looking for figure (Josh McDermott )

Subject: looking for figure
From:    Josh McDermott  <jhm@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 9 Nov 2011 22:45:59 -0500

Hi everyone, I am trying to find a diagram of auditory system anatomy, to reprint (with permission) in a book chapter. I want a figure like this: http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~jhm/auditory_system.jpg that shows the key regions in their approximately correct locations in a single cross-section, so that the locations relative to the rest of the brain are apparent. I would need a higher resolution version of the figure, which I found on this web page: http://www.ssc.education.ed.ac.uk/courses/deaf/dnov10i.html I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to contact the administrator of the web page. If anyone knows the origins of this figure, or can point me to something similar, I would be grateful. The diagrams I have found in most textbooks are not quite what I am looking for, in that they typically do not show the anatomy in a single intact coronal brain cross-section, and I haven't turned up anything else that meets my needs by searching the web. thanks Josh

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