Call for papers: ISMIR 2011 in Miami, Florida, October 24-28, 2011 (Anssi Klapuri )

Subject: Call for papers: ISMIR 2011 in Miami, Florida, October 24-28, 2011
From:    Anssi Klapuri  <klap@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 3 Feb 2011 14:18:48 +0200

Colleagues: Please join us in Miami for ISMIR 2011 on Miami Beach! Call for Participation Music, Anytime, Anywhere The 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference will take place in Miami, Florida (USA) October 24-28, 2011. ISMIR 2011 celebrates the ubiquity of music, as well as the diversity of research - both basic and applied - that seeks to enhance the ways in which we interact with the music around us. ISMIR is a unique place for discussing ideas, results, and issues with the representatives of academia, industry, entertainment, and education, including researchers and developers, educators and librarians, and students and professional users. Like previous conferences, ISMIR 2011 will feature both introductory and in-depth tutorials, as well as presentations of research papers, demonstrations, and several concerts. To foster the high quality and openness of ISMIR, all regular papers will be selected through a double-blind review process, including a rebuttal phase. New this year, ISMIR 2011 is soliciting submissions of music compositions that rely on tools and research germane to the MIR community. Accepted works will be presented at a special concert during the conference. We encourage submissions of novel and previously unpublished contributions in areas including, but not limited to, the following: -content-based querying and retrieval -database systems, indexing, and query -fingerprinting and digital rights management -music transcription and annotation -music signal processing -score following and audio alignment -optical music recognition -melody and motives -rhythm, beat, tempo, and form -harmony, chords, and tonality -timbre, instrumentation and voice -performance analysis -modification and transformation of music data -computational musicology -music perception and cognition -emotion and aesthetics applications of MIR to the performing arts and multimedia -automatic classification -genre, style, and mood analysis -similarity metrics -music summarization -user interfaces and user models -music recommendation and playlist generation -text and web mining -knowledge representation, social tags, and metadata -libraries, archives and digital collections -evaluation and annotation issues -methodological and philosophical issues -social, legal, ethical, and business issues -applications to non-Western music In addition to research papers, we also solicit music submissions, late-breaking/demo submissions, tutorial proposals, and exhibits. More details on each category are provided below. Important Dates March 31 Submission of tutorial proposals May 6 Submission of papers May 6 Submission of music July 15 Notification of paper/music acceptance August 5 Camera-ready paper submission August 31 Submission of abstracts for late-breaking/demo sessions October 24-28 ISMIR 2011 Paper Submissions All papers will be peer-reviewed according to their novelty, technical content, presentation, and contribution to the overall balance of topics and disciplines represented at ISMIR 2011. Paper submissions should satisfy the following conditions: Formatting must comply to the guidelines and templates that will be available at Submitted papers must be no more than 6 pages long. Submission must consist of original contributions (not previously published and not currently being considered for publication elsewhere). There is no limitation on the number of submissions per author. Accepted papers will be designated either as poster-only presentations, or as oral talks without poster presentations. The rebuttal phase will take place during June 24th-July 1st. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the ISMIR 2011 conference prior to the submission of the camera-ready version. Uniform Paper Status Note that although authors can indicate preference for oral or poster presentation upon submission, final scheduling to an oral or poster session remains at the discretion of the organizing committee. The presentation format has no relation to the reviewer judgment of paper quality and will be determined after the acceptance judgement. Awards Three awards will be given as part of ISMIR 2011: the best paper award, the best student paper award, and the best presentation award. The presentation award will have two subcategories, oral and poster, which will be selected by votes collected during the conference. Music Submissions We are pleased to offer a special category of submissions this year to ISMIR involving music compositions that rely on tools and research germane to the MIR community. We encourage submissions of new music made possible through techniques from the music information retrieval community and/or sonification of large data sets. Music submissions are treated like paper submissions and should be entered using the link provided at Note that all submissions are blind in nature; please remove all identifying information from audio files, scores, and abstracts. Please select the "Music" category when submitting for programming consideration during these special concerts. Music submissions should include a maximum two- page description of the work submitted, including a 150-200 word abstract as well as a PDF file containing the score (if applicable). Links to online audio excerpts or other multimedia material and detailing any special requirements for the presentation should be specified on the web submission form. Acceptance is based on the recommendation of the music selection committee, the work’s relevance to MIR, availability of performers (if applicable), and production quality (if applicable). If your submitted work involves live performer(s), please indicate your ability to provide them for performance at the concert. Tutorial proposals The first day of the conference (October 24) will consist of parallel sessions of half-day tutorials each concentrating on a single topic and lasting about 3 hours, including a break. The tutorials are presented either at an introductory level or in depth and are intended to provide an informative and stimulating coverage of current topics in MIR and beyond. Tutorial proposals should consist of a 1-4 page abstract including the following: -Title -Outline of the tutorial content -Intended and expected audience -Short biography of the presenter(s) -Any special requirements -Contact information The proposals should be submitted as a PDF attachment via email to ismir2011-tutorials@xxxxxxxx by March 31, 2011. Acceptance/rejection decisions will be made by the ISMIR 2011 Conference Committee and will be notified by April 30. The decision will depend on criteria including relevance, suitability, originality, and expertise of the presenter(s). Late-Breaking and Demo Submissions A special session during ISMIR 2011 will be dedicated to the presentation of late-breaking research results and demonstration of applications that are of interest to the MIR community. These late- breaking / demo submissions will not be reviewed and will not have an associated paper in the conference proceedings. Submissions should be e-mailed by August 31 to ismir2011-demos@xxxxxxxx as a pdf file containing the title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and a 200-300 word abstract outlining the work to be presented. Abstracts will be published online. Should there be more submissions than allowed by the available presentation space, presentations that contribute to a balanced session will be given priority. Exhibits and Bookstore Throughout ISMIR 2011, space will be available for publishers, software companies, booksellers, service providers, system vendors, and any other businesses interested in exhibiting their MIR-related products. Please contact ismir2011-exhibits@xxxxxxxx by August 31 for more information. We look forward to seeing you in Miami! --- General Chair Mitsunori Ogihara (University of Miami) Program Chairs Anssi Klapuri (Queen Mary University of London) Colby Leider (University of Miami) The 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

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