Re: Audio Glitch in Matlab (Joachim Thiemann )

Subject: Re: Audio Glitch in Matlab
From:    Joachim Thiemann  <joachim.thiemann@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 17 Oct 2011 11:28:33 -0400

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 09:57, Patrick Zurek <pat@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm writing to notify list readers of a problem playing audio using Matlab. I don't know if the bug you're referring to is Windows-specific; but the "sound" command on Linux used to have ... issues. (possibly related to the JVM and the OSS/ALSA/whatever is used now transition) I wrote a small almost trivial workaround (see that would simply write the sound to disk then play it from there: function [ ] = usound( w, fs ) %USOUND Plays sound on ALSA-based linux machines or macs if nargin < 2 fs = 16000; end filename = ['/tmp/' getenv('USER') '_matplay.wav']; wavwrite( w, fs, filename ); if ismac eval(['!afplay ' filename ' &']); else eval(['!aplay ' filename ' &']); end On a modern machine, the overhead is not perceptible: /tmp should be in RAM anyways. Note this also doesn't block, so you can continue working while the sound is playing (IIRC - this code is a bit old :-) Joe. -- Joachim Thiemann ::

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