20th and 22nd June 2012 Conference dates: 19-22 June 2012 We are looking forward to your contributions! Thanks for forwarding this call to interested parties. + Symposium General Chairs: Mathieu Barthet, Queen Mary University of London, UK Simon Dixon, Queen Mary University of London, UK + Paper and Program Chairs: Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS-LMA, France Mitsuko Aramaki, CNRS-LMA, France Solvi Ystad, CNRS-LMA, France Panos Kudumakis, Queen Mary University of London, UK + Demonstrations, Panels & Tutorials Chairs: Daniele Barchiesi, Queen Mary University of London, UK Steven Hargreaves, Queen Mary University of London, UK + Music Chairs: Andrew McPherson, Queen Mary University of London, UK Elaine Chew, Queen Mary University of London, UK + Organizing Committee: Daniele Barchiesi, Queen Mary University of London, UK Emmanouil Benetos, Queen Mary University of London, UK Luis Figueira, Queen Mary University of London, UK Steven Hargreaves, Queen Mary University of London, UK Sefki Kolozali, Queen Mary University of London, UK Asma Rafiq, Queen Mary University of London, UK Sue White, Queen Mary University of London, UK + Program Committee (confirmed): Mitsuko Aramaki, CNRS-LMA, France Federico Avanzini, University of Padova, Italy Isabel Barbancho, University of Málaga, Spain Mathieu Barthet, Queen Mary University of London, UK Roberto Bresin, KTH, Sweden Antonio Camurri, University of Genova, Italy Olivier Derrien, Toulon-Var University, France Simon Dixon, Queen Mary University of London, UK Barry Eaglestone, University of Sheffield, UK Cédric Févotte, CNRS-TELECOM ParisTech, France Bruno Giordano, McGill University, Canada Emilia Gómez, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain Brian Gygi, East Bay Institute for Research and Education, USA Goffredo Haus, Laboratory for Computer Applications in Music, Italy Henkjan Honing, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Kristoffer Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark Anssi Klapuri, Queen Mary University of London, UK Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS-LMA, France Panos Kudumakis, Queen Mary University of London, UK Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, King's College London, UK Sylvain Marchand, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France Eduardo Miranda, University of Plymouth, UK Emery Schubert, University of New South Wales, Australia Bob Sturm, Aalborg University, Denmark George Tzanetakis, University of Victoria, Canada Geraint A. Wiggins, Queen Mary University of London, UK Sřlvi Ystad, CNRS-LMA, France ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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