Nov 8th, Audio Engineering Society UK presents Cutting Edge Research from Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London (Josh Reiss )

Subject: Nov 8th, Audio Engineering Society UK presents Cutting Edge Research from Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
From:    Josh Reiss  <josh.reiss@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 2 Nov 2011 11:02:03 +0000

This may be of interest for those of you in the UK... apologies if you receive multiple copies Title: Cutting Edge Research - from the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London Date: Tuesday 8th November 2011 Start Time: 18:30 (refreshments) for 19:00 (presentations begin) Location: 2 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AF, next door to the Royal Academy of Engineering, London Description: An introduction to our research will be given by the head of the Centre for Digital Music, Prof. Mark Plumbley, and the head of Audio Engineering research, Dr. Josh Reiss. This will be followed by demonstrations and posters from our researchers. Abstract: The Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London is a world-leading multidisciplinary research group in the field of Music & Audio Technology. Since its founding members joined Queen Mary in 2001, the Centre has grown to become arguably the UK's leading Digital Music research group. With its broad range of skills and a strong focus on making innovation usable, the Centre for Digital Music is ideally placed to work with industry leaders in forging new business models for the music industry. C4DM has over 50 full-time members, including academic staff, research staff, research students and visitors. While the Centre for Digital Music has an underpinning in digital signal processing and computer science, it includes academic and research staff with a much wider range of skills. Many of the academic and research staff and students are themselves active musicians, and are connected into several different aspects of the music community. It is also experiencing rapid growth, and has recently hired four more permanent, research-active academic staff; two lecturers and two professors. Our projects span many different disciplines, including Music Informatics, Machine Listening, Interactional Sound and Audio Engineering. We emphasize adventurous and trans-disciplinary research, pushing the boundaries of DSP, computer science, philosophy and psychology. We investigate topics such as music information retrieval, music scene analysis, semantic audio processing, object-based audio coding, human machine interaction and digital performance. Most of our research targets real users, seeking to build new algorithms into usable and useful software, realizing both that with public funding we have a duty to take research results to the wider public, and also that their engagement with us helps to take our research in new directions. At this Cutting Edge Research evening, we will showcase our research with a collection of posters and demonstrations covering such diverse topics as Music 2.0: semantic web applications, audio source separation, music information retrieval, intelligent systems for sound engineering, automatic mixing, microphone artefact removal, audio score alignment, polyphonic music transcription and many more. For additional information please visit:

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