Subject: INSPIRE: 13 PhD and 3 postdoc positions in speech research From: Tuomas Virtanen <tuomas.virtanen@xxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 14:38:58 +0200 List-Archive:<>Starting January 2012, a new FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network Investigating Speech Processing In Realistic Environments (INSPIRE) will provide research opportunities for 13 PhD students (Early Stage Researchers) and 3 postdocs (Experienced Researchers) to study speech communication in real-world conditions. The network consists of 10 European research institutes and 7 associated partners (5 businesses and 2 academic hospitals). The senior researchers in the network are academics in computer science, engineering, psychology, linguistics, hearing science, as well as R&D scientists from leading businesses in acoustics and hearing in struments, and ENT specialists. The aim of INSPIRE is to support and train young researchers and equip them with the core professional and inter-disciplinary scientific skills needed for careers in research. The scientific goal of INSPIRE is to better understand how people recognise speech in real life under a wide range of conditions that are "non-optimal" relative to the controlled conditions in laboratory experiments, e.g., speech in noise, speech recognition under divided attention. Rather than focusing on the effects of individual "adverse" conditions, as is customary in traditional research, INSPIRE aims to investigate how the combination of such conditions affects the speech processing system and how it conspires to create serious communication problems, especially for older and hearing-impaired persons. Further details The INSPIRE network, eligibility criteria, and job descriptions are available on Expressions of interest Eligible candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the prospective supervisors of the project(s) in which they are interested as soon as possible. We particular ly welcome female applicants, and are committed to gender equality. Instructions about how to apply for each individual project will be published on as soon as the project has formally started (i.e. after 1 Jan 2012). -- Tuomas Virtanen Tampere University of Technology tuomas.virtanen@xxxxxxxx +358-401981308